Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

A massive crowd of beach cruisers, dirt bikes, and steel framed roadies “older than me” descended upon Mary Munford this morning (38 in total). A couple ran, most rode. Directions were given to Wedding Singer, who was the most seasoned F3 vet at the time that there was in fact no runner Q and that they would be on their own for routes this morning. I laid out the route to the hoards of cyclists that we would be heading down to the Carillon in the safest way I could think of for a lap or two around the lake…

5 super studs trekked to Timberwolf this morning without knowing who would be the QIC. Shakedown quickly took charge and started off a hot potato. Shakedown led a mosey to the tennis courts for a warmup… SSHs, Helicopters, DQs, Russian Soldiers, Merkins, and maybe an ab exercise. Next, Shakedown took the PAX to a grassy hill (a first for YHC) behind the basketball court for 11s. At the base of the hill, WWIIs. Bear Crawl to the top for Squats. Shakedown called an audible after round 1 – Jump Squats at the top instead. Shakedown passed the potato to YHC. …

A luck 13 posted to The Forge for a Thursday morning bowl of Gumbo…it was served steaming hot like this: Long mosey down the hill to the end of the road circle for COP, including the following (all IC): DQsHelicoptersSSHsMerkinsLBCsFreddie Mercuries THE THANG: Lighpole Alley – To borrow from the other Thursday AO south of the river, the PAX formed up at the first lightpole on the road back to the top of the hill and YHC explained that this lightpole alley consisted of 7 lightpoles finishing over at the curve in the road (and base of the mountain). Rounds…

Or, HMRMWOD for short. The THANG: Mosey to the back of the school for COP: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers, Don Quixotes, Carolina Dry Docks, WWII Situps IC. Mosey to the back field for the HMRMWOD: 6 Squat and Presses, 6 Kettlebell Getups, 6 2-ct Mountain Climbers, 6 Burpees (with a jump over the KB), 6 4-man Partner Jerkins. Run the field and back for one round. Repeat for 7 rounds. 30 Lunges towards the VSF, 20 Lawnmower Pulls, then one KB Squat per parking space along the back of the school. COT NMS: The HMRMWOD is a variation of…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8SOqYBtl-U Fourteen NBA hopefuls – one North of the Border but in spirit – posted for what turned into a Hitchhiker floor check exhibition. TYA still has wood. Mosey to the scene of the crimes (basketball court) for warm-ups. COP: Arm Circles. 6 forward. 3 backwards in honor of Cy Young / Tom Brady. Merkins x 10. LBCs x 20. Scorpion Kicks x 10. Smurf Jacks x 10 Skills Competition (Quadruple Check): Teams of 4 x 4 rounds, duh. PAX performs REAL partner leg tosses (throw the legs down hard; let the legs drop to six inches without hitting the…

11 strong hit the hot, mean streets of Libbie and Grove and one more joined for HDHH on this hot and humid edition of Wednesday Hill Run/HDHH. The Route: Granite to Cary to the hills Kennondale / Tempsford. Run the pair of hills as many times as you can in the allotted time of 33 minutes. 5 minutes to get to the hills and 7 minutes to get back. 45 minutes total. Everyone got in at least 2 rounds of the hills. Special T-Claps to Rosie for getting in 3.25 rounds and Saab for getting in 3.5 rounds. BTTF Numberama,…

We started on time on a muggy 70 degree morning. Warmed up with Arm Circles, LBC’s, Hand Release Merkins and Side Straddle Hops. Headed over to the bus loop for some 4 corners. Between the corners you had the choice of halo’s or moving the KB around your waist. 1st corner – 10 lawn mowers, 2nd corner – 10 sit up presses, 3rd corner – 10 goblet squats, 4th corner – 10 single arm kettle bell swings. Plank up and wait for the six. Next 20 of each, plank up and wait for the six followed by 30 of each. Next…

A PAX of 11 posted at SOT to help YHC begin his final year of hate. Here’s what went down: Very long mosey along the trails behind MMS to the loop around Loch Lothian (the pond/lake at Midlothian Mines Park). Love (Half) Loop Partner up. Partner 1 runs to amphitheater area (about 0.3 miles away) and back while partner 2 does forward crab walks, box jump burpees, and bear crawl. Keep alternating and repeating until the end is reached. Run the rest of the loop and return to MMS. Plank-o-rama for the six. 11s – Merkins and WWIIs A couple…

Fourteen posted for a new – possible – summer staple of F3RVA. No one was injured during the filming. Here’s what was captured: Mosey down to the Pipe Loop. Circle up. Helicopters x 10. Russian Soldiers x 10. SSHs x 20. Time to roll tape. Pipe Loop 11s: Divide PAX into two groups to spread out. First group starts out on the run. Second group starts out with the 10 WWIIs at the trail spill-out, then crab walk to the head of the trail for 1 LBC. 10 loops on the trail in total. Enjoy. Plank-o-rama for the six. NA…

Mid-seventies and muggy – perfect ingredients for another DTH sweatfest. No cards, no cabers, just pure ground & pound perfection. Fourteen veteran fartsack escapees woke up with a fever, and since DTH forgot his cowbell, the only prescription was more pain! The THANG: Partner Up – Partner Carry (alternate as needed) to COP #1 in the Parking Lot: SSH, Imp Walkers, Russian Soldiers, DQ’s, Ball Dippers, Cherry Pickersx15 reps for each exercise, all IC Mosey around Field 1 and end up at bleachers for COP #2: Partner up for 11’s Counting up with Box JumpsCounting down with BropeesWheelbarrow between sides (much…

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