Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Thanks Gumbo


8 regulars gathered for a Rosie Q at Twin Team that did not include the twin team hill.  Plenty of other fun ensued.

Mosey to the front of the bus loop for a warm up and to make sure McRib child find us.  SSHx20, DQx10, Arm circles x 15, (McRib joins) SSHx10, IWx10, FKx20.

Sally – play Flower by Moby.  Bring Sally up,  up merican, Bring Sally down, down merican.  

Mosey to the field behind the school to cool off in the grass with some Rosalitas.

Nicole/Cindy hybrid – We’ll call her Charlene.  Around the track behind the school – 5 pull ups in corner 1, 10 merkins in corner 2, 15 squats in corner 3 and 20 Freddie Mercuries in corner 4.  Run between corners.  Rinse and Repeat until Q says stop.  15 minutes today.

Mosey to the field beside the school for Lindsey.  CDD and Flutter Kicks 30/10 in the outfield, 25/15 at home plate – back and forth to 10/30.

Back to the parking lot for Sally – 6 inches and Heels to heaven or Homer to Marge if you are from Mooresville.  Ring of Fire and 5 penalty burpees for everyone for the LIFO.

COT, YHC took us out.


As usual, listening to the podcasts spawns ideas for a Q that hasn’t happened in a while.  Unfortunately none of the podcast PAX were around to appreciate it.  Gumbo’s talk of the ladies I have brought to F3 workouts reminded me that I need to bring them back. Those in attendance can thank him for the reintroduction of Sally, she was a crowd pleaser as always.  The Charlene took Cindy and added the running of Nicole.  She might be my new favorite.  Roxanne was lined up to visit but will have to wait for another day, maybe when the podcasters can participate.

McRib is back on Hallsley time.  The Qs lately have been staying close to home to keep him in sight, hopefully we don’t head off campus anytime soon.  We revisited the SSH just so he could participate in a few today.  Honeymoon mentioned penalty burpees for LIFOs a few weeks ago so YHC decided to institute them for the day and see if it sticks.

It’s been 2 years since YHC started with F3.  Lots of positive changes have occurred in that time both in my life and in those around me.  


  • Charlottesville – Contact Honeydo and Lab Rat
  • BRR- Contact TYA
  • Fudd’s Party-Contact Fudd
  • VQ Week – Check the sign up sheet

Great fun today men, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Everything’s coming up Rosie.


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  1. Nice job today Rosie! I was glad to finally meet Sally, Nicole and Cindy. Glad Roxanne stayed away.

    I also went ahead and doubled up on the penalty burpees at the end for my tardiness.

    Great job to all the Pax!


  2. Rosie – leave those bitches at home! OMG. I was smoked today. Almost fell asleep mid day! But it was a solid beat down. Nicely done!

  3. Damn, I’m bummed that I missed Rosie’s Parade of Mistresses…down in the ATL for the National History Bee with my son. There are some wicked SMAHT kids here, as I’m sure TYA would say. He did manage to ring his buzzer quick enough to correctly answer a question about Babe Ruth…I was so proud.

    See you all in the gloom soon.

  4. Looks like quite a beatdown Rosie. Great job! See you guys at Twin Team next week.