Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Circus Maximus


YHC got used to pulling into the parking lot at Circus Maximus to a crowd of cars and men carrying around chunks of iron so imagine my surprise when I pulled into an empty lot at 0525.  After briefly contemplating whether the AO would turn into a mix of running and bells an unfamiliar vehicle rolled up next to YHC.  Welcome to Circus Maximus Bunny Slope.  A couple others rolled in before the warm up and then 2 LIFOs from DaVille to make a total of 6. THANG SSHx25, DQx10, Helicopter x15, ArmCircles x15 each 1 Burpee:4 KB Swings, increasing…

Lucky number 13 posted for some kettle bell slinging action and still managed to get in their 1 mile challenge committment. Thang: Warmup COP= SSH, merkins, Bridge and Reach, Spiderman Twists, unweighted goblet squats Round 1: Sumo Squat and press x10, Deadlift and drop squat x10, Switch Swing x10: Repeato x2 (some random KB swings and ab work thrown in) Round 2: Execute 40 push press and 10 goblet squats then run the circle.  Repeato while decreasing  presses by 10 and increasing squats by ten each round (30-20, 20-30, 10-40).  Heal touches over bell to collect the six Round 3:…

Eleven eager souls, including 2 Mumford defectors, broke free from the endless cycle of baser humanity to post at the Circus on a beautiful Thursday morning. COP – SSH, Boat-Canoe w/KB, Scorpions, DQs. Mosey to back of school for Groundhog Loop- 15 Donkey Kicks against the wall, Lunge across road then exercise at the grass. 4 rounds of exercise- 15 Halos each way, 30 double hand swings, 10 Situp Presses, 15 Groundhog overhead press. Boat-Canoe while waiting for the 6. Plank up after round 1, wake up to Sonny & Cher then repeato. Mosey to main lot for Musical Kettlebells-…

A sold out show at the Circus, as 16 brave men embraced the spring-like morning and jumped at the opportunity for fitness, fellowship and faith while swinging some weighted bells around.  It went a little something like this: COP – SSHs x25 IC LBCs x25 IC Helicopters x10 IC LBCs x25 IC Halos x10 clockwise then x10 counter-clockwise IC LBCs x25 IC Slow Goblet Squats x20 IC LBCs x25 IC Mosey to the circle for Catch your Partner – Partner 1 takes both bells and lunges around the circle, Partner 2 performs 3 burpees and catches Partner 1 for the…

14 (no, that’s not a typo) posted for what was written up as the “Nine Minute Complex from Hell.”  The hard working PAX made it look easy.., for the most part. Thang: Warmup COP with failing bluetooth speaker: SSH, Good Mornings, Scapula Merkins, Scorpions, Don Quixote, Mtn Climbers, unweighted goblet squats 9 Minute Complex, under weight the entire time except swing burpees (that instruction is for Rosie) One-Hand Swing x 10-15 ea. hand One Arm Clean x 10-12 ea. hand One Arm Snatch x 8-10 ea. hand One Arm Clean and Press  8-10 ea. hand Lunge x 10-12 ea. leg Single Leg Deadlift…

With hours of hard work, miles of roads driven, mounds of paper destroyed, Hundreds of thousands of emails deleted (no wait that was something else), many words used incorrectly and a few dozen packets of sugar. The F3RVA podcast is now here: Hosted by TYA, Swirly, Bleeder and Saab, also, (with the occasional special guest) All the F3RVA Podcast First Podcast..one at a time Second Podcast..one at a time You get the idea…one at a time You get the idea…one at a time You get the idea…one at a time If you like what you hear, you are welcome…… if…

Ten towering redwoods posted to CircusMaxims this morning with kettlebells in hand, two of which are F3 veterans but newcomers to CircusMaximus. It was wet and warm out, but not raining. Johnsonville (YHC) took the Q, and this is how it went down, more or less. speedy warmup: ssh, scissor lunges, arm circles Deck of Death — Aces — 50 mountain climbers or 50 LBCs (amended after 2 rounds to 100 LBCs since 50 mountain climbers is 300% harder than Lame-O LBCs) Hearts (garden variety) — Merkin (kettlebell) Row Hearts (face cards) — 10 plank walks with jump Diamonds (garden…

Nine, that’s right nine, posted for some kettlebell fun at the Circus.  Sunny and 70 with the regular clanking of kettlebells in the morning. Thang:  Circle up for warmup COP.  Consult weinke for first pair of many exercises. Sumo squat and press + kb swings: alternating 3×10 ea. Deadlift to jump squat + curb pullovers: alternating 3×10 ea. Swing switch + curls: alternating 3×10 ea. Plank pass + single arm row (5 ea. arm): alternating 3×10 ea. Reverse lunge (5 ea. leg) + kb drivers: alternating 3×10 ea. Single leg deadlift (5 ea. leg) + hip-up/sit-up: alternating 3×10 ea. Circle up for lots of…

3 regulars & 1 visitor braved a soaking rain to post to a Kettlebell beat down @ Godwin High School that went something like this: THANG Mosey to bus loop shelter COP: SSH, DQs, Tempo Merkins, Crunchy Frog, Crab Cakes, KB Press with PAX backs to one another Quadruple Check/KB Stations 1) KB Wall sit (millennium falcon), KB Swing, KB Press/Bridge & Over, Forward lunge 3 columns & back 2) KB Halo, KB Goblet Squat, KB clean-rack-press, Backward lunge 3 columns & back 3) KB Standing Row, KB Merkin Row, KB Lawnmower, Bearcrawl 3 columns + Crawlbear back 4) KB…

4 regulars posted for a Kettlebell beatdown after the longest night of the year. It went something like this: COP: SSH, Mountain Climbers, DQ, LBC, Merkin KB Waiter’s Carry around the bus loop Long Tabattas for the longest night: 8 rounds of 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off then 10 count then KB Waiter’s Carry 4 Long Tabattas achieved: Standing KB Row, KB Goblet Squat, Rosie’s KB Bridge Press & Over, KB Clean + Rack + Press Some Mary: Flutter Kicks & Hello Dolly COT – Gumbo took us out NMS Lots of Redskins & FF mumbling this morning. Chum…

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