Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: GridIron

14 men looking for a more enlightened F3 experience showed up at Gridiron for a workout full of sprints that are just so much fun because they involve a frisbee! Mosey to Striker field with cones and frisbees, split up into two teams of 7 and one team sheds their shirts. A quick COP of SSH’s, various yoga stretches & poses, merkins, and burpees to get the blood flowing. Teams take sides and we were off! Teams scoring a goal did 15 2 count flutter kicks while the other team did 4 burpees. Switched excercises halfway through to 2 count…

Maybe 1 was hoping for Ultimate Frisbee, no one was hoping for the Eye of the Storm. Instead these 8 men of F3 got Linkin Park, Bleed it out on Repeat. You’re Welcome!! https://youtu.be/OnuuYcqhzCE?si=h_pOoEM3K5guu2Fm Warmarama: Mosey around the Pickleball Courts, back to the parking lot, SSH, DQ, Hillbilly’s, Copperhead Squats, Arm Circles, Helicopters, Jazzersize, Merkins, LBC, Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercuries. Mosey to the pavilion. The Thang: Part 1 – Tabata w/ music6 exercises – 1 minute on, 30 second rest:1. Jump Squats: Music: Linkin Park – Bleed it out2. Freddy Mercuries: Music: Linkin Park – Bleed it out3. High Knees:…

A surprising # of PAX – 14 with Polly were present for a warm weather beatdown. Polly gets half credit as he was there with his FND on a shaded speed walk. The workout was theme for my dad who turned 85 today. COP: 8 DQs, 5 cherry pickers, 8 helicopters, 5 merkins, 8 and 5 or so of MCs, ACs, FMs. The whole cadence was a mess because I usually count 10, 15 or 20 and Pigskin was loudly counting in another language, and I am like “where are we”. I should have added Blue Moon’s favorite SSHs. Mosey…

11 regulars sweated out their Friday night libations during a heavy aerobic workout (we traveled over 2.2 miles). For a change, we started with a Mosey to Burpee Hill where we did a bunch of warmups exercises and only one burpee. Piglet was running late and found us. Maybe it was from our Cherry Picker claps? Since the Pickle ballers were starting to flood in, I started us with a proper greeting of 11’s: Monkey Humpers and Pickle pounders, running back and forth between the courts. We got a lot of frowns while running. Maybe that was because we picked…

Thirteen posted for the most recent GridIron offering, enjoying the coolest weather available in anticipation of higher temperatures later in the day. Greetings and gathering in the Pouncey Tract parking lot followed by a short mosey, starting at 7 AM sharp, across the adjacent football field to a shady area just inside the middle school’s track. Warmup with Imaginary Jump Ropes, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes, Helicopters, some Dead Man Hang, Shoulder Taps, Suzanne Somers(es), Alabama Prom Dates, Arm Circles, Overhead Presses, and a few Burpees. Move to the western straightaway of the track for a 40 yard run, 20 yard…

12 veterans of the gridiron came out to see which SOY man would be leading the Mecca of F3 Richmond for the final day? Of SOJ takeover. YHC signed up early for this one due to enjoying going to where it all started. We had 2 10 year men with us (J’ville and Chum). We owe a dept of gratitude to these and all 10 year men. Without them breathing life into F3 in the early days there may have been no F3 for all of us to find. We are all grateful. According to the early morning pickleball crew…

Off and running on a Saturday. Almost ½ the PAX did a pre-run, but not your YHC. Here is the chaser for our runners: COPSSHIWDQHelicoptersArm circlesSuzanne SomersMerkins LBC 4 corners on the football field – 10, 15, 20 & 25 reps at each corner70 HRM70 WWII sit-ups70 monkey humpers70 CD 70 side crunches – each side Lindsay with dips and bench kicks Arch loader – animal movements to midfield, 25 APDs, animal movement back to the sideline, 25 squats, mosey back to the other sideBear crawlCrab walkBunny hopDuck walkBear crawl Cheetah run 3x check in parking lotRunWall sit FM COT…

Ten of us posted for a beautiful fall like morning (50 degrees) and we were glad to welcome a FNG (Sprinkles). After a warm up we went to: Playground area for: 2 sets of 20 Jerkins each Soccer field for: 100 yard of 10 squats every 10 yards. Turn, do 50 yards of Ukrainian Soldiers. Ab Break at midfield with 100 abs (4 sets of 25…WWIIs, Crunchy Frogs, Knee Ups, WWIs). 50 more yards of Ukrainian Soldiers. Turn, 50 yard job back to mid field for: Leg Dora (L’Dora): 100 Squats, 200 Lunges, and 300 Heal Raises. Each of us…

A dozen warriors trained all morning to take on any region in a future F3 Dodgeball tournament. After some warmups in front of the school and a triple check of balls to wall toe taps, WWII and a runner, we hit the tennis courts for dodgeball. White Deer brought his balls and we split up into two teams: team DeerAtillaSnakeletville and team BluePintoSkinbuckethouse. Each team also had one of the FNG young Magnano’s, later named Crocket (moving to Miami) and Carl (landscape business). Rules: you get hit or have your ball caught, you have to run to the far side…

A wet day but at least it wasn’t really cold. I keep thinking about the saying “there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.” I dressed appropriately today. But that didn’t stop me from getting wet. We started out under the shelter beside the parking lot. Warmup 20 SSHs 20 Merkins 20 IWs 20 Lunges 10 Don Quixotes 20 Squats Mosey to the ‘entrance’ to the covered walkway behind the school. 11s between ‘entrance’ and far end of the sidewalk with V-ups & Hand Release Merkins 10 & 1 9 & 2 etc. Stretching exercises Divided up for…

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