Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Sunday Funday

Four started, but six finished, the latest edition of F3 RVA’s oldest continuously operating Sunday workout. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the super outgoing young lady who runs her dog each Sunday and rarely says hello, the following might have happened (but we have no way to know what she really thinks). 07:00 Shakedown says it’s 7. 07:00:10 UpChuck starts running. Follow if you wish. Bridge, Buttermilk, Belle Isle, Undulating Bridge (don’t step in the condom pile!), North Bank, and BTTVSF. 6 plus, or as Big Rig might say, it’s just the warm up to his warm up.…

7 gents posted a variety of distances, be it on the trails or roads covering north and south bank of the James. Yes Sunday Funday is alive and well… Saab abides (and bothers with BB’s) where possible…

An assorted group of runners, including some that haven’t graced the trails in a while, met to find their way around the river on a warm Sunday morning. Great to catch up with some guys I haven’t seen in a while. The route – Buttermilk to North Bank with the Belle Isle loop added in. Check the Q sheet for Gumbo’s Home Run Derby, coming in July. Come on out this week and see what SOJ has in store for you local AO.

5, later 6, assembled in the full daylight that is Sunday Funday. Conditions were 70 and sunny. According to the 30-and-under crowd struggling to communicate verbally, the following might have happened: Route: Bridge, Buttermilk, Belle Isle loop, bridge, North Bank. Just over 7 miles. Nice work, fellas. Back at the parking lot, Ollivander joined us. Nice to catch up. Names, numbers, YHC took us out. Announcements: Blue Ridge Relay. Team has about 10-11 guys so far. Reach out to TYA to join. Leave September 5. Run is September 6-7. Homecoming is September 8. This is a 210 mile relay. Candidly,…

YHC was feeling spry and suggested we do the Omega Hill run. Route: behind Maymont, up stairway to heaven, back to parking lot, up love hill, down pipe, across canal to western point dead end, back up pipe, down love hill to parking lot. 3.5 miles per lap. Most folks completed 2 laps. I’m not sure if you can pack more trail elevation in such a short span in the James River system. We all left with tired legs. The route is named because it is in the shape of the named Greek letter Ω (kind of). Moleskin. This run…

One of the best things about F3 is that someone will always show up to workout. Today was no exception. One trail runner and two trail ruckers launched on time. After conversing with someone who had just finished a trail run and was inquiring about rucking, off we went. Word of advice: Watch the slick and icy parts of the trail. With a ruck on, the center of gravity is higher and can result in a nose dive into the trail. Coffee afterwards was awesome and the discussion was excellent!

Seven saw the dawn at the latest edition of Sunday Funday. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the wave-less dog walker, the following might have happened. TYA – launch early, train hard, make progress. Saab – 6 or 9 on the roads Sippy, Offshore, Helix – full loop, Buttermilk to North Bank and back. UpChuck – out and back for four. Mr. Furley also made an appearance. Chest attire, per usual. Numbers, names, and general agreement on the beauty of the morning. ET’s continues to provide lessons in life and friendship as well as a living case study in…

Four young men assembled at the Pump House for a stroll through the woods – Anthrax, Helix, Shakedown, and YHC. On the way in this morning Anthrax got yelled at by his EZ Pass. The car in front of him made a last minute decision to move from an EZ Pass only lane to one where he could pay with change. This maneuver irked the EZ Pass in Anthrax’s vehicle so it made an audible alarm. I did not know they did that. Today’s route was Northbank to Buttermilk via Potterfield bridge for 6.8 trail miles. Shakedown started feeling under…

7 with 2 feet and 2 with 4 feet embarked on a journey of sorts. Whether running, walking, or running, trails were covered with great conversation! YHC took us out in an expedited manner and off to ETs we went where life was pondered.

Not it’s all around and then YHC had the Q. “Hey guys, my epi pen is in the first aid kit under the back seat in my truck, key around my neck – North to South and let’s go… I joked about a bro code run but then cut everyone free to do their own thing. The Pax revolted and said they’d keep me close after my announcement about the epi pen… really not necessary but much appreciated. With that in mind I kept up the pace out of guilt but it felt great. 6.5 miles (Northbank, Pottersfield, Buttermilk) at…

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