Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

An empty slot on the Q sheet normally means a hot potato is in order but YHC took today’s potato Swirly style. A couple new faces at Twin Team so why not show them why we named the AO after a back road. A quiet crowd awaited 0530. Not a minute sooner (looking at you OC) we moseyed to the bus loop for a quick warmup before backtracking and heading to the bottom of Twin Team, stopping along the way for various exercises. The main event is a modified Jacobs Ladder on the hill. 10 strides, 1 burpee, back to…

4 Davillians unaware of the plan at hand arrived ready to roll This how it went down: THE MURPH Mosey around the school grounds from north to south and east to west 10 Rounds of the following: 10 – Pull-ups20 – Merkins30 – Squats (modification for Opus LBC’s) DNT so mile back Mosey to the SF, Numberrama, Namerama, Opus took us out MOLESKIN YHC was surprised to see Opus out since he mentioned his knees were acting up. He rolled in the minivan, mentioned he has been up since 4 and knees feeling better. Just has a precaution, YHC advise…

YHC saw the open Q slot so he jumped on the opening at his favorite AO “The Wolf”. Time to get going on my second Q and hopefully the cadence thing is now worked out. This and my son of all things picked an exercise dice at Dave and Busters from the ticket/junk store (only cost me $40) and I was dying to try it out. YHC was eager to get to the gloom and showed up 5 minutes early for an awaiting Pax. Kudos to Marmaduke, POG and Honeymoon for logging some early extra credit miles. 10 gloom warriors…

Seven men of steel assembled at Circus Maximus to throw around the KB this morning. Lots of fresh faces and for the first time ever, no audible flatulence (can you guess who was sadly missed?). Here is how it went down: COP 30 SSH15 IW15 DQ15 helicopters10 HRM40 2x LBC10 Suzanne Somers –each leg40 APD Lucky Bus Loop – do KB around the worlds while moving around the bus loop, stopping at the four quadrants of the bus loop, perform 15 reps of a certain exercise, adding a new exercise for each quadrant, with a total of 7 at the…

Small crowd showed up at the Forge for some hard work on this warm October morning. Before the prescribed start time Last Call inquired about the difficulty of a Q. No, it’s not hard; have a plan, know the plan, plan extra since the PAX are always faster than you think and prepare to not sleep much the night before. That said with the Q sheet empty, (Vinny?), YHC let the other 3 know the Q would be passed to them at some point so prepare accordingly. Mosey to the cul-de-sac for some warm up exercises. Next up, Love Hill…

At one of RPS’s brightly shining beacons, 21 masonry apprentices gathered in the gloom. 70 & sunny (ok maybe a little warmer than 70), off we go: COP: Mosey to the blacktop Welcome to Greenbow’s 1-year-versary & mumblechatter5-count SSH x20 ICs-l-o-w merkins x10 IC4-count WW2s x20 on your own BRICKS: Mosey back to the parking lot & Greenbow’s truck collect 2 coupons per PAX, plank on bricks in the bus circle Brick run on Grove (I-95 for runners/walkers) At intersection with W. Lock Ln, 10 brick merkins OYOal gore for the 6Continue run along Grove – at intersection with Albemarle/Lexington,…

4 Studs posted @ Roller Coaster and here is how it went down. Swiper : a whole bunch of short loops = shorties ! TYA : short loops = shorties ! BT : back in action baby – dude ran a little walked a little – great to see you back. Easy does it buddy… Swirly : Windsor Farms 4 miler. Great run guys – enjoyed the fellowship afterwords – see y’all in the gloom !

This falls under the category of “better late than never.” Nine of the faithful posted last Saturday at GridIron. Light warmup with the usual stuff. Grab coupons. Mosey to field and do 2 laps around 1/2 perimeter. At corners do 1 coupon burpee, then 2, 3, 4 .. 8. Ark loader along length of field with coupons. Death crawl/lunge; then Death crab/lunge. Jack webb with coupons to 10. Native American run to front of shool. Exit Attila for little league, leaving 8, a perfect number for a quad check with coupon wall sits, sit and presses, lawn mower, and run…

12 admirable and able men showed up for the OC experience. One never knows quite what will happen when YHC’s name appears on the Q sheet. Today was no different. There were a few ups and downs, but in summary – there were laughs, YHC got the cadence and workout mostly correct and we got a decent workout in. We’ll call it a win. The PAX departed 1 minute early and they were sure to let YHC know of the early start time. Grumbling aside, a short mozey down the hill to the field for warmup. Just after the warmup…

4 barely awake men came out to throw some iron around today. YHC took the Q today since it was open and I have been wanting to Q a KB workout focused on proper technique. We can thank Mud Face for today’s workout title. COP Lap around parking lotSSH 4 ct x 20Imperial Walkers 4 ct x 10Russian Soldiers 4 ct x 10Helicopters 4 ct x 10Don Quixotes 4 ct x 10Arm Circles 4 ct x 10 big + 5 small + ReverseCopperhead Squats 4 ct x 10HRMs 4 ct x 10LBCs 4 ct x 20 Round 1 Halos x…

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