Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Hoedown

Tuckahoe Elementary

14 strong gathered at Hoedown to enjoy the properly maintained grassy sections of TES. It only rained when the PAX were facing skyward on the ground. It went down with: COP – Invisible Jump Ropes, Don Qs, Helicopters, Merkins, Freddy Mercurys. Head up to top field, partner up- 50 Pull-ups between 2 partners. Face school- Bear Crawl across field, lunge back. Then broad jump across field, lunge back. Partner up – Wheelbarrow across and back. Then Crab Walk, lunge back. Line up for Human Centipede. 1 time through. Mosey to 3rd Prez Parking lot. Derkins down by five from 20…

A Mighty 12 came out for a wet Hoedown and to see the AO that last week’s inaugural seventeen have been talking about. It started out in the bus loop with COP: Invisible Jump Rope (bringing a little Punisher to Hoedown) Copperhead Squats Slow Don Quixotes Russian Soldiers Mosey down Lindsay Drive to Lindsay Court all the way down the hill to the end.  Time for some Lindsays.  Start with 30 merkins and 10 Box Cutters flipping positions and increasing/decreasing count by five til you are at 10 and 30. Partner up for Catch Me If You Can.  Partner 1…

Seventeen Tuckahoeians (Tuckahoegans?) gathered around the bus loop for their first ever Hoedown.  5 arrived on foot, only one brave sole one 2 wheels, the others by traditional means.  The excitement was high this morning.  Mosey to the giant paved ocean for COP: COP SSH x20 MC x20 Arm Circles forward / backwards x15 Copperhead Squats x15 The Thang Mosey to the front of the school for some Dora.  Partner up for a combined 100/200/300 of 3 different exercises.  Exercises were incline merkins, box jumps, LBCs.  One partner runs down the sidewalk & stairs to the parking lot & returns…

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