Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Visit to the Namesake


An empty slot on the Q sheet normally means a hot potato is in order but YHC took today’s potato Swirly style. A couple new faces at Twin Team so why not show them why we named the AO after a back road.

A quiet crowd awaited 0530. Not a minute sooner (looking at you OC) we moseyed to the bus loop for a quick warmup before backtracking and heading to the bottom of Twin Team, stopping along the way for various exercises. The main event is a modified Jacobs Ladder on the hill. 10 strides, 1 burpee, back to the start for 10 box cutters. 20 and 2. Repeat up to 70 and 7, always with 10 box cutters at the bottom. Sorry Offshore, next time we’ll increase the exercise at the bottom appropriately. Since we made it nowhere near the top we (the Q) decided to make it way up there. First 30 seconds of uphill sprint, stop for some Mary. Run the rest of the way. Stop at the to for a variety of exercises before hearing back to the bottom.

Extra time when we got back to the lot was filled with a few rounds of increasing burp in a box with a short bus loop lap. Mary to close it out.

Twin team was extra gloomy and dark this morning with minimal moonlight and only backlit watches to avoid running into each other. Tclaps to PeeDee for posting 4 days in a row, that’s a Swirly/Doublemint -esque start. Thanks for indulging my need for hitting Twin Team, as Tobit pointed out we did not take enough advantage of the summer light. Too many other fun things to do here. Look out for some pull ups, speed work and/or hill repeats coming to an AO near you courtesy of Draper, Tobit, Offshore or YHC.

Great work today men. Have a great weekend.


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  1. Thanks again for leading this morning, Rosie! ….I kept waiting for you to toss the potato but it never happened.

    Enjoyed the trip over to Twin Team…doesn’t happen often enough.

    Nice to have Offshore SOJ today.

  2. Great Q on the fly Rosie! Twin Team lived up to its name for sure. Good to meet you guys.