Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Hoedown

Tuckahoe Elementary

21 of RVA’s finest came out for good weather, a workout, and chance to steal a Ghost Flag. Mosey up to the sea of blacktop for COP: Don Quixote (slow style for Saab) Helicopters SSH (43) Russian Soliders HRM (which turned to regular Merkins upon YHC ingesting a pollen cloud ) Up to the field for Dora 1-2-3: 100 Copperhead Squats 200 Box Cutters 300 Scissors (2-ct) Partner runs across the field and back Elbow Plank Down the road to the bottom of Lindsay for Lindsays: 30 2-ct Mountain Climbers bear crawl 5 paces 10 Scorpions bear crawl 5 paces…

10 strong attended a “No Cones, No Coupons, No any kind of Props” Kubota Q in the gloom this morning.  This is what transpired: Mosey around bus loop to see if there were any LIFO’s (Mr. Holland) COP (IC) Big Arm Circles (forward) x 10 Big Arm Circles (backward) x 10 Helicopters x 15 Don Quixote’s x 10 SSH x 20 Imperial Walkers x 10 Hand Release Merkins x 15 WWII Sit-ups x 15 Short Mosey over to school steps for: Lindsey’s (40’s) 30 Box Jumps on steps/10 Merkins, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30 Mosey over to and down…

A lucky 13 descended upon Tuckahoe Elementary expecting Lockjaw, but finding a rusty Saab in his place.  This is what transpired, more or less… COP:  Windmills, DQ’s (varying speeds), HRM’s, and LBC’s Tuckahoe field:  DK’s, bear crawl, merkins, run across field, WWIIs, then return running backwards.  Start with 10 count, 20, then 30 for each. Dora Countdowns:  300 Flutter Kicks, 200 LBCs, 100 Burpees.  Partner runs across parking lot and up embankment. Mary:  Rosalitas, Dollys, Heels to Heaven 11’s (between light poles):  Jump Squats and HRMs Moleskin: YHC was a substitute Q for Lockjaw after he suffered a hand injury over the weekend…

12 Strong resisted the fartsack following a successful CSAUP weekend.  Here’s what ensued: COP Side Straddle Hop X 20 DonQ X 10 Merkins X 10 LBC’s X15 Flutter Kicks X15 Copper head squats X 10 RUN around and the neighborhood Then, Mosey to Bottom of Lindsay: (Partner UP) -100 Merkins, sets of 10, P2 planks while P1 exercises -100 LBC’s, sets of 25, P2 holds legs 6 inches while P1 exercises -100 Jump Squats – Sets of 25 while P2 holds squat lunge position. MAIN EVENT:  Bear Crawl .23 miles up Lindsay (stop every 20 paces for 5 Merkins) Mosey to Horseshoe…

A PAX eclipsing 40 ditched all common sense for about 18 hours to receive a plentiful helping of each of the three Fs.  This was the F3RVA Century Classic. YHC has conversed with a number of individual PAX members about their experience, taking notes during the event and thinking about how to transcribe all of these memories into a backblast.  There is no way YHC could do the stories justice by attempting to capture them for the collective PAX.  Then, after chatting with Lockjaw and the (sober) Ronnie, it became clear.  Treat the backblast as a living backblast.  YHC will…

13 strong came out for Hoedown before the rain came in.  Here is what went down: COP – Invisible Jump rope, Don Qs, Merkins, Reverse Crunches, Scorpion Kicks Mosey to back field for Triple check – modified to Dora:  100 Burp ups, 200 Jump Squats, 300 LBCs.  Flutterkicks and run other variations. Head to blacktop for real Triple Check – Plerkins, Elbow Plank, & Run length of courts.  Back to flag for some mary:  Hells2Heaven, 1 legged APDs, American Hammers, & Windshield wipers. Announcements – CSAUP this weekend, Puppy pile next weekend? NMS – YHC thought we had the perfect 12…

Eleven Hoes came out for a special Spring Break edition of Hoedown.  The story began as follows. Mosey up to the blacktop for COP: Russian Soldiers Helicopters Don Quixote SSSH Head up to the field for the Beast: WWII Merkins Box Cutters Scorpions One Legged APD Dive Bombers Over to the parking lot with 12 spaces for 11s.  Each parking spot represents one progression of 11s with Al Gore in the 12th.  Exercises were Copperhead Squats and 4-Count Mountain Climbers. Make our way to the grassy infield of the horseshoe and partner up.  Each partner does 25 PLT and then…

Ten stallions mounted up for the latest version of The Hoedown.  The school security cameras recorded the following tale: The Thang: Mosey to the front of the school for the COP. Arm circles x10 small, then reverso Helicopters x10 Arm circles x10 big, x5 reverso LBC’s x25 Flutter kicks x25 T-Release Mercans x10 Mosey to the Clothes Drop Off Canister Partner up Round 1: First man bear crawls across parking lot, 5 mercans at the curb Second man performs Bernie Sanders on the blacktop hill Round 2: First man duck walks across parking lot, 5 Carolina dry docks at the…

Nine steely eyed quants convened in the cool air this morning for a big data birthday celebration of sorts.  Mosey over to the church parking lot for a quick disclaimer and then COP.  We never left. COP SSH – x50 Helicopters – x13 Russian Soldiers – x13 Knee Pulls – x13 LBCx – x50 The Thang Prisoner cell workout.  Everyone grab a parking spot and don’t leave until we complete 1000 exercises.  25 of each of the following exercises, some were in cadence, some OYO.  Repeat the entire sequence for a total of 2 times through. 1-100 and 501-600 Star…

Twelve intrepid gladiators entered the ring of Tuckahoe’s finest real estate for a post DST beatdown.  Some of the Pax questioned whether it was really 4:30 or 5:30 as we took off. THANG Mosey up to field COP Copperhead Squats Arm Circles Merkins LBCs Reverse Scorpions SSHs Sprint/Mosey Sprint 1 length of field, mosey width/length/width Sprint length/width, mosey length/width Sprint length/width/length, mosey width Sprint entire perimeter of field Plankorama Mosey to cafeteria 5 minutes of Peoples Chair w/ coupon 4 minutes of Hand Release Merkins 3 minutes of Heels to Heaven 2 minutes of Burpees 1 minute of BTTW/ Chicken…

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