Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Circus Maximus


7 of finest bibbed overall wearing, hay chewing, boot wearing, crop dusting PAX from all of F3 RVA came together for the inaugural WESTHOE 4H member’s meeting. According to the two ladies walking by (that tried to pick up Byproduct) it went something like this. Warmup. It’s always a good idea to warm up a bit before you start your farm chores. SSH Slow count Merkins Shoulder stretch Waiter carry your Kettlebells to the workout location. The Thang Decided to mix it up a bit today and instead of using Kettlebells we used a few manual tools I have at…

8 magnificent kettlebell slingers (not swingers) of F3, pondering the big question for today; Should we have a CSAUP event between Circus Maximus, The Old Hundred and Mann Date? Hmmmmm.. Warmarama: Mosey around the circle, DQ, Helicopters, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Cherry Pickers, Helicopters (again). The Thang: more Tabata work, with a better soundtrack.Round 11 Minute Work / 15 Seconds Rest (each exercise)SwingsCurlsLawn MowersTricepsX 4 RoundsRound 21 Minute Work / 15 Seconds Rest (each exercise)LungesCalf RaisesSumo SquatsBurpee / Run / BurpeeX 3 Rounds BTTF:Numberama:NameramaAnnouncements: Pickleball, Ultimate Frisbee, Home Grown 1/2, The never-ending tour.YHC Took us out. NMS: Great…

Six tough guys did an arms focused Kettlebell workout. It was 70s and sunny when we started our warmups of White Deer SSH, helicopters, arm circles, HRM, LBCs, & Merkins. We then followed the lights and did a routine of 12 reps of six exercises and then a lap around the bus loop. Exercises were overhead presses, lawn mowers (each arm), curls, upright rows, halos and overhead triceps. We did 3 rounds of this. Everyone then found a partner and we did 3 rounds of overhead pulls while the partner ran to the end of the school and back. We…

9 Creatures gathered in the 70s, somewhat sunny and balmy confines of the Cold War era complex otherwise known as Mills Godwin High School. After seeing the bus loop lights go on, the COP started. Helicopters, DQs, DMH, HRMs, FMs, Arm circles. Mosey to benches Elevens with 2 count step ups and lawnmower pulls. Mosey to other side of bus loop. Modified Doras with 75 combined sit and presses, 150 coupon squats, and 225 coupon calf raises. There was some slight mumbling about the calf raises. If I want Saquan Barkley calves, I need to start now even though genetics…

YHC boarded his flight for Henrico this morning and slammed the bells around with some of RVa’s best! The temps were rising, tunes were blasting, and KB’s were swinging. Pigskin’s duckfoot might have seen the following… Warmarama Intro/Disclaimer back near SSH UK’s Oblique Raises Good mornings (Slow) Plank F3 Mission, Credo, 5 Principles 5 Rows/Side if miss Name that Pax 5 rows/side if wrong THE THANG COP 1 – KB/Core SuperSets (Core IC) 25 OH Press x Flying Squirrels 25 Upright Rows x Nolan Ryans (Each Side) 20 Single Snatch (10/arm) x Prom Dates COP 2 – Kettlebell Relays 2…

12 HIM’s including 11 of the usual Circus clowns and one jorts-sportin fool reluctantly accepted their SOJ takeover fate. Sorry fellas, it was supposed to be a nice normal Nancy Lopez KB workout and you got a ride on the DTH pain train instead. Here’s the show these circus animals put on for the locals: The THANG:  WARMERAMA:  Eclectic beatdown mix turned UP Shoulder the bells and mosey 150 yards to the practice field  Circle up, Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom KETTLE BEAST: 6 reps at 6 stops down the field…

I brought music with a range of genres; 60s and 70s rock, contemporary Spanish and some old-school country music. Offshore asked if one of the songs on the play list was “You’re the reason our kids are ugly”. Nope. But maybe I need to find that one. Warmup SSHs, Ukrainian Soldiers, Don Quixote, plank stretch, arms stretch. Walk over to the covered walkway for a Burpee countdown 20 Swings/5 Burpees; 18 Hammer Curls/5 Burpees, 16 Upright Rows/4 Burpees, 14 Triceps/4 Burpees, 12 Sit & Press/3 Burpees, 10 Press/3 Burpees, 8 Squats/2 Burpees, 6 Swings/2 Burpees, 4 Hammer Curls/1 Burpee, 2…

Short Pump now was a Waffle House! We’ve made it!!!! In its honor, we spelled Waffle House in exercises twice. First we did some warms ups of SSH, IW, Ukrainian Soldiers, Arm Circles, LBCs, Reverse Crunches and Merkins. Then the spelling started: 1st time (20 reps each unless noted): WW2, American hammers, Flutters holding bell, Fourx4s (4 burpees with 4 mountain climbers mixed in), Lawn Mower pulls, Elevens of curls and merkins, Halos, Overhead press, Upright rows, Sit & press, Elevated merkins. 2nd time: WW2, American Hammers, Floor Press, Flutters with bell, Lawn Mowers, Elevated merkins, Heals to heaven, Overhead…

7 able bodied musclemen gathered in Eagle territory in the far West End. Attila was in sleep catch up mode in his car but once 5:30 arrived he was ready to roll. COP: DQs, DMH, helicopters, merkins, MCs, FMs and LBCs. Mosey counterclockwise around the school with sets of 20 and 24 (in honor of my daughter’s Jane’s graduation from Freeman). start with moseying while doing around the worlds. When stopped do 20 sit and presses and then 24 standing presses. Mosey with halos and do 20 coupon squats and then 24 calf raises. Mosey to eagle sheds and do…

On everyone’s favorite holiday, “Love a Tree Day”, we took to the woods after our warm up. We rifle carried to the path and went into the leaves. Off the normal Circus path, we started with 11s of tree smokers and people chair on a tree with overhead presses. After that fun we did 5 burpees to get rid of the bugs. We then partnered up in the raintree neighbor and one partner ran to a pile of broken tree parts (and wept) while the other did a kettle exercise. We rotated through curls, triceps and lawn mowers. To finish…

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