Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

5:27 AM – no sign of life other than my own. Checked the Q sheet, no one there either. 5:29 AM – shit, forgot to put my watch on after charging. 5:30 AM – run up twin team back to the homestead. 5:33 AM – regret running up Twin Team 5:40 AM Grab watch, wake everyone in the house, figure why not take the dog out for an exercise too. Run back down to school, perform various exercises in the field. End of task. Left Doozy hanging solo on Monday, guess I deserved this one, but TT had good numbers…

12 HIMs skipped beach week and instead joined a VQ on a 70 degree morning with sauna-esque humidity. A few sleuths noticed signs on buckets and boxes spread throughout New Market, foreshadowing what their Friday morning beatdown had in store. There’s been chatter about SOJ needing to work biceps more. Perhaps another day, today was leg day (don’t skip). A quick mosey to the stop sign and back got our morning started right. WARMORAMA: Being YHC’s VQ and with an FNG in attendance, started with our mission statement and F3 educational information/principles. SSH, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Ukrainian Soldiers, Merkins,…

What’s Left of July you ask? No more Fridays so the Bro Code run was the call of the day for Currahee. Since a fast four showed up to this running AO, the usual route was extended to Gayton ES. And because Doozy runs like a freakin’ Kenyan, he extended it a bit beyond that. Today, I discovered that I was surrounded by greatness. Doozy ran a 6 something pace at one point today. I wondered what that would be like. I don’t know and probably never will. He shared that in HS, he set records in Michigan and hit…

4 HIMS showed up to a damp court this morning hoping to get some basketball in. With a light team we called an audible and made the most of it. warmarama- SSH, Imperial walkers, dead man hand, merkins, lbc’s Lap around the school and the courts and the game of PIG began ( 4 rounds ). missed shot is 5 merkins and for every letter its 5 burpees. Futon and Crabgrass battled to the end with mid range jumpers. Suicides – at each line we had excercises 10 burpees, 20 squats , 30 merkins, 40 SSH Back to the court…

3 Davillians embrace the fog and humidity to finish out the week. This is how it went down COP (IC) – SSH, DQ, Hillbillies, LBC’s, AL Prom Date, Heels to Heaven, Merkins, Arm Circles THANG Triple Check #1 – Wall Sit, America Hammers, run the courtyard Triple Check #2 – Pull ups, Step Ups, lunge/run path to school/back Catch Us If You – Two run backwards around the track while Third does 10 Squats and run to catch up. 2 Laps Diamond 4 Corners – Using the baseball field, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 Flutter Kicks, 40 SSH’s finished with…

7 of finest bibbed overall wearing, hay chewing, boot wearing, crop dusting PAX from all of F3 RVA came together for the inaugural WESTHOE 4H member’s meeting. According to the two ladies walking by (that tried to pick up Byproduct) it went something like this. Warmup. It’s always a good idea to warm up a bit before you start your farm chores. SSH Slow count Merkins Shoulder stretch Waiter carry your Kettlebells to the workout location. The Thang Decided to mix it up a bit today and instead of using Kettlebells we used a few manual tools I have at…

Can you play Ultimate Frisbee with 9 players. You bet!! Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose. Let’s Go!!!! Warmarama: Mosey to blacktop, SSH, Copper head Squats, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, DQ, LBC, Inverted Scorpion Kicks, Pencil Roll, Merkins, Pencil Roll. The Thang: Team1: Splinter, Hitchhiker, Anthrax, Handshake, Shakedown (floater).Team2: Snuff, Limey, Senor Frogs, Oyster, Shakedown (2nd half) Tight field, more running, lots of turnovers. We left it all on the field… Oyster

…was going to be the title of this backblast until Snip came screeching into the parking lot at 0530 to join Purple Rain and YHC for another storied beatdown at The Forge. Temperatures were sunny and 70 with a humidity of 102%. Warmarama at the flag pole and then mosey around to the amphitheater courtyard for 11s hill-style! Hand-release merkins at the top of the hill accompanied by SSH at the bottom. With our bodies warmed up and hearts pumping a little harder it was time for the main event back at the amphitheater. Ascend the amphitheater steps, executing the…

7 fully awake, no headlamps, wondering if they should bring sunglasses, questioning if they need a map—where are you going? HIMs joined forces for the 1800-hour workout. This isn’t even a sunset workout. Warmarama: Mosey a bit off campus to check out how far the power lines go. Far enough!! Circle up, SSH, Helicopters, Copper Head Squats, Helicopters, Merkins, LBC, WWII. (DTH spidey sense went off, left to go find a couple of stragglers who had no idea there was an off campus)… Triple Check 1:Run to the pole and backSquatsHeals to Heavenx3 Mosey back to the Parking Lot. Eye…

YHC arrived to an empty parking lot and initially thought that it was going to be a solo ride in the gloom this morning. However, Phonics came in hot and here is what went down. COP We stay in parking lot to warm up with 15 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 Helicopters, 15 armcircles 10 small and 5big, reverso, 10 imperial walkers, 20 lbc’s and 10 4ct american hammers. THANG We mosey across the street to the path for the bridge above the train tracks. It is Dora time. We start with 100 lunges, 200 squats and 300 LBC’s. We alternate…

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