Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ode to Lockjaw


A lucky 13 descended upon Tuckahoe Elementary expecting Lockjaw, but finding a rusty Saab in his place.  This is what transpired, more or less…

COP:  Windmills, DQ’s (varying speeds), HRM’s, and LBC’s

Tuckahoe field:  DK’s, bear crawl, merkins, run across field, WWIIs, then return running backwards.  Start with 10 count, 20, then 30 for each.

Dora Countdowns:  300 Flutter Kicks, 200 LBCs, 100 Burpees.  Partner runs across parking lot and up embankment.

Mary:  Rosalitas, Dollys, Heels to Heaven

11’s (between light poles):  Jump Squats and HRMs


YHC was a substitute Q for Lockjaw after he suffered a hand injury over the weekend involving stitches.  Some surmised it may have been a result of Lockjaw punching his insolent neighbor who reportedly built a fence over the property line.  YHC views Lockjaw as a gentle soul who would never resort to physical violence, but everyone has their breaking point I guess…and Lockjaw’s is apparently 8 inches.

It had been sometime since YHC had Q’d, which was evident to the PAX.  Cadence was variable speed, and instructions sometime differed from the intended exercise.  Despite that, there was nothing but kind words of support from the PAX given throughout the workout (not really).

Always a pleasure to be part of this group

Saab abides


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. Thanks for covering the Q today Saab. Rusty or not, a Saab is still a classic.

    The injury did involve fences, but in the installation of my new back fence on a different property line. A man of peace, yes. A man resistant to a steel stake, no.

    One of my F3 abilities is to know the precise date of my last tetanus shot – F3 RVA leap date minus 6 days. One of the benefits of my name which came in handy yesterday.

  2. Great Q! The layover didn’t seem to hurt your ability to lead. 100 Burpees, though?? Anyway, we did them ?! I thought bear crawl and burpee week was last week. I guess it’s spilling over into this week! Keymaster announced his return to the gloom the only way Keymaster knows how to.

  3. Hope your hand gets better! Would you have thrown out 100 burpees this morning like Saab did?

  4. Next time get the 100 Burpees out of the way first not at the end. Good to have a Saab Q though.

  5. Great workout today Saab. I really enjoyed the burpees at the end of the Dora. I felt as if I was fully warmed up by that point.

    That felt very much like a Lockjaw workout, except for the history, education and # of burpees. Other than that, yep, just like a Lockjaw Q.

  6. I was contemplating an all abs and legs exercise routine this morning. Definitely no burpees.