Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

F3RVA2K Summer League


Fourteen NBA hopefuls – one North of the Border but in spirit – posted for what turned into a Hitchhiker floor check exhibition. TYA still has wood.

Mosey to the scene of the crimes (basketball court) for warm-ups.

COP: Arm Circles. 6 forward. 3 backwards in honor of Cy Young / Tom Brady. Merkins x 10. LBCs x 20. Scorpion Kicks x 10. Smurf Jacks x 10

Skills Competition (Quadruple Check): Teams of 4 x 4 rounds, duh. PAX performs REAL partner leg tosses (throw the legs down hard; let the legs drop to six inches without hitting the ground), while third PAX member performs jump squats. Timer dribbles the basketball the length of the black top with one hand, uses the opposite hand on the way back.

Wojos: A staple of any bball warm-up.

First Game: Games of 4 on 4 and 2 on 3 ensued for 10 minutes. Winner of 4 on 4 played all five members from court one during the second round, while losing 4 on 4 team split and played 2 on 2 – all for 10 more minutes.

Combine (Ring of Fire): HR Merkins x 10. Hitchhikes x 5.


YHC took us out.

Announcements/Prayers: Puppy Pile next Sat. at 7:05. Also next Sat. is a no excuses workout in DaVille. Next Tuesday is Gumbo’s HR Derby at Huguenot Little League – replacing No Toll. Early Risers this Sat. at 4:00. Meet at DP. July 4th Convergence 7:00. Thoughts and prayers for Hitchhiker’s daughter who has been running a high fever for 4 days.

Moleskin: Back in March, YHC asked Splinter if he ever thought about a mid-summer bball workout when sight lines would be better. He was one step ahead, and already on the Q sheet. A few weeks ago he learned he had to go to Toronto, so I stepped in. All 5’9 and 1/2 of me – the perfect Splinter replacement.

Five minutes to tip this morning and the Swirly pace started to quietly increase. Two minutes to go, and he was in full on eyes glazed over, veins popping out ready to lead his men in to battle mode. For his own safety, and the safety of others, I let him know that I was the Q.

Highlights, via 1990s Sports Center Cast were plentiful: Slippin Jimmy is as cool as the other side of the pillow. Opus, from way down town, bang! Hitchhiker/ Mean Gene Okerlund – well, that’s a different sport. Hitchhiker is a banger, baby! He floor checked TYA so hard, that TYA thought he was back in Baaawstan getting trucked next to a burning tire on a frozen slurry pond. That, and he branded Slippin with a nice left eye shiner. Saab, you can’t stop him, you can only hope to contain him. Kubota, PTPer.

Highlights were too many to recall, but today was a true blast. On the way out, I thanked Splinter and pointed to the sky. Flipper: Jesus, don’t do him like that. Me: Dude, he’s in Toronto, which is up North.

Swirly: I like playing in the dark better, it’s easier to foul and deny.

Flipper: I’m better in the dark. Aren’t we all Flipper, aren’t we all.

Last night at HDHH. Swirly: Splinter Q tomorrow. Saab: As long as we don’t have to play basketball, I’ll be there.

Have a great day men!


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  1. Tons of fun! Swirly was ready to take the Q. Slippin Jimmy can play! Handshake, nice shooting. Sorry about the pass that almost caused an eye injury to Slippin Jimmy. Bodo’s and Keymaster lead the league in rebounding. Have a great day all!

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Lot’s of fun today guys – well done !
    See y’all in the gloom..

  3. Sorry to miss this one guys, but looks like it was a blast. Thanks to Vinny for keeping the theme.

    See you guy soon.

  4. Big Tennessee on

    Well done. Had already committed to Offshore and the Circus or would have been there. Great BB, Vin! I feel like I was there!

  5. That was so fun. I especially enjoyed taunting Keymaster. YOU CAN’T MASTER THIS KEY BABY

  6. I am mildly offended that Splinter didn’t ask me to step in as his Q replacement….perhaps next time.

  7. Yes, but had I asked you to cover for a hoops workout you wouldn’t have shown up!