Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

YHC arrived at Twin Team with about 5 minutes to spare. Expecting the usual Twin Team attendance, YHC was stoked to see the cars rolling in. A PAX of 15 arrived to help YHC say goodbye to his 30s. Here’s what went down: Mosey to black top behind BWES. COP: 6 burpees OYO 19 DQs 19 hand release merkins OYO 80 LBCs OYO 40 SSHS Mosey to jungle gym. YHC has not done a single pull-up since quarantine…time for a change. 11s: Pull-ups and box cutters with a run halfway down the field in between. Mosey to the Swamp. 40…

FNG in tow, YHC arrived to a near-empty Anvil parking lot. Luckily, Scrum was there to fill the void in our lives, and a hot potato ensued. Mr. Holland got it going: COP: SSH, Don Quixote, Russian Soldiers, merkins, elbow plank, LBCs 1/2 Track Beast, The Hard Way: 3 rounds vs 6 – merkins, merkins/WWIIs, merkins/WWIIs/burpees Pass off to Scrum for some form running on the blacktop: high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, shuffle, slow shuffle. Mosey to the parking lot for 30 second intervals: high knee jumps, plankjack merkins, elbow plank Peter Parkers, and at least two others that YHC…

10 godly men, including one from NC gathered this morning for beat down. Here is how it went: COPDeadman hang x10, Crossing leg stretch x10, Don Quixotes x10, Helicopters x10, Merkins x10, Scorpion kick x10, LBC x10, Arm circle x10, American Hammers x10 The ThangShort moseyed over to one corner of the basket ball court. First exercise was four corners: 1st round 10 merkins at each corner, 2nd round 10 WWII at each corner, 3rd round 20 jump squats at each corner, and 4th round 5 burpees at each corner. Moseyed over to the tennis court. 2nd exercise was three…

After a dreary start to the week, a PAX of 11 descended on The FORGE this morning to see a return of 70 and sunny. Here’s what went down: Mosey behind HHS for COP. COP: Imperial Walkers, Helicopters, DQs, Russian Soldiers, LBCs Return to base of the hill with ascending merkins at each lightpole (up to 10). Love Hill: Partner up. Partner 1 runs to top of the hill (up to the road) while Partner 1 bear crawls. Switch it up when Partner 1 returns. Repeat for broad jumps and crab walk. And keep repeating sequence until reaching the top.…

Four NewMarketeers rolled into Timberwolf in clown car ready to reignite this AO. Timberwolf is alive and well and these 4 gloom warriors were ready for what the crisp morning air was bringing. The four hoped to find other eager warriors as it has been fun to get back out and see new and old faces. COP Mosey to busloop. 25 SSH’s, 10 DQ’s, 10 cherry pickers, 10 helicopters, 10 small/10big arm circles + reverso, 15 count dead man hang. Mosey to light pole alley. A true Timberwolf favorite Light pole ally. 20 of called exercise to start run to…

The Daville PAX will be hosting a 2.0 friendly workout this Friday at The Creek https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pearson’s+Corner+Elementary+School/@37.677916,-77.3897449,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x20ef2c4dd83486ae!8m2!3d37.677916!4d-77.3897449 WE will be playing F3 Style Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee. Come join us and bring the kids for some pre Father’s Day fun!

2 men braved the rain to throw some iron around this morning. COPSSH x 20Helicopters x 10Imperial Walkers x 10Don Q x 10Arm circles x 10 (small), x 5 (big); ReverseCopperhead squats x 10Ladders – Do three exercises, KB swings, Goblet Squats and Clean and Press with increasing reps with a lap around the parking lot in between setsRound 1 – 1 rep KB swing, goblet squat and clean & press each arm, lap around the parking lotRound 2 – increase to 2 repsRinse and repeat up to 10 reps eachWhat goes up must come down. Start decreasing reps 9,…

6 burly men and one budding 2.0 emerged for a cool more and a rare Handshake Q, this is what transpired: COP – bunch of random exercises to include Inverted Scorpion Kicks Curb Crawls – 1 to 6 and then back down to one Pull Ups – 5 pull ups per man while the others did a set of exercises x 3 times Jerkin Gym – partner up for a pseudo Chaz Michael Michaels and Jerkins x 8 each for three rounds Mini Dora on the Football Field – Partner up, 50 Burpees, 75 Merkins, 100 Flutters? YHC doesn’t even…

SOT has risen from the ashes of covid-19 and was, this morning, restored to its former glory with a PAX of 8! Seven PAX who didn’t get their fill of YHC yesterday joined him for day 2 of the final days of hate. Here’s what transpired: It was a bit gross out there this morning and the PAX stayed dry in their vehicles until a little more before 5:29. Mosey down to the track parking lot. COP: SSHs, DQs, Russian Soldiers, Dead Man’s something Hit the track for the Cooper in honor of Cooper the dog, who wasn’t really that…

3 First Watch regulars found a lost FW newbie to make it 4 for a beautifully cool summer morning beatdown. We did: COP of 3: SSH, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, LBC. Start mosey to church main lot (find Last Call on the way) and start of with a Lindsay of: Hand Release Merkins & V-Ups. Dora 123: 100 Mtn Climbers, 200 American Hammers, & 300 SSH. Over to side wall for 3 rounds of: 30 Donkey Kicks, lunge across then 20 Jump Squats. Back to Kettlebells. 2 rounds of: Swings, Sit-n-Press, Cleans, 4th runs the lot loop. Finish up…

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