Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Roller Coaster

2 ruckers set out for a late evening Ruck. We took off from River Road Shopping Center, up batcave and on and up to Grove. Turnaround almost at Mumford and back the way we came. Lots of good conversation and over 5 miles logged under weight. NMS: Nice hilly stroll up to Grove where we got some strange (but interested looks) from the Tuckahoe wives leaving Cafe Caturra a lil tipsy on wine. Good topics covered with the most promising being a river-related CSAUP of some sorts involving kayaks, biking, and running sometime this summer. With nicer weather coming we…

Tough to say how many precisely posted for the latest edition of The Roller Coaster. Temperatures were definitely sunny and 70. According to the good-looking, married, 50-somethings who stare just a little bit too long, the following might have happened. Routes: Hillcrest. Variations: Small, Medium, and Large (No XLs today). YHC did 2 small, 1 medium, and 1 large with a mix of accompanying PAX members. NMS: Always great to catch up with the guys at this AO. With the exception of the top of Chairman and Pocohauntas, it’s all hills. YHC was happy to have HoneyDo join for a…

…was the last time there was an official Roller Coaster workout with a Backblast. Lots of loops and lots of heat and humidity. The thunder rolled but the rains never came to cool us off. Enjoyed it, men!

Most of the BRR team met last night to discuss last minute details and talk about the race. Pre-run at Hillcrest with a little bit of rain along the way. Refreshements were had, beers were drunk, and routes were dispersed. One week out from launch. Almost Christmas boys. TYA OUT

Seven or so stuck their heads into the oven of life, Hillcrest-style, for the latest edition of The Roller Coaster. Temps were sunny and 70. According to the retirees observing our every move, this is more or less what happened: Route: Hill repeats. 2 or 3 times per hill. Hillwood x2 or 3, Old Orchard x2 or 3, Charmian x2, Pocahontas x2, and THEN the big ones. 2 times up and down West Hillcrest. 2 times up and down East Hillcrest. Pick one of the Hillcrest downhill legs and run full speed downhill as well. The mileage doesn’t matter, but…

4 strong started at 5 for some hill repeats (Every hill in TYA’s neighborhood) 2 times up and back except for the biggest hill Charmian 3 times on that sucker – 5 miles ! 3 started at 5:30 and knocked some hills out – 3 miles ! It sure was a hot one way to work guys. TYA good call on the hill repeats that was tough…. Couple weeks out till BRR so – great training ! See y’all in the gloom…

10 or so PAX posted to run the hills around Casa Honeydo. Blazing hot and humid had most pax running shirtless which caused several west-end milfs driving their standard issue Tahoes to almost swerve off the road. Some did 2 loops, some 3, and a few more. A few smarter Pax avoided the run altogether and enjoyed the 2nd F. Afterwards ample quantities of Salsa, Sausuage dip, and beers were consumed although not in that order. Rumors that this would not qualify as a valid HDHH were quashed when Lockjaw appeared making it official. Lots of good 2nd F and…

9 strong posted for Roller coaster and it was a dang free for all…. Doublemint had to launch early but crushed some miles. Wedding Singer got an early jump on the hills as well – great to have you out there with us on a Wed night brother ! Burn out TYA Anthrax launched at 5 – BT and Swirly a few minutes after followed by Saabski and Bone Thugs finished us up. Beautiful night for a run the pax did between 4-7 miles – great work guys see ya next time – BRR is around the corner – keep…

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