Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

West on Grove and take a left on Wilton. Wilton to the end at historic Wilton House. Double back and take a right on Kenmore. Left on Ampthill and cross Cary where it becomes Stratford Crescent. Cross Cary again onto Hillcrest.  Take West Hillcrest and briefly up East Hillcrest with a right on Charmian. Charmian turns into Westmoreland Place.  4 milers continue on as the road turns to Locke Lane and take it to Grove and home to the SF. 5s and 6s break through the tree line and merge onto Dover. Dover a ways and a left on Banbury.…

A dirty dozen descended on Booker T. Washington park on a perfect June morning.  58 degrees and sunny skies greeted 3 RVA pax, we had 4 FNGs, a visitor from Greensboro, and 4 returning Cville Redwoods get after it: Initial mosey across field for COP –  Disclaimer, Goodwill joined us on SSH, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Imperial Walkers, Helicopters. Mosey to basketball court.  Partner up for: Wheelbarrow half way to mid court, 10 Derkins.  Switch partners and Wheelbarrow rest of court & 10 Derkins.  Repeato. 20 Merkins. Mosey to field for Human Centipede: PAX lines up in elbow plank heels to head.…

Twenty-two regulars + 1 FNG were caught in the landslide that is Dogpile for a brief 60 minute escape from reality.  The PAX gathered around the flag for much mumblechatter before embarking on our journey.  Saturday seemed like a great day for a slaughter starter, so we mosey’d to the field for the start.  Here’s how it went, more or less… COP SSH – 20 Burpee – 1 Merkin – 10 Burpee – 2 Copperhead Squat – 10 Burpee – 3 LBCs – 20 Burpee – 4 Werkins – 10 Burpee – 5 Ball Dippers – 10 Burpee – 6 Flutter…

8 regulars gathered for a Rosie Q at Twin Team that did not include the twin team hill.  Plenty of other fun ensued. Mosey to the front of the bus loop for a warm up and to make sure McRib child find us.  SSHx20, DQx10, Arm circles x 15, (McRib joins) SSHx10, IWx10, FKx20. Sally – play Flower by Moby.  Bring Sally up,  up merican, Bring Sally down, down merican.   Mosey to the field behind the school to cool off in the grass with some Rosalitas. Nicole/Cindy hybrid – We’ll call her Charlene.  Around the track behind the school…

Seven (or was it eight?) PAX posted to the Circus for YHC’s virgin KB Q.  After a quick disclaimer that the workout may include dance-inspired exercises, the beatdown went something like this: The THANG: COP: Hammer Dance x20 IC, Don Quixote x10 IC, Windmill x20 IC, Men at Work x20 IC, Pickle Pounders x10 IC.  After each exercise, walkout Merkins OYO increasing from 1 to 5. Lindsay: Lunges and Merkins down the side of the school. Dora: Goblet squat, KB swings, Lawnmowers.  One partner exercises while the other jogs 20 ft to the ramp, crawl bear up the ramp, and…

5 men greeted the early morning for a beatdown that went like this: Screw the COP and straight to plank for 25 merkins OYO.  Mosey about 1/4 to Half Pipe Hill for Jacobs Ladder.  1 merkin / run down hill and up other side to perform 5 American Hammer / Repeato increasing x5 American Hammers until reach 35. Mosey to softball field near dog park.  At Home Plate 10 merkins, run to right field to perform 10 merkins and 20 LBCs, run to centerfield to perform 10 merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 mountain climbers, run to left field to perform 10…

A lucky 21 came out to Mumford on a beautiful June morning. This is how it went down: COP – SSH, Merkins, Box Cutters, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers. Burpees up Westmoreland- Burpee at each tree up to Cary. Head to field for AMRAP Laps- AMRAP of a named  exercise then run length of field. Exercises were Merkins, Heels to Heaven, CDDs, WWII situps, Merkins again, Flutterkicks, Tuck Jumps. Burpees along Cary- Burpee for each tree. Lunge down Commonwealth to Tennis courts. Go length of courts – Bear Crawl and Lunge, then Crab Walk and backwards run. then sprint the courts.…

5 runners posted at varied times and paces for some Wednesday Hill running action. THE THANG Standard Hillcrest Loops 1.67 each with a 3rd loop going to Virgina Ave to make 5 miles and a bonus round for those that had the time. Moleskin Wednesday hill running is coming back in vogue as the term BRR gets passed around the PAX( Please see the Back Blast below this one for more information) Honeydo, Swirly and TYA were all crushing it this afternoon. Lug Nut started early and was finishing off the Hills to head to the Shop Night to work…

The BRR is a 210 mile relay race run in teams with anywhere between 4 and 12 team members.  It takes place in the mountains of NC and is an epic event.  We leave Thursday for West Jefferson NC, stay overnight and start the race early Friday morning and finish up Saturday afternoon.  We will then spend the night somewhere near Asheville, watch some football, eat some awesome food (prepared by masterchef Wilson) and both rehydrate and dehydrate at the same time (can you say coldbeer) The race is coming up on September 8 and 9th 2017.  There are a few…

6 Regulars, 2 Kotters & 2 FNGs escaped the lure of the fartsack to challenge themselves with an SOJ beatdown that went something like this: THANG Mosey to inner track for COP (stay within sight of McRibb’s late arrival): SSH, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Russian Soldiers, Merkins, LBCs, Crab Cakes, Bob & Weaves Mosey to end line of football field for The Golden State Warrior: In honor of #30 Steph Curry, The Golden State Warrior is a Beast modified to perform 5 exercises (rather than 6) at each of 6 stations for a total of 30 per round. Exercises were:…