Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

17, thats right, 17 Warriors posted at SOT on this steamy Weds morning! 530 hit and the PAX took off. COP SSH x 15 DQ – Slow x 5 Imperial Walkers x 10 Merkins x 10 Arm Circles x 15, reverso LBCs x 30 Helicopters x 10 Mosey to the track Millennium – Track Style YHC calls an exercise, PAX does it until a member hits 100 reps and calls it out, PAX jump to their feet and run a lap around track. Repeat 10 times. (modified after 9 due to time) Planks, wall sits, and Hallelujahs to recover. Exercises…

Three posted to Punisher on this sunny and at least 70 evening. The beatdown went something like this. COP 25 SSH – IC10 Helicopters – IC10 Don Quixotes – IC5 small, 5 big Arm Circles – IC, Reverso10 One Legged Lunges – IC, switch legs for 10 more IC5 Merkins – ICLower to 2 inches and hold. Then 5 more Merkins – ICRaise up to normal plank position – 5 more Merkins – IC20 LBCs – IC10 Heels-to-Heaven – IC20 APDs – IC Mosey to Bus Loop Variation of the Triple Sprints – Two stand on one side of bus…

5 Fantastic athletes showed up wondering who would take the lead on this nice warm morning. It went a little something like this: Handshake Q: COP: 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 Merkins and 20 (?) Freddie Mercuries. First Exercise: Indian Run around Quioccasin Middle School Second Exercises: Pole Running – each PAX grabbed a pole and alternated between flutter kicks and leg lifts while a PAX ran down and up the bus loop. Did that a few times and my abs are looking good right now. Passed to Fireman Ed for Q: Third Exercise: Run to…

34 men posted, 33 men stepped up to the plate for the Fourth Annual F3RVA Home Run Derby and the results were much the same as the previous 3 years…LOTS of Burpees and a few bombs. With McRib unable to go for the 3-peat, Rosie stepped up his game to keep the trophy with SOJ for the 3rd year in a row with 2 bombs. Marv, Kryptonite and Fudd each had 1. That’s right, 33 batters, 99 swings and just 5 home runs. But, on the bright side, we did get 87 Burpees in! For those checking the record books,…

Swirly’s board 6/25/19. 10 strong posted this morning for Spider Run and here is how it went down.. Oak route 4.5.6 milers . The humidity was 100% out there this morning but that did not hold back the 10 that showed up to attack the day. Saabski and Kubota ran from their houses so they got some extra in – well done ! 7 – eleven set a personal best she ran farther today than she ever has 4 plus miles – awesome job!! 7 eleven gets credit for today’s BB title. She has been working extremely hard this summer…

Umm, no. 8 versus 8 showed up anyways to do their best! That’s right, 16 pax to DaVille during the Home Run Derby south of the river. Color me impressed! So, while Pick2, Marco Polo and I are sitting there at 5 until go-time wondering where everybody is….thinking this is about to be a very uninteresting game of frisbee….we hear a crack, followed by more cracking and we turn around to watch a tree in the front lawn come crashing down. No joke, that happened this morning. Right after that, Atlee high school filled up with cars, as everybody must…

Seven of F3 Nation’s finest converged upon The Village of Myrtle Beach for a humid Tuesday morning workout. The Thang 1.8 Mile mosey from Dunes Village Resort to 904 65th StreetCOP – SSH, DQs, Arm Circles, Overhead Press, Overhead Claps, Cherry Pickers, MerkinsLong mosey around perimeter of AOPartner Up – 50 step ups, 50 dips, run around the building7s – Just like 11s with Burpees/ Plank JacksMosey perimeter of AO again to parking lot4 Corners w Blocks – Merkins, Squats, Overhead Press, Blurpees (20 each)Mary – Flutter Kicks, Dollys, Heals to Heaven, Freddie Mercurys2x50 yd Sprints AYGNumberama, Nameorama, COT1.8 Mile…

11 Runners/Ruckers including one summer tourist arrived at Atlee HS for a change of pace day. Ruckers did their thing and YHC gave the option for the PAX to either run the 1.6 mile lap around the schools or get in some sprint work. Doozy, Wheelie, and As You Wish did laps and the rest headed to the track This is how it went down on the track Deciding Ladder – Running at about 75% speed, the following was completed: 1 – 800m2 – 400m’s4 – 200m’s6 – 100m’s 1 mile-ish mosey back to the parking lot As training continues…

7 regulars and 1 FNG (welcome Pipeline!) posted this morning in the glorious June dawn. Mosey to the faculty lot, COP: 25 SSH, arm circles, 10 Helicopters, 10 DQs, 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, 15 Crabcakes. Mosey to back parking lot of Third Church. OLD 100 100 Squats. Run a lap around the church.90 2x Flutter Kick. Run a lap80 2x Mountain Climbers. Run a lap70 WW2s. Run a lap60 Dips. Run a lap50 Lt. Dans. Run a lap40 LBCs. Run a lap30 Merkins. Run a lap20 Donkey Kicks. Run a lap10 Burpees. Wait for the Pax. Work back through the…

A band of muscle bound Musketeers formed ranks at Batteau to reign fire upon the false idol of comfort and inject raw F3 values into the veins of a new week. No man was either left behind, nor left where he was once found. The THANG: Mosey to the grassy area adjacent Stone House for COP #1, all IC: SSH, Imp.Squat Walkers, DQ’s, Cheery Pickers, Dive Bomber M’s, Heels to Heaven, No Cheat M’s, DR.W’s Mosey to Grassy Hills for COP #2: 100’s – The Q calls an exercise, 1st man to complete x100 calls out next exercise, all PAX…

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