Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Circus Maximus


Eight of the faithful posted to #CircusMaximus on a damp, cool autumn morning. Rosie planted DonerKebab’s shovel flag, and YHC (Johnsonville) took Q just minutes after arriving, Weinke in hand (but only faint light to read by). This is how the thang when down, more or less: COP warmups including SSH, DonQuiote, Plank Series, and ScapMerkins …. Mosey behind school under the single orange flood light for COP: 6 Merkin Row Body Builders OYO Forties (Sit up KB presses / Flutter Kicks) Mosey south behind school to the wet field hockey field for COP: 6 Merkin Row Body Builders OYO…

Five brave souls took to the parking lot of Godwin High School for a Thursday morning beat down.  Here’s how it went down: Warmup COP: Imperial Walkers, Don Quixote, Scorpions, Clerkins Time Bomb of Doom:  Circle up for 6 exercises to be done for 30 secs each.  First round had 30 secs rest between each set, second round was 25… down to no rest between each exercise.  Exercises: KB swings, blast off pushups (cross between merkin and dry dock), goblet squats, death crawl (plank up, keep legs straight and pickup kb with one hand to advance forward to center of…

Three of the faithful, including YHC, posted at Mills Godwin High School, also known as F3Richmond’s #CircusMaxims AO, with kettlebells in hand. The rain had been falling by the bucket-full and lightning periodically streaked across the pre-dawn sky. Johnsonville (YHC) planted a virtual shovel flag in the soggy soil, and this is how the beatdown progressed, more or less: Mosey beneath the flat metal roof in the school’s bus loading area. No more mosies. Warmup including ssh, helicopter, merkins, don quiotes, arm circles. Elevens consisting of single arm kettlebell swings (1/2 count per arm) and crabcakes plank-o-rama Elevens consisting of…

7 Circus Maximus stalwarts and 1 FNG fought the urge to hit the snooze on another dense, drizzly morning and escaped the fartsack to swing some bells and start their day off right, this is how it went down more or less: COP – SSH ICx20; Helicopter ICx10; Don Quixotes ICx11; Arm Circles ICx15 (10 small, 5 large) forward and then backward Swing & Push – 10 2-arm swings then 10 merkins — repeato reducing the number of the merkins each round down to 1. Partner chase around the circus loop – first loop Partner 1 carries both bells; Partner 2…

A Magnificent 7 (note: I didn’t say “The Magnificent 7” due to naming rights owned by MGM.., props to my bald homie Yul Brynner) posted for a classic kettlebell workout. Thang: Warmup COP: Mtn Climbers, scapula merkins, scorpions (hug mother earth while laying facedown and try to reach the back of your right foot to left hand.., you just gotta see it), supermans, windmills, unweighted goblet squats COP with 15 count rest between all:  kb swing x15, 1 arm kb swing x10 ea arm, 1 arm kb clean x10 ea arm, kb push press x10 ea arm, kb bottoms-up clean…

Three of the faithful posted in the dark on a Thursday morning with kettlebells in hand. Johnsonville took the q, first leading the men through numerous warmup exercises (ssh, merkins, don quiotes, LBCs, etc.). Then the PAX mosey-ed around the front of the school and commenced a fairly long Dora sequence consisting of 100 merkin rows (OUCH), 200 halos, and 300 goblet squats. This sequence occupied much of the 45 minutes. The PAX continued around the perimeter of the school counter-clockwise, stopping about 3/4 of the way for some Mary. YHC took us out with a COT. Great job #CM…

Three of the faithful posted on a wet Thursday morning with kettlebells in hand. YHC (Jville) planted a VSF and took the Q. This is how it went down, more or less: Warmup with SSH, scap merkins, imperial walkers, don quiotes, etc. Mosey around back of school for COP. ciabatta single arm KB swingers (alternating arms) ciabatta WWII situp with KB press at top Mosey to parking area near bus loop for elevens consisting of: Run loop around parking area. At far side, do 10 merkins. At near side, do 1 goblet squat. Run second loop around parking area. At…

5 faithful posted to Circus Maximus on what seemed to be collectively 20 hours of sleep to toss around a kettlebell rather than a pillow. Here is how it went down: 1 Lap around loop Waiter carry. COP – SSH, Merkins, DQs, Flutterkicks, KB Crab Cakes, 25 Swings Mosey to curb – 10 Jump ups w/ KB, Lunges, 20 HaLos R, repeato x4 alternating Halo side. Mosey to grass – Situp press escalator up to 10. 2 sets Clean press and 1 arm swing, each arm twice. 2 sets Figure 8s. KB Russian Twists. 10 more KB Crab Cakes. Lawnmowers…

A low cloud cover enshrouded the full moon, but a gentle breeze greeted the 5 Faithful. Suddenly the breeze stopped and the humidity embraced us, so we knew it was time to get to the following: Thang: 1st Quarter – 10 Minute EMOM: Odd Minutes: X7+ KB American Swings X7+ KB Squat and High Pulls X7+ KB Squat and Presses Even Minutes: X7+ KB Right Arm Rack Left Lunge X7+ KB Left Arm Rack Right Lunge X7+ KB Triceps Presses Suitcase Carry 2d and 3d Quarters – The 300: X25 Pole Smokers X25 KB Right Snatches X25 Merkins X25 KB…

5 strong gathered for a KB beatdown in the thick humidity. It went something like this. THANG COP: 20 SSH, 20 DQs, 20 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Box Cutters, KB Roundabouts OYO – 10 each side, KB Figure 8’s IC – 10 each side Beast: Use the bus loop like a field. 3 stations on each side of loop. Farmer’s Carry in between stations. Dealer’s choice exercises 1) KB Swing – YHC 2) Burpee – Jville 3) KB Lawnmower Pulls – 6 each side – Chum Bucket Plank-o-rama break 4) KB Situp – Toga 5) KB Tricep Curl – Atilla…

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