Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Fourth Annual F3RVA Home Run Derby — the part of Big Al was played by Rosie today.


34 men posted, 33 men stepped up to the plate for the Fourth Annual F3RVA Home Run Derby and the results were much the same as the previous 3 years…LOTS of Burpees and a few bombs.

With McRib unable to go for the 3-peat, Rosie stepped up his game to keep the trophy with SOJ for the 3rd year in a row with 2 bombs. Marv, Kryptonite and Fudd each had 1. That’s right, 33 batters, 99 swings and just 5 home runs. But, on the bright side, we did get 87 Burpees in!

For those checking the record books, here are the F3RVA HR Derby Champions:

  • 2016 (Inaugural) – Wedding Singer
  • 2017 – McRib
  • 2018 – McRib
  • 2019 – Rosie

The PAX continues to grow and grow from 7 in 2016, to 22 in 2017, 23 in 2018 and a whopping 33 this year.

With the rise in numbers, YHC made the decision to reduce the pre-game calisthenics and lighten the burpee penalty to ensure that we could get through the lineup. All in all, it went something like this:

Make sure to sign-in for your spot in the Lineup and then form up around the Flag in right field. 2 Poles (run from foul pole to foul pole twice) to loosen up the legs, then circle up for a quick COP, including DQs, SSHs, and Arm Circles.

Instructions were – 3 swings (for the record, YHC did advise the PAX that you may be selective and wait for a good pitch…just sayin). A fair ball over the fence is a Home Run, everything else is CRAP…I mean an OUT. If a Batter makes 3 outs – PAX does 3 Burpees. If a Batter hits 1 Home Run – PAX does 10 WWII situps. If a Batter hits 2 Home Runs – PAX does 10 good form Jump Squats. If a Batter hits 3 Home Runs…ha, like that is going to happen — BUT, if it ever happens, the Batter gets a victory lap around the bases while the PAX does an exercise of his choice.

It took until Batter #14 (Kryptonite) before a ball left the yard. YEP – 13 batters and 39 Burpees in a row…OUCH!

Marv stepped in a few batters later and almost jacked one FOUL before launching one out to Right Center that almost cleared the second fence on the field behind ours. Just when it looked like Tuckahoe might take the HR Derby crown on Huguenot soil, Rosie stepped up and BOMBED 2 out to left and left center for the crown. Fudd launched one out a few batters later but couldn’t get a second to push into a swing-off with Rosie.

We got through the lineup with a few minutes to spare, so we ran the bases, sprinted out to the Flag and Planked for the last minute.

COT, Number-Rama, Name-A-Rama and YHC took us out.


  • Puppy Pile this Saturday (0705) at Dogpile. Marv has the Q
  • Happy Hour this Thursday at Tavern 19 (Independence Golf Course) – bring the M and the 2.0s for some food and music and family fun.
  • F3RVA Retreat – September 21. See Vinny for details. Also, there is a sign-up sheet for teams for the Cornhole tournament — you MUST partner with a guy from another Region. Vinny and Gumbo will bring the STACH BROS to life. Everyone else is playing for second place!


I love this day gentlemen. It is not our toughest workout and I know there is a lot of standing around…unless you are Fudd and Bodos and freaking eating up every ball in your vicinity. But, it is great fun and something that YHC and my 2.0 (Redbird) very much look forward to every year. I can’t thank you guys enough for playing along and for getting jazzed up about it. 33 guys out there was awesome.

Thanks to Shakedown for posting in his sling (and in pain) to take some photos for us and to be with us.

Great coffeeteria afterwards with Two-Pop, Bullseye, Flatline, Shakedown, Rosie and Redbird.

Offshore has requested the YHC update the bucket of balls for next year, so I will be in search of some juiced up balls and maybe some corked bats. One thing is for sure, I will look very much forward to the Fifth Annual HR Derby and to enjoying it with you guys.

Until then, and until August…No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Way to go Rosie! Congrats on taking the crown.

    I hope to be back next year to play again.

    Til next time!


  2. Great time today Gumbo. Happy to take the crown and bring it back to the home turf of HLL. The limit of the burpee total definitely lead to more energy at the back end of the order today.
    Also great to see Kryptonite back out after getting a taste of DTH’s caberama Saturday. Heal up quick Shakedown.

  3. Another awesome annual-inaugural HR Derby in the books. Next year we should fly in Big Al to MC. Always enjoy this one Gumbo. Have a great trip out west, and rep the Stache Bros the only way you know how, baby!

  4. Good stuff, I love it! I gotta get out there next year….even though my specialty is dropping singles in front of the outfielders. Get ’em on, get ’em over, get ’em in!

    I absolutely miss shagging balls though. When we doing wiffle ball???

  5. That was fun Gumbo, thanks for making that an annual event.

    Rosie, thanks for representing the S.O.J. so well

    Flange and I came to the realization that for as much time as we spend on those diamonds one would think we could hit the ball a little better. I do think the balls where softball regulation Circa 1975, it is time to head to Dick’s Sporting Goods.

  6. Gumbo has several Qs in August, including Dogpile August 17, so wiffle ball can certainly happen.

  7. An order has been placed with Dick’s….tightly wound, juiced softballs only. Balls are going to be flying out of the park next year…or, we will do 100 burpees for the the fifth straight year!

  8. That was fun, thanks to Gumbo for organizing. And the above-mentioned sluggers for the Burpee respites. Good to see Shakedown out clip-boarding – just kidding. Feel better brother!

  9. Ha! I was just helping keep you slackers on schedule- imagine if not everyone got to bat, you’d have missed out on some burpees ?

  10. I’ll put some balls in the freezer for next year. Cold balls fly!

    Is Kryptonite from Tuckahoe? If so, does that mean we got the nano-region prize (that I just made up)?