Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: MANNdate

Yard Sale and Trail Mix participated in a kettle bell tabata. Yard Sale warmed them up. Tabata included 3 upper body, 3 core and 3 lower body exercises. As usual, this combo perfectly took up the 45 minutes. Numberama, Namarama and Yard Sale took them out with a prayer.

Starring in YHC’s new F3 advertising campaign, Yardsale enthusiastically proclaims “I’ve never sweat this much before at a kettlebell workout. Thank you!” (Yardsale, 06:02, 24 Jul 2024) And thank YOU Daville 1000% humidity – YHC couldn’t have done it without you. As it turns out, the latest craze in riding the DTH melodic metro is the best sweat in RVA: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Mosey lap with TRAIL MIX around the bus loop and circle up Welcome & Disclaimer YARDSALE arrives …Yay! The usual DTH top to bottom IC Reps, with a few more KB-friendly shoulder and back stretches than usual…

Yard Sale and Trail Mix met on a humid Wednesday morning for a kettle bell tabata. Yard Sale warmed us up with the regulars: SSH’s, arm circles, cherry pickers, lbc’s, hand release merkins and heels to heaven. The warm up was followed by a tabata. We did 9 exercises (upper body, core and lower body – 3 times each). We did each exercise 8 times 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. As usual, this perfectly filled the time. Numberama, Namarama, and Trail Mix took us out with a prayer.

4 Davillians enjoy a cooler July 4th Eve morning in Mechanicsville for some KB time. Unfortunately Mr Holland started to feel bad and had to leave early but according the the other 3, this how it went down. COP (ALL IC): Helicopters, DQ, SSH, Imperial Walkers, HRM’s, LBC’s, Arm Circles THANG Triple Check #1 – Demon Crushers, Swings, Ruck Sack the parking lot Four Corners: 50 Goblet Squats, 50 Rows, 50 Merkins, 50 Sit-up + Press Triple Check #2 – Cleans, Overhead Press, KB Merkins (10 ct) Boat/Canoes and Grown Man Stretches Numberrama, Namerama, Announcements, YHC took us out Good…

Beautiful morning for a Manndate. Warmed up in front of the school. Moseyed around the school building and field, stopping every few feet for a different KB exercise. Stopped at the track for a triple check. Completed the lap around the grounds. When we got back to the front we did a circle of fire followed up by boat canoe. Numberama, Namarama, Corned beef took up out with a prayer. Reminder – Saturday we have a kid friendly bootcamp with coffee, kid drinks and donuts afterwards. SYITG.

2 Davillians met YHC in the parking lot to begin a Manndate beatdown. The locals let me know that there is a tendency for some regulars to come in hot and just as we began the warmup Bulkhead rolled in. Apparently Corned Beef gave a tentative HC but didn’t join the fun. After a brief warm up where a lack of big arm circles threw off the rhythm of the PAX we got back on track in the bus loop. Lightpole Beast – 6 exercises at each lightpole – drop the bell at the 3rd, run to the 4th and…

5 gents showed up to take on the day the right way COP — DQ, IJR, LBC, FM, Windmills, alternating exercises at lights15 KB presses15 squatsround 215 KB flutters15 halosround 315 sit up presses15 around the worlds20 KB swings at last lightdon’t drop the soaphold the KB in front of you as long as possibledop the bell and run a lap then do 10 merkins2nd round repeatoexcept do 15 WW2 3rd round repeato with just a runBoat canoesAnnouncements, Numbers, Names

5 DaVillians posted on a beautiful morning to throw some kettlebells around. Mosey around parking lot then some COP Lucky Horseshoe – Cumulative, 10x each exercise, mosey around parking lot after each round. Round 1 – goblet squats Round 2 – goblet squats, halos Round 3 – squats, halos, WW2s Round 4 – squats, halos, WW2s, curls Round 5 – squats, halos, WW2, curls, demon crushers Round 6 – halos, WW2s, curls, demon crushers Round 7 – WW2s, curls, demon crushers Round 8 – curls, demon crushers Round 9 – demon crushers Ring of fire MoM and stretching to close…

YHC rolled in late to a surprisingly crowded MANNdate. Always good to start the day with a beatdown and a crowd. COP Mosey around parking lot then some COP. THANG Triple check – P1 squat thrusters, P2 curls, P3 mosey around parking lot. 11s – demon crushers, kb swings, around the world in between 4 corners – C1 clean and jerk, C2 lawn mowers, C3 good mornings, C4 calf raises Boat canoes and some stretching to close out the workout. Numbers, names, Spit took us out. Notes: Welcome Brownie! Keep coming back.

2 DaVillians braved the misty weather to get some KB action. Mosey to the overhang by the bus loop for some COP. 11s – Lawn mowers + Curls. Mosey back to flag for some stretching. Numbers, names, Corned Beef took us out.

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