Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Timberwolf

4 HIMS showed up to a damp court this morning hoping to get some basketball in. With a light team we called an audible and made the most of it. warmarama- SSH, Imperial walkers, dead man hand, merkins, lbc’s Lap around the school and the courts and the game of PIG began ( 4 rounds ). missed shot is 5 merkins and for every letter its 5 burpees. Futon and Crabgrass battled to the end with mid range jumpers. Suicides – at each line we had excercises 10 burpees, 20 squats , 30 merkins, 40 SSH Back to the court…

WARMERAMA: Mosey to the Basketball Courts and circle up SSH, Copperhead Squats, Plank Stretch, Merkins. COP #1: Wave of Merkins Start with 1 Merkin and Hold Plank while passing to the right. Go to 2 around, then 3,4,5. COP #2: Wave of LBCs Start with 1 LBC and pass to the right. Add another, 2 around, then 3,4,5. COP #3: Game of WiffleBall Rules: Start with 2 Strikes. No Walks. Single (through infield, Double (to the fence) or HR (over the fence). “Wiff”/Out = Batting Team Burpee Foul = Hitter Burpee 2 Fouls = Out = Batting Team Burpee Catch…

19 Ultimate Frisbee Warriors ready for wet socks and some unnecessary roughness. Let’s Go!! Warmarama: Let’s mosey down to the field. The Thang: Team Yellow vs Team OC/FantaRight from the start: MVP to Switch for having to guard Hermie. It went something like this: https://youtube.com/shorts/AUC65EgX5Wk?si=65zdlyLQPeZT2uuk Team Yellow with the W. Textbook game of short passes down the field. Team OC/Fanta: How would you describe y’all defense? Zone Defense: NOMan to Man: NODid you have a Defense? Absolutely not, looking back that strategy may have backfired this time. Thanks to Rudy and Switch for bringing Cones, Pennies and the light up…

9 HIM’s with questionable basketball talent ran out to the Timberwolf blacktop this morning, joining YHC, also of questionable basketball talent, for some exercise. Actual events and shooting percentages will not be discussed to protect the innocent and egos. Warmarama: SSH’s, Helicopter, Arm Circles, Dead Man Hangs. 3 rounds of knockout. Sometimes the loser had to run to the gate, sometimes we did 5 burpees. Steal the cones: Divide the teams up evenly (via numbers), place 5 cones in the center. Make a free throw and sprint to the cone, taking it back to your baseline. The first team to…

17 grown-boys took advantage of the extra sunlight this morning and got after it with some Ultimate Frisbee. With DTH’s cones marking the perimeter of the field and YHC’s pinnies (thought it was penny until today) being utilized to help differentiate teams, here’s what went down… Warmarama – Moseyed down to the field and circled up. Gave the F3 mission and got into it…SSH, Cherry Pickers, Dead Man Hang, arm/shoulder stretches, Merkins, Wilson’s Wife and Fudd’s Wife. The THANG – Split up into two teams. Team-pinnies had (9) players and the pinnie-less team had (8) players. The extra man on…

13 mighty Timberwolves started the day right at 5:30 am in the Deep South. Quick check for more balls, none to be found…. Time hit, basketballs in hand we were off! Mosey to the courts. Lined up left of the dial. Circle up for some warmerama. Then two rounds of knock out. Half time work out was the Wilt Chamberlain. 100 LBCs, run length of court and back, 100 squats, run, 100 flutters (2 count…. thank you Big Herm), run, 100 single count lunges, one last run. Then some more ball, moving to the three point line, then a free…

A dozen grown-boys got their day started the right way by playing some Ultimate Frisbee. With McGruff’s fancy frisbee in hand, here’s what went down… Moseyed down to the track for a quick lap. Several PAX members spent their time debating whether or not Zac Efron is on roids and why the heck his jaw looks like The Crimson Chin. (Google it). YHC spent most of the time deflecting comments from the PAX about Zac Efron being his man-crush. No, Sir. YHC is more of a Hugh Jackman guy. The dude plays Wolverine and then turns around and puts on…

Today’s backblast title brings back a reference to Elf and the great scene with Will Ferrell and Peter Dinklage. “He’s an angry elf.” Just classic. But today, YHC was an angry elf and he needed to take his frustrations out with some exercise. YHC is appreciative of the PAX who came along for the ride and tolerated stupidity. Warmarama: Jog to the other side of the school with some side shuffles, high knees, butt kickers, walking Ukranian soldiers along the way. Then stopping for SSH, merkins, dead man hangs, cherry pickers, merkins, scorpions, Fudd’s wife/down dog and off we go.…

11 grown-boys set their alarm clocks this morning so they could get up and go play outside with some friends. YHC was itching to play some Ultimate Frisbee so here’s what went down… Warm Up – Moseyed on down to the football field and took one lap around the track. Gave the F3 Mission and got into it…SSH, multiple shoulder stretches, Cherry Pickers, DMH, LBC’s, Merkins, Wilson’s Wife and Fudd’s Wife. The THANG – Split up into teams for some Ultimate Frisbee. The odd number left us with 6 v 5 and that one-man advantage proved to be a HUGE…

9 professional athletes or at least semi pro athletes showed up to see what Doozy had in store for this morning at Timberwolf. Mosey to the tennis court for COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Dead Man Hangs, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Sugar Sticks (for OC), LBC’s, Merkins Mosey to the side of school Frisbee Burpee Golf A target (hole) is picked, everyone throws a frisbee in that direction and does one burpee. Each shot you take is the number of burpees you do. If your frisbee is caught you do 5 penalty burpees plus the number of burpees for your shot. If…

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