Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

11 Chilly Pops posted to see what was on the Doozy Q board for today at Twin Team 5:29:30 YHC announces the 30 second to start mark but PAX sees lights coming in hot, YHC decides to wait for BoBerry. Rosie says he wants his moneys worth so off we go, BoBerry will find us. Mosey to the bus loop for COP – 10 of each exercise with ascending Burpees in between DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Copperhead Squats, American Hammers, WWII, Flutter Kicks (YHC calls them Scissor Kicks) (OC hears it Sugar Socks) and it was all down hill from…

8 Surly gentlemen showed up for a ground and pound this morning. Nuff said. They left the better for it. Run round the building. 8 burpees OYO COP — helicopters, hackeysackers, the opus, SSH, dirty dogs, arm circles, tempo mountain climbers, dying cockroach, AST’s Lindsay Vonns — need some good good legs to ski like that. So we did Split jacks and sumo squats 10 and 30 incrementing by 5’s to get to 30 and 10. Lindsey Buckinghams — former member of Fleetwood Mac — wrote the iconic lines in the song Second Hand News “Lay me down in the…

4 fighters rolled into The Anvil for a fun fest that went something like this… Mosey to the basketball court The Carpenter started the hot potato Q COP – All IC – 50 SSHs, arm circles, 10 helicopters, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 HRMs, 20 LBCs, 10 copperhead squats, 20 crab cakes Mr. Holland took the Q Mosey around the school to the hill in the back Touch a School – Run down the hill, touch the school (different brick each time) and go back up the hill. Run down, run back up, 30 WWII sit-upsRun down, Bernie Sanders back up,…

YHC continued the comeback tour with a return to Circus Maximus. A faithful four joined together to throw around the KBs. Here is how it went down: COP40 SSH15 IW10 DQ20 Helicopters20 merkins40 2x LBC10 2x Suzanne Somers, each leg25 APDKB escalator down the bus loop with increasing reps of each exercise (5, 10, 15, 20), with a new one added at each stopOverhead liftsLawnmower pulls (each arm)CurlsSwingsSnatchesSit ‘n pressesRun the bus loopFinish 20 skull crushers20 American hammersBoat CanoeCOT with YHC taking us out Good to see some familiar and faithful faces this morning. The PAX was relatively quiet, getting…

9 Beasts to to the Windy confines of Timberwolf this morning to get the day started off the right way! Mosey to Basketball Courts COP DQs x 10 Helicopters x 10 SSHs x 20 Imperial Walkers x 15 LBCs x 20 Flutters x 15 Pax Notices a string of lights in the sky, equally part, moving in the same direction and then they slowly disappeared. Must have been between 20-30 lights total. Talks of aliens and even DK and the Corona Virus was discussed. No one had a clue what they were so we proceeded to the track. Lady of…

Ten hardened mountaineers chalked up to scale the Forge’s escarpment and win the bid for Nation Geographic’s sequel feature film “Free But Not Solo”. Here’s how these heroes reached the summit: The THANG: Mosey to Culdesac for COP #1: En Route, x3 Opus each light poleCircle Up – Welcome & F3 DisclaimerDQ’s x10 ICAngle Grinder x10 ICSweat Angels x10 ICWindshield Wipers x10 IC Mosey to Retaining Wall for COP #2: Work as a team to get all PAX over the top of the ~12” WallRAIL-orama: Partner up to complete x3 sets the following:x10 Jerkins eachx10 Dips eachx10 Cliffhanger Merkins eachABC’s…

Nine early birds came to get the worm. Mezcal was served. COP: SSHs x 20. Russian Soldiers x 15. Hillbillies x 10. VCU lost its 5th game in a row. Time for Modified Michigan. 100 x 10. Skip 80 x 8. Bang out 60 x 6, 40 x 4 and 20 x 2. Lazy Dora: Timer performs 60 second (1 Mississippi) count then swaps out. Exercises: 100 Merkins. 200 Jump Squats. 300 Flutter Kicks (2-count). Timer drops to 45 second count for Flutter Kicks. Frank Abagnales: 4 tennis courts. Round 1. Two laps around the first two courts. 3 Burpees…

3 locals and 1 visitor started off the morning running one lap around the bus loop with their respective kettle bell. Mudface immediately started complaining about running and his kettle bell being the heaviest (what ever that means). COP 20 jumping Jack’s 20 Don Quixote Arms circles forward and reverse 20 LBC…. when we got done with LBCs two other locals (Yardsale and No Idea) decided to show up. Mosey over to the the sidewalk next to the bus loop. Everyone setup in their own sidewalk square and then it went down. Round 1 – 20 kettlebell burpee, 20 KB…

If Swirly hands you the hot potato at WDOG do you keep it, love it, cradle it and make it your own? Or do you just give it away like it meant nothing!! The Thang: Mosey to the still closed, will it ever be open again Carillon.Swirly: COPSSHHelicoptersKnees to ElbowsWilson WifePlank3 inchesFudd WifePlank3 inchesSwirly – passes the Hot Potato to Oyster Oyster takes the Q Mosey to the Circle – Triple CheckExercise: Flutter Kicks, SSHRun: Back Peddle around the Circle Mosey to the other Circle – 3 rounds10 MerkinsRun to the bottom – Back Peddle Up10 MerkinsRun to the bottom…

A Wilson approved PAX of an even 4 hit the rolling hills of Tuckahoe for a tour of sorts. Mosey to the Church COP (IC) DQsCherry PickersJazzercisesSuzanne Somers’s (L/R)APDs Mosey down River to Gaymont to University – 2 Burpees per Pickup Truck Jack Webb Legs – Squat x 1/ High Knees x 4, 2:8….10:40 Mosey University to Ralston over to cut-through to Kanawha Partner Dora – 100 Merkins, 200 Mountain Climbers, 300 SSHs (altered to 200), P2 runs uphill and back Mosey Holmes over to Crest/ Sunset to Westham– 2 Burpees per Pickup Truck Jack Webb Abs – WWII x…

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