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Browsing: #CSAUP

Completely Stupid and Udderly Pointless

63 HIM showed up for the 7th Annual Patriot Games. Warmarama: drink some water The Thang:1776 Yard Run (1.01Mile)100 Merkins100 LBC100 Moroccan Night Clubs (They do these on 1 leg)100 Pullups 100 Squats100 Mountain Climbers100 Plank Jacks100 Lunges100 Overhead Claps100 Dips100 Leg Scissors (Flutter Kicks is a better term)100 Step ups100 American Hammers100 Shoulder Touches100 High Knees100 SSH 100 Yard Bear Crawl76 Burpees NMS: It was great to be down in Fla and attend my 1st Down Range CSAUP. This was Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless. 63 HIMS showing up knowing what they were getting into… Awesome!! and 2 FNG’s.…

90 in the Shade for our Warmarama at the Crossing tonight with 5 renegades looking for a beat down from Chaplain and Meatball splitting the Q. Mosey to the Portico: SSH, Copperhead Squats, Helicopters, Dead Man Hang, Plank Streches, Merkins, COP #1: Bernie Sanders into Karaokes up and back from the South Corner into 3 Sets of 10LBCs >or + 2 Burpees. COP #2: Indigenous Peoples Murder Gorilla with American Hammers up the Grassy Hill! COP #3: “Compounding Pentagon”; 10 LBCs then 10 LBC +10 Hand Release Merkins, then 10+10+10 Bobby Hurleys, 10+10+10+10 SSH, 10+10+10+10+10 Merkins. Reverso with 10 of…

Big Rig: I just did a run, let’s do a workout on Saturday Boberry: Ok sure , as long it’s not the Cindy 500 ….. somehow this turned into a doing another ironPAX workout 🙃 … we tried to get other people to post but no one answered the call this time… more likely they were all smarter than us 😂 here’s the Thang Week 2 – Meatloaf’s Massacre 4 Rounds 10 Manmakers20 Overhead Presses30 KB Swings40 Goblet Squats50 Incline Block Merkins1600 meter run**rinse and repeat for rounds 2, 3, and 4 with the following modification. Decrease run 400 meters for each…

They both suck!!! Hardywood said that growth comes in the rough edges, not in the comfortable middle. There’s nothing comfortable about The Cindy 500. An Iron PAX challenge from last summer, YHC suggested we do one of those challenges from last year to State Farm and that was the first one he fired back. Holy smokes what a burn! Nothing like lifting a cinder block over your head a whopping 200 times! And that’s not even half the workout! And the grip strength training was not something that was anticipated either. Great to have Hardywood make the hike from Amelia,…

8 gazelles loped along the 2.5mile route Big Rig had laid out for Phase 1 of the CSAUP. Great way to see the surrounding area, and a proper warm-up for the pain that was about to ensue… LFGO! Run up Ecoff to bank Run Back Around the school Around the track 2.5miles, 5 minute break head to pull-up bars for Phase 2 of the CSAUP.

YHC was absolutely amped to have a crowd of 20 (including an FNG) to cap off the 1-year F3-Versary/ CSAUP. Really amazing to see the fellas make the trip for part/all of the triple dip of pain we went through this morning. As an ode to the GTE fitness tests and various armed forces PFT’s, YHC decided a little team competition for 2 minute maximums was in order. The shady math by Big Rig’s team came up with something like the following… Warmarama: (Lower Lot), Disclaimer, Various IC Warm-ups, F3 Mission, Principles, Pax Plank/Name circle NOTE: IF YOU SEE MCGRUFF…

Phase 2 of the triple decker CSAUP! After smashing a 2.5mile run at 4:30am, these 8 Swoldiers (including 2 tall freaks) paired up for some nasty morning wood around the pull-up bars. My hands/grip hurt and I can barely type. Worth it! Here’s what the Bermuda time travelers tackled… Warmarama: Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, Shoulder Opener, Hollow Rocks. PARTNER UP Escalate Up (1 then 1, 2 then 2… Restart after burnout) – 5 minutes Hangman Gauntlet (Hang Up to fail, down to fail while partner in Elbow Plank) – 6 minutes Partner Assisted (Max Reps, 3 sets each) Toe Touch…

On a muggy evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the air hung heavy with humidity, seven intrepid souls embarked on a mission to conquer the realm of fitness. Without a talked about synced plan, Meatball and Chaplain embarked on a “Double Q”. Warmorama: Chaplain led us out on a Mosey to the storage containers on the east fence line and in cadence… Side Straddle Hops, Copperhead Squats, Cherry Pickers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Heels to Heaven, Dead Man Hang, Toe Taps. #switchtheQ COP1: Indigenous Run around the church. Last Man drops to do a Burpee and then catches…

This is the After Action Review for the overnight ruck portion of GTE #47 that took place right here in F3RVA on Saturday evening at 6pm and ended at 9am Sunday morning. Calling it an overnight ruck really doesn’t do it justice. It was way more physically challenging than “just a ruck”. There was also so much leadership training and opportunities for camaraderie and personal growth. This is an event which YHC believes truly changed all the HIMs who participated in it for the better. First we will need to add a couple definitions which will continue as we go…

One busy season survivor set out to get in 8.0 miles with 30+ pounds in tow. The Route From Pumphouse cross the Nickel Bridge Take Buttermilk Trail and cross the T.Pott Bridge Take Northbank Trail back to Pumphouse Numberama, Nameorama, COT MOLESKIN Did the ruck, took the pics, carried a “log.” ANNOUNCEMENTS GTE – still time to sign up

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