Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: DaVille


YHC arrived to an empty parking lot and initially thought that it was going to be a solo ride in the gloom this morning. However, Phonics came in hot and here is what went down. COP We stay in parking lot to warm up with 15 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 Helicopters, 15 armcircles 10 small and 5big, reverso, 10 imperial walkers, 20 lbc’s and 10 4ct american hammers. THANG We mosey across the street to the path for the bridge above the train tracks. It is Dora time. We start with 100 lunges, 200 squats and 300 LBC’s. We alternate…

Three gentlemen posted at Atlee High School for a bootcamp on this 70 something and partly sunny morning. The Q was unable to make it, so YHC took the lead and off we went. COP SSH, Helicopters, Don Quixotes, Arm Circles S/B, Reverso, One Legged Lunges, other leg, APD dips, LBCs, Scissor Kicks, Heels-to-Heaven, Rosalia’s, One legged APD, reverse legs. Mosey to pull-up bars Bulkhead Special – One pull-up, 2 merkins, 2 pull-ups, 4 merkins, 3 pull-ups, 6 merkins, continue to 11 pull-ups, 22 merkins for 55 pull-ups and 110 merkins. Mosey to VSF for Plank-O-Rama 10 IC – Alternating…

Towels were needed as 4 PAX braved the 200% humidity and 80 degree temps at 0530 in the hamlet of Atlee… Warm-O-Rama: Mosey to the basketball courts for COP: SSH – 20 Merkins – 10 Abe Vigoda’s (AKA Don Quixotes) – 10 Copperhead Squats – 10 Dyno’s from halfcourt to baseline & reverse: Pigeon Pulls A Skips Frankenstein’s Lizard Walks (AKA deep worlds greatest stretch with a walk) Mosey back to flag and gave PAX the option of dice or cards. Cards won out. The Thang: Deck of Death: Clubs = Merkins Diamonds = Lunges Spades = Squats Heart =…

Seven dudes, including one summer tourist, gathered on the grounds of Atlee High School for an anticipated beatdown. Since no Q had previously been declared, Corned Beef choose a hot potato and off we went. Corned Beef’s Q COP (All IC) – As far as YHC remembers 10 SSH, 10 Helicopters, 10 Don Quixotes, 15 arm circles, reverso, 10 imperial walkers, 10 4 count American Hammers, 20 LBCs, 10 reverse scorpion kicks, 10 scorpion kicks Mosey to the Tennis Courts Triple Check – Donkey Kicks, People’s Chair, Timer – Lunge to middle line then backwards lunge then lunge to side…

Stardate 20241006: Captain’s Log,On this day 1 SOJ, 1 Tuckahoe and 5 Davillians convened on the amicable planet of Daville. Despite this being an SOJ takeover, the local inhabitants were more than willing to cede control, demonstrating their renowned hospitality. Our languages, though remarkably similar, revealed a humorous disparity in counting skills among the locals (adjustments were made). It is our hope that this SOJ week will prove to be a mutually enlightening experience for all involved. Warmarama: Slow mosey to the other quadrants and back to home base. Counting was challenging but we pushed through. SSH, Imperial Walkers, Copper…

YHC was ready to start the week off as this is the first day off for the teachers of the group we were going to get a 30 minute workout in then off to Rise and Shine for a 2nd F breakfast with the PAX that posted today. We had 7 and here is what went down: COP We mosey to BB courts and circle up for 20 SSH, 10 DQ’s, 10 Helicopters, 15 Arm circles(10 small and 5 Big), Reverso, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Alabama Prom Dates, 10 reverse scorpions and 20 LBC’s. THANG So we had Corned Beef’s…

6 Davillians including a newbie for 2nd workout, came out to help YHC celebrate 8 Years In The Gloom! This how it went down Warmup – Parking Lot Tracers Mosey to the blacktop COP (ALL IC) – SSH, DQ, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, LBC’s, Heels to Heaven, Scorpion Kicks, AST’s, Arm Circles THANG Mosey to the soccer field Escalating & Deescalating Four Corners – 10 Merkins, 20 WWII Sit-Ups, 30 Squats, and 40 SSH’s Mosey to the tennis courts Triple Check – Donkey Kicks, People’s Chair, Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear on length of a tennis court Mosey to the bus loop…

Two men posted on a muggy Monday to start the week right. Mosey to front of school for some COP Dora – 100x dips, 200x flutter kicks, 300x mountain climbers Mosey to jungle gym by basketball court for several rounds of circuit training Mosey back to flag for some stretching Numbers, names. Notes: Congrats to Hydrant for landing his job out of college coaching tennis at a country club.

*slow, mournful, sad 5 guys got up this morning to kick it off the right way on a glorious morning. COP — DQ, helicopters, flutterkicks, LBC’s, Freddies, IW, rosalitas, Lugubrious merkins –1 merkin, 1 squat5 seconds down, 5 seconds up merkin5 squats10 seconds down 10 seconds up merkin10 squats15 seconds down, 15 seconds up merkin15 squats20 seconds down, 20 seconds up merkin20 squats25 seconds down, 25 seconds up merkin25 squats30 seconds down, 30 seconds up merkin30 squats dora100 step ups200 dips300 SSH4 corners10 WW220 Am Ham30 LBC’s40 Flutterkicks10 Donkey kicks, run to 1st island15 donkey kicks, run to second island20…

Planted the flag…no PAX..no Problem…Murphy is always around and was great to reflect while getting some reps in! 300 squats , 200 Merkins and 100 pull ups! Ran to the bars and slow mosey back. Hope to see you in the gloom soon. Cheers…CB!

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