Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

Three veterans and one FNG decided that being two hours from Dogpile wasn’t a good enough reason to fartsack on a Saturday morning, and planted the proverbial flag at F3’s latest temporary AO: Crossroads Camp & Conference Center in lovely Lowesville, VA. So at 6am sharp, PAX headed to the hilly field for a beat down: THANG COP: SSH, DQ, IW, Freddie, flutterkicks, merkins It’s surely in the exicon somewhere, but YHC had no cell service to find the proper name, so “scatterbear” it was: 1 man does 5 burpees while PAX bear crawls away, man 1 chases and tags…

Starting next Saturday The Healing Place 10k training team for the Monument 10k will begin. Every Saturday at 7:30 from 2/3 to race day on 4/14 volunteers will he helping these men get ready for the 10k. Our hope is to have 2-3 PAX go over to help each week. Go after Dogpile, or straight there. These men are starting from scratch so you don’t have to be a runner, just willing to help support these men.  Please use the sheet link below to sign up for date(s) Google sheet Sign up link:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10vnhdGp17bT8GJw0xpj_dGpAwRTSo6m0kA5Z-a0d6DY/edit?usp=drivesdk Address:  700 Dinwiddie Ave, Richmond, VA…

9 Pax, including one FNGal Mary Caton Lingold, left the dry comfort of the fart sack to lay down some wet miles this morning. YHC signed up for Q last night in an attempt to influence the route in order to minimize damage to our glorious trails. Here is more or less what transpired. Arriving in the parking lot around 6:30 YHC parked next to TYA’s snack filled mom car, got his affairs in order and went over to join TYA for some conversation only to discover an empty car… guess he’s out already. The rest of the Pax arrived…

Splendid morning with a strong 8 posting at GridIron. Mosey to the lower football field for Attila’s abbreviated disclaimer of “check it before you wreck it.” Thang: Slaughter Starter of the Pan Pax 8 Count Body Builder X20 variety. Salt and Pepper division of the PAX made with the latter taking the long road to the Pillars and the former taking the more direct route – Burpees X10 at 3 station stops en route. Pax selects 4 exercises (assortment of upper body, lower body, and core) X20, execute, finish off with Burpees X10. Rinse and Repeat X4. Enter the Golden…

28 descended upon Dogpile in reasonable temperatures for light calisthenics.  This is what transpired, more or less… As Lockjaw is still under the weather (get better soon buddy), he asked Circle K if he would take the Q this morning.  Since CK has his birthday-Q next week and was running on a tight schedule, he rightly opted for a hot potato. Circle K (first Q): COP:  Invisible Jump Ropes (i.e. jump up and down aimlessly), DQ’s (Sloooooowly), Squats. Ascending dips up Carillon steps (1 to 18).  Descending Inclined Merkins (18 to 1).  Plank up.  After a few reach-arounds and turns…

4 brave men barred the cold to take on Murph Friday! Mossy to the main playground. 10 rounds of the below with each round consisting of the following exercises. 10 pullups 20 Merkins 30 squats After we completed the 10 rounds we headed back to the parking lot COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama Strong work by all and we killed it in regards to time so we did a couple mins of mary.  Also nice job to Rosie to get 3 miles in before the Murph.  Marmaduke great to see you crushing the 2 mile run portion…..looks like you’re a step closer…

13 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  As expected, the temperature was 70 and sunny.  According to legend, it went a little something like this. COP All IC: Hand Release Merkins (HRM) Flying Squirrel style.  When the hands are released, they go all the way out to the side.  IC X 10, right leg up IC X 8, left leg up IC Flutter Kicks X 10 Mark Spitz (flutter kicks with arms extended) X 20 WWII Situps X 15 SSH X 10, SSH Right Leg Up X 10, SSH Left Leg Up X 10 Super Triple Check:…

Fifteen strong runners (no takers on Gears this morning) set out on our third attempt at The Serpentine route.  Weather was RVA winter. The Serpentine:  Down Grove, Left on Hamilton, left on Hanover.  Hanover to the end, do a 180 to Stuart.  Stuart to Hamilton, do a 180 to Kensington.  Kensington to end, do a 180 (thru the gate) to Leonard.  5 milers hang a right on Woodlawn to school.  6 milers go to Hamilton, 180 to Patterson, return to school on Commonwealth. NMS:  Several attempts have been made to nail this route, and we are still not quite there. …

Three redwoods posted on a cool morning at Circus Maximus with Kettlebells in hand (except Offshore, who needed a loaner). Jville (yhc) took Q and this is what went down — Cop 25 ssh, 25 iws, 50+ arm circles, 20 squats Emom 1 Each minute for 10 min, 15 merkuns 10 KB swings Emom 2 Rinse repeat with 15 goblet squats 10 high pulls Emom 3 Rinse and repeat with 15 skull crushers 10 sit and press Cot with yhc taking us out. The emoms had a nasty cumulative effect. The squat/high pull seemed to be the worst since it…

YHC was slightly nervous about Q’ing this morning….first 45MOM Q! Preparation for this am came from Exicon, again. YHC arrived and quickly reviewed COP with the hopes of not screwing up THAT part! 0530…time to Mosey! Brief 3/4 run around the block and COP on the tennis courts: Russian Soldiers x 15, Copperhead Squats x 15, Imperial Walker x 15, Invisible Jump Rope x 15, Don Quixote x 15, Merkin x 10, Booya Merkin x 10. I think the PAX wanted more Don Quixote’s!! Mosey to The Field. So, the signs, Stay Off The Fields, were noticed during the brief…

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