Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What’s an Invisible Chair?


YHC was slightly nervous about Q’ing this morning….first 45MOM Q! Preparation for this am came from Exicon, again. YHC arrived and quickly reviewed COP with the hopes of not screwing up THAT part! 0530…time to Mosey!

Brief 3/4 run around the block and COP on the tennis courts: Russian Soldiers x 15, Copperhead Squats x 15, Imperial Walker x 15, Invisible Jump Rope x 15, Don Quixote x 15, Merkin x 10, Booya Merkin x 10. I think the PAX wanted more Don Quixote’s!! Mosey to The Field. So, the signs, Stay Off The Fields, were noticed during the brief run and Shakedown politely informed YHC too. O well….too bad. YHC had other plans!

First evolution, The Millenial! Ten exercises were choosen. Each exercise was to be 100 reps. First PAX member to 100 called out and PAX ran across The Field, approx 100m. YHC called out another exercise, reps to 100 with first PAX member to 100 calling out again and running back across The Field! Repeato for 10 exercises and 1000m run! Exercise 1- SSH, 2- Lunges, 3-LBC, 4-Carolina Dry Docks, 5- Mountain Climbers, 6-Flutter Kicks, 7- Arm Circles, 8- Squats, 9- American Hammers….and 10-Burpees! Yes 100 Burpees….Original plan was to do all burpees IC but that did not appear to be feasible! Hardywood-NICE WORK and got the PAX to 90 Burpees. At 90, YHC called IC last 10 Burpees and BAM, The Millenial, done!

Second Evolution, Three Amigos. Triple up. Each PAX member sits in invisible chair position and together, walk across The Field. Swirly says, “What’s an invisible chair?” YHC immediately thought, this is not going to go as planned. Within 10 seconds of witnessing what was occuring, AUDIBLE!! Epic Fail! Time to Mosey with 12 minutes left…

At the blacktop, triple check! Chicken Peckers, LBC’s, and Bear Crawl across the blacktop to fence and run back. Approx 2 rounds performed before TYA tells YHC, “It’s 6:14.” TYA had enough? YHC called hells bells and time had expired. Mosey back to the parking lot.

Number-ama, Name-r-ama. Announcements: CSAUP has list for signup on the Backblast. Inquire with your Nano Region for teams. Breaking Bread-see Rosie for this Sunday! Labrat took us out….Mellencamp would have been proud Labrat! Seriously though, great message and prayer! We all have the opportunity to help someone each day. And with the energy of this group, that is a small price to pay for how blessed we all are!!

NMS- Hardywood, Super Man shirt was for you. Sloth, loves Chunk!! Goonies never say die!  Yes, Three Amigos was an epic fail but nonetheless, humor was provided again within Flatline’s Q!! Somehow, maybe, Hardywood thinks the CSAUP map, may be phalllic. Splinter, if everyone had heard your next comment, that would have been the title of the backblast, “If your ____ looks like that map, you have a problem.” And yes, the flu shot does not appear to be helping most folks. WASH YOUR HANDS people!! Pops Market, I think, for lunch today-noon! Early arrival helps!

Great work men and thank you for following the Q! You all inspire me to be a better person!!! Only those who show up understand! Loud and Proud!



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  1. Nice Q, Flatline! I started off the Millenial trying to keep up with Hardywood. That lasted all of a couple minutes! Hardywood, you absolutely crushed it! Good work guys! What’s up ER Hutton?!

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Nice Q Flatline !
    Hey Marv the field is closed…
    Hardywood – you killed it bro..
    Saabski you wanna do the invisible chair with me and shakedown ?
    Keymaster – I hope you changed your socks – that was a hell of a fart dude.
    Labrat – hey guys I got something to say to close us out – not a prayer a story .. TYA – Little diddy bout Jack and Diane…. Actually thanks for sharing Labrat it was a good story – way to own it dude – let’s all work to be better everyday!
    Splinter – who’s running the dong route @ CSAUP?
    See y’all in the gloom…

  3. Solid Q Flatline and great BB. I second Splinter’s notion. If any part of your body looks like his CSAUP map, you are going to need more than a than a visit to Flipper to get fixed.

  4. Perhaps the gray hair poking out from under the bandana reminds Flatline of George Clooney from his ER days? I can see the resemblance, ha.

  5. Three comments:

    -Nice Q Flatline
    – That thing was juicy Keymaster
    -Holy Hardywood

    Have a good one guys!

  6. Well done Flatline. Entertaining through and through.

    It’s a shame Keymaster left that impact crater right beside the perfectly visible “FIELDS CLOSED” sign. It’s likely the entire block will be closed next week.

    Anyone notice Keymaster, Kubota and Slurpee recording their own podcast this morning? There were more people in that clown car than there were in big blue. And damn, Kubota. Quad-logo and all today. That’s the most f3 gear I’ve seen on one person at one workout. Way to own it. ALL IN!

  7. Nice work men. Helluva Q Flatline. What you might lack in tactical efficiency, you MORE than make up for in pain and entertainment. That Millenial sounds terrible.

  8. Nice work men. Helluva Q Flatline. That Millenial sounds terrible. Almost as bad as Saturday’s Merkin Lake. What you might lack in tactical efficiency, you MORE than make up for in pain and entertainment.

  9. Splinter,

    One fact that most don’t know about Keymaster’s clown car is that his family dog Phylsun is always residing in the way back, undetected mind you. Typically, he doesn’t come up for air on the ride to or from the AO.

    Anyway, the impressively crowded clown car you witnessed this A.M. was even more full than you might have thought…

  10. Tactical efficiency……..Keydet term for sure! Mumble chatter and how the Q went down was thoroughly entertaining!

  11. Splinter, nice pickup on clown car and observations as well! The things you miss at 0530…