Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Brick by Brick


At one of RPS’s brightly shining beacons, 21 masonry apprentices gathered in the gloom.

70 & sunny (ok maybe a little warmer than 70), off we go:

COP: Mosey to the blacktop

  • Welcome to Greenbow’s 1-year-versary & mumblechatter
  • 5-count SSH x20 IC
  • s-l-o-w merkins x10 IC
  • 4-count WW2s x20 on your own

BRICKS: Mosey back to the parking lot & Greenbow’s truck

  • collect 2 coupons per PAX, plank on bricks in the bus circle

Brick run on Grove (I-95 for runners/walkers)

  • At intersection with W. Lock Ln, 10 brick merkins OYO
  • al gore for the 6
  • Continue run along Grove – at intersection with Albemarle/Lexington, scare a walker half to death, then, 20 1-brick American Hammers OYO.
  • continue hammers until the 6 has arrived and completed 20.
  • Continue run along Grove – at intersection with Roslyn, 30 brick plank-jacks OYO
  • al gore for the 6
  • Mosey to church lot, plank for the 6
  • Partner up, bear crawl holding bricks while partner runs the parking lot circle, switch, repeat until full circle done
  • Ambitious PAX members volunteered for flutter kicks for extra credit
  • Partner up, lunges holding bricks while partner runs the parking lot circle, switch, repeat until full circle done
  • Brick merkins for the 6
  • Brick merkins x10 IC

Brick Run back to the flag on Grove: 

  • first few who arrive, run back to the 6 for extra credit
  • Next few who arrive, brick curls while we wait for the 6


  • While waiting for the 6, started with Freddie M x40 IC
  • Bricks deposited back to Greenbow’s truck
  • Death march the additional 15 feet to the flag
  • Heels to Heaven x30 IC
  • 4-count WW2s x31 IC


  • Counterama 
  • Namerama
  • Announcerama
    • see pre-blast for Vinny/Gumbo Inaugural Stache Challenge
    • YHC kids’ school is having a swanky Poker Night 11/9, for more info, reach out to me
  • YHC took us out in Prayer (prayers for a surgery, an interview, other brothers’ needs)


YHC did my best to pay homage to my first workout, Black Hawk Down 10/4/18 at 45MOM. Until yesterday, I falsely believed Upchuck had Q’d it – alas, it was his younger brother, Lockjaw.

Saab’s dreams literally came true (YHC appeared to him in a vision earlier this week) when the rear door of my truck opened and friendly old-world-style (i.e. ‘no holes’) bricks greeted him. Unfortunately, the coupons increased his dry weight by 30%, leading to a brick lunge -induced tweak of existing injury in his knee. Get better soon brother.

I remember this workout often, and have been anxiously waiting to repeat it. The mark of my first year of gloom with F3RVA seemed an appropriate commemoration. The moment I finished the first workout (thanks Don Draper for inviting me), I knew you all were my people, and this was my workout (outside, boot camp, etc).

Mumblechatter was reduced, perhaps eliminated, as the brick-jog began down Grove to our final destination (thankfully, as someone commented to Bodos, the pastor of that institution was NOT in our PAX).

Additionally, this is YHC’s 101st workout with F3. Will be shooting for more next year, which should be achievable – unless the M decides we need yet another Greenbow 2.0 (slowed me down March-May, but totally worth it.) More recently, having strengthened my legs in bootcamps, I’m excited to be enjoying running for the first time in my life.

Thankful for you all beyond words. This group has been a brick by brick transformation in my life. 

How do you accomplish something big? For me, having not worked out regularly in many years, it was one workout at a time, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, one brick at a time. 

If you are struggling with a brick too heavy (or even a pile of bricks), I’m here to tell you – many brothers in our PAX have probably struggled with the same at some point, and have ears open to you. Lean on your brothers, be open and honest with them. 

Tell me how I can pray for you or ask me to get together sometime. 

Most of all, talk to another guy about your triumphs and your challenges. We are all carrying bricks and need a little encouragement sometimes!

Image result for old brick

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  1. Solid workout, GreenBow. Well done. Great change of venue and pace.

    My favorite part of the run “out” was the lady with long brown hair on Grove. When she saw Swirly (carrying two bricks) stop in front of her, she seemed un-phased. For all I know, she passed him a wink (“Hey, buddy, how you doin’?”). Then, when she realized Swirly had 20 brick-carrying friends, she skee-daddled furiously up the street. Not today, lady. That man is taken.

    Solid partner work from Lockjaw (who, like Michigan State, shall now forever be called, “Little Brother”) and Faceplant.

  2. Congrats on 1 year Greenbow. I remember the Lockjaw Brick Relays from a year ago. Click-Clack. Sorry to have missed your Q, but I’m still on the shelf. Hope to get back out soon.

  3. Congrats on the 1 year GB. To be fair Upchuck is notorious for brick usage, although we haven’t seen that since the Explorer was upgraded for the Audi…

  4. Congrats on the year Anniversary and excellent back blast GB. I have about 7 months to go and know the F3 team get’s me started out great everyday. This morning was not a disappointment, slogging bricks down grove, bear crawls with bricks, lunges, Am hams…the possibilities that only F3 men can bring to the table of workouts. the 5 count SSH that is next level! Cheers from DaVille…CB

  5. The current vision is for a team-based contest based on cinder-blocks and Native American runs. It’s percolating…

  6. It needs to be bricks, especially since I just figured out there’s a “bricks” emoji ?