Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

Eight men shook off the fartsack and fought through the humidity to help YHC with his first Anvil Q. Mosey to area by flagpoles for COP: SSH, merkins, arm circles, LBC’s. Mosey to inner courtyard, where we would stay for the rest of the time. Pull out the cards, time for some fun. PAX took turns selecting cards, first set of exercises was ranger merkins, mountain climbers and alternating side squats, do 5, 10, 15, 20 LBC’s, then 10, 20, 30 and 40 LBC’s. Repeat this sequence with squat thrusts, oblique crunches, and backward lunges, then standing lunge, Helix squat…

11 humans and one canine posted for the The Forge episode in the Week of Wojo. While crossing the Willey Bridge you could just feel the punch of the SOJ humidity hit right in the face. YHC knew the PAX would get soupy this AM. Mosey downhill to the circle, past the football stadium, stop at each parking lot light for 2 burpees. A lucky 13 = 26 burpees buy-in. COP 12 DQs15 Imperial Walkers15 Russian shoulders15 Arm Circles and reverso The Thang Mosey up to the nearest parking lot (Bus Loop according to Google Maps). Exercise 1 – Triple…

Reunited and it feels so good! 3 noble warriors fought through the malaise of the midweek. Here is how it went down. COP 25 SSH15 IW15 DQ15 helicopters20 HRM40 2x LBC AMRAP challenge – rotation of 5 exercises over a 30-35 second period, with reduced rest after each rotation; rests start at 20 seconds and move down to 15, 10 and 5 secondsHigh pullsHalosKB swings Weighted squatsOverhead shoulder pressesAMRAP challenge/version 2 – rotation of 4 exercises, same drillSkull crushersSit ‘n pressesWeighted American hammersOverhead pullsCOT with YHC taking us out Ground and pound day with YHC nursing a sore Achilles. Solid…

10 Warriors rose from the Fartsack to hit the pavement running this morning at Timberwolf. COP Helicopters x 10 SSHs x 20 Copperhead Squats x 10 LBCs x 30 Flutters x 10 Mosey to bottom of Bus Lot Partner up – Dora Partner Run to bottom of hill and back Other Partner Exercises – 100 Curb Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs Lunge Forward to Light Pole, Lunge Bakcward to Second Light Mosey to Light Pole Alley LightPole Alley YHC and each Pax gets to call and exercise at each pole. Start at First pole, do called exercise, run to last…

Eleven ESPY watchers posted for 45 MOJ (Minutes Of Jena). Blood flow was on the brain. Here’s how we worked it out. Foreplay: Backwards mosey to COP – Imperial Walkers / Helicopters / Arm Circles / Alabama Prom Dates / Scorpion Kicks Hubba Hubba: Cult of Personality (was called). Three rounds of 12 minute sets. Each round has two unique exercises. 15/15 10/10 5/5. Traverse to the other side and back. AMRAP. Round 1: Merkins and 2-count Mountain Climbers. Run across field and back. Round 2: Rosalitas and Hello Dollies. Bear Crawl across tennis court and crab walk back. Round…

But they still won’t get as much tail as TYA after a neighborhood hill run… 6 stallions descended upon the hills-of-Hillcrest to push through the heat and tackle some elevation. Varying distances were had and some even ran with a weight vest (name rhymes with curly…). Thanks to TYA for his hospitality in offering cold drinks afterward, and showing the PAX how to properly attract some passing milf’s and show why Bostonians are still known as the first REAL tea-baggers. Saab abides

A fine 9 took on what awaited at the Wednesday SOJ AO for near perfect weathered morning. While forging the mighty James YHC noticed the ETA for the arrival at Midlothian Middle read approx. 5:33am. YHC then knew that rolling in on two wheels was the only option to meet an already gathered PAX, who anxiously awaited the Q for this week’s edition of Source of Truth. My inner Charlottean (read: aspiring Nascar Driver) must have had all cylinders clicking because YHC pulled into the lot at 5:29. Without missing a beat we took off for COP at starting time.…

A PAX gathering nine strong posted for this week’s Punisher. At the advertised start time, we set off from the front parking lot for the gravel lot at the back and adjacent to old school house for some leg warming via several rounds of running. Start at the western edge of the gravel lot and target a turn around point about 40 yards off (marked by a tree adjacent to the lot) – round 1, Mosey out and Backpedal back, then repeat, and Plank; round 2, same, once again; round 3, High Knees out and Backpedal back, then repeat, and…

11 took on their Hump Day with the challenge of WDog. Some called it “Old School” others just enjoyed the brief view in the Rusty Cage: COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Flutterkicks. Down to Amphitheater: Ascending Steps: 5 V-Ups each step on way up. Descending: 5 Derkins each step on down. Mosey to Rusty Cage: 4 Sets of 8 Jerkins, 10 Dips, then 10 Pull-Ups. Over to fire hydrant: 3 sets of Boxing Cockroaches. Start at 25 reps, increase by 5 each set. Over to the Bowl: Jacobs Ladder – Burpees up to 7. Back to COP circle for some…

12 men including 1 FNG showed up to MANNdate to pick up grass and let iron sharpen iron. Mosey to front of school for COP: SSH, merkin, arm circles, LBC’s, Imperial Walkers, DQ. Mosey to pick up loop for Dora, 1st partner walks the loop with KB, second starts working on 50 halos, 100 demon crushers, and 150 lawnmowers. Mosey to back of school, find a picnic table. Again partner up, one runs to playground and back while other does step ups and then swings, when second partner returns, switch roles, second partner does figure 8’s. Mosey to field, time…

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