Eleven eager souls, including 2 Mumford defectors, broke free from the endless cycle of baser humanity to post at the Circus on a beautiful Thursday morning.
COP – SSH, Boat-Canoe w/KB, Scorpions, DQs.
Mosey to back of school for Groundhog Loop- 15 Donkey Kicks against the wall, Lunge across road then exercise at the grass. 4 rounds of exercise- 15 Halos each way, 30 double hand swings, 10 Situp Presses, 15 Groundhog overhead press. Boat-Canoe while waiting for the 6.
Plank up after round 1, wake up to Sonny & Cher then repeato.
Mosey to main lot for Musical Kettlebells- PAX bear crawl around circle and stop on the Q then do called exercise. If you are in open spot – 10 Burpees. Exercises were Clean & Press, Curls, Swings.
NMS- YHC is a huge fan of the movie Groundhog Day. YHC remembers learning about Plato’s Tripartite Soul in Ethics class 20 years ago from this movie. So the movie was our theme for the day.
The plan was to do at least 3-4 Groundhog loops, but it took much longer than anticipated to do 2 times through.And the I Got You Babe was only player once, not as planned. Still the PAX persisted. Ronnie took to the theme by thinking of other movies from our youth to base a theme – Spies like us, Three Amigos, etc. Ronnie shared some other facts that YHC is choosing to post in the BB…
The Daville takeover of CM continues as there were 4 “northerners” posting today, including Spare. All put in solid work.
The Musical Kettlebells is fun as there is a large range of weights in the circle- 20-40 Ibs. This turns out to be a great way to sample bigger bells- ISI!
Seriously YHC sees a lot of Plato’s Tripartite Soul in the I am Third concept in Free to Lead. It ties in perfectly and the idea of Sad Clowns reliving the same day endlessly and how F3 can help them. YHC was planning on doing some more philosophy during the beatdown but was afraid Earthworm would be there and start quoting the original text in Greek.
Announcements – HDHH is Lockjaw’s this Feb, sounds like Ardent on 15th is in the works.
Solid beatdown, Honeydo. Welcome to all of those visiting the Circus for the first time.
I enjoyed the Circus. Thanks Gumbo for sharing your bells.
Always happy to share my bells, and Rosie’s. Thanks Rosie – hope you are recovering quickly from the F3RVA Plague.
Great Q HoneyDo. Boat and Canoe with KBs add up quickly. And I for one was not upset to only “relive” our Groundhog Day once this morning.
I think that might be 4 straight weeks of double-digit sized PAX at the Circus. Right on!
Aye Gumbo! Ringling Brothers may be closing down but Circus Maximus is taking off. And with zero support from Corporate…
Corporate should note that in Corporate’s file.
This morning was one big highlight reel of pain and perseverance. I loved every second of it. HoneyDo, you did not disappoint and you included the Donkey Kicks to amp up the beat down. The “northerners” have added 1 guy per week from the Daville area. Let’s see if we can add one more to bring 5 next week. This all may spur the beginning of a kettle bell workout near DaVille.
The Circus was definitely in town this morning. Lot’s of fun and a great change of pace.
Well done Honey Do! I am sure I will be sore in 48 hours.
Gumbo, thanks for bringing the bells today. Much appreciated.
Daville could do well with a KB AO. And if anyone can figure out how to SSH with a Kettlebell then it is The Carpenter.
Excellent workout Honey Do. Would like to do it again, and again and again and…