Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The Creek

3 Davillians embrace the fog and humidity to finish out the week. This is how it went down COP (IC) – SSH, DQ, Hillbillies, LBC’s, AL Prom Date, Heels to Heaven, Merkins, Arm Circles THANG Triple Check #1 – Wall Sit, America Hammers, run the courtyard Triple Check #2 – Pull ups, Step Ups, lunge/run path to school/back Catch Us If You – Two run backwards around the track while Third does 10 Squats and run to catch up. 2 Laps Diamond 4 Corners – Using the baseball field, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 Flutter Kicks, 40 SSH’s finished with…

3 men posted for a Friday beatdown. 1 was a few minutes late as he posted at the Wednesday site. 2 did a couple laps around the parking lot to see if anyone else would show. 2 started off with the Beep Test. These two non runners made it to level 4. Next the two started 4 corners and was joined by a 3rd at the 3rd corner. 3 laps of 4 corners were completed followed up by 11’s using the width of the parking lot. We the went to the courtyard but I can’t remember what we did. Time…

4 ‘Merican Water Dogs jumped in with both feet to the latest edition of The Creek. Water temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the water moccasins swimming in the Pearson’s Corner Elementary parking lot, the following strokes might have happened: Mosey from the shallow end to the deep end of the kiddie pool, pick up Corned Beef, and make a flip turn back to the main pool for the COT. SSHs x40 (4 count). This is DaVille, so many references to our friend The Carpenter and his penchant for SSHs.Dead Man HangFudd’s WifeWilson’s WifeFudd’s WifeImperial Walkers x10 (8, Corned…

Given the option of a traditional beatdown vs. some stupid fun, the answer was obvious. Six men did the following. Mosey around the PCES parking lot and out to the soccer field. COP Don Quixotes Imperial Walkers Jazzercises Arm Circles Overhead Claps Michael Phelps Copperhead Squats Heels to Heaven Suzanne Somers L/R Hand Release Merkins Plankorama SSHs Mosey to the basketball court US map Stupid Fun # 1 Bottle Flip Hold plank and take turns attempting to land a bottle flip – 10 Merkins per miss for entire PAX, dish out 10 Burpees for a hit x 2 rounds Mosey…

Two SOJ usurpers stamped passports, hopped a clown car, and after hours of quality mumble chatter landed their craft safely at The Creek. They were greeting by five fierce natives of the north lands who resisted the takeover until they were placated with gifts of latex-dipped gloves. The wild northmen then gaped in awed silence at the gifts of coupons emerging from the aforementioned craft, and solemnly each warrior accepted a token of good will. Here’s what two bewildered deer witnessed: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Each member of the PAX directed to collect a unique heavy item – the options were:…

6 dudes showed up on a crisp spring morning to have some fun.COP — arm circles, DQ, Hillbillies, IW, AST, HRM, etc.F3 goes to the moviesRandom actors names in a bagOne Pax member pulls a namePax tries to think of a movie that person starred inPAX spells that movie title out with their legsThe object is to pick the shortest movie title and the PAX did a pretty good job with that.10 stump merkinsTriple CheckRun across the lotdirectors chair (like people chair but with more shouting directions)DKTriple check 2legs in swing pull inslunge to pole and back5 dips, 5 inclines…

5 guys showed up to take on the day the right way. Here is a sketchy recollection of what happened. COP — various and sundried activitiesDoracide — 100 squats200 Mountain Climbers300 SSHNot THrowing Away My Shot2 tries to make a free throwNo makes equals 5 burpees.None of us made it so 25 burpees! 10 calf raises, 10 upward merkinsrepeato until YHC switched exercise numbers to20 calf raises and 5 upward merkinsBack to the flag for some stretchingLooking forward to seeing everyone at the convergence Monday!Peace Opus

4 men posted on a beautiful day to finish their work week the right way. PAX decided to hot potato the Q. Spit Q: COP. Mini Dora – 50x merkins, 100x dips, 150x LBC, P2 lap around the admin building. Bulkhead Q: Mosey to softball field for 7 of Diamonds – 7x merkins, 14x squats, 21x flutter kicks, 28x t claps. Mosey backs to big parking lot for 11s – donkey kicks and calf raises. Names, numbers, Spit took us out. Prayers to Yardsale’s mother in law for a quick recovery.

The Q woke up at 5:30 but I thought arriving at 5:39 was pretty good. After a circle around the school I found the pax at the playground doing a triple check. I assume they warmed up with out me and it sounds like they spent time in the gazebo and did some parking lot tracers. I finished up the triple check with he pax and took over with a modified wilt. We did a 4 corners with the following exercises: lbc, heels to heaven, lunges and monkey humpers. The first and second times around the circle we did 40…

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