Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

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Having toiled tirelessly to celebrate the King on Christmas Day, four servants of the Lord took their day off by attending the FORGE this morning. Here below are the contents of their unwrapped gift boxes: The THANG: Mosey to COP #1: Partner up to run down to the culdesac, alternating x10 Dying Boxing Cockroaches at each lightpost en route (Happy Boxing Day!)DQ’s x10 ICHairy Rockettes x10 ICDancing Bears x10 IC“The Opus” x10 IC (walk hands out, merkin, walk hands back, squat jump – as an 8 count routine)DR W’s x10 IC Mosey to COP #2: Partner up to run BTTF,…

YHC was ready for a Hot Potato on this glorious morning. YHC soon learned that he would be the only person holding the potato. No problem, Let’s Roll. Mosey to the football field for COP… Never-mind, heard a noise.. WE going to the bus loop. COP: 20 SSH10 Copper Head Squats20 Arm Circles20 Helicopters10 Merkins The Thang: Mosey to the front of the school. Find Door #1 – Do 1 SSH. Run to Door #2. Do 2 Merkins. run to Door #3 – Do 3 SSH. Keep going to door 22. If the Door is Solid (no windows) do Burpees.…

Time to work off the holiday calorie in-take. 2 humble and noble warriors fought off the fart sack to battle the KBs. Here is how it went down: COP – run the perimeter of the schoolCumulative KB beast (add an additional exercise for each round, do 18 WWII sit-ups after each leg)144 lawnmower pulls, each arm108 high pulls72 overhead pulls36 swings80 WWII sit-upsAMRAP Skull crushersSit ‘n pressesOverhead pullsKB hammersCOT with Johnsonville taking us out Workout should look familiar. YHC suggested we repeat last week’s Q so we would not have to think. Thankful for the fellowship with Johnsonville.  Can you…

Six on two and one on four circled up for a Christmas Day beat down. Temps held steady at 70, and the joy in our hearts brought a bright shining light to the morning. According to Opie, this is more or less what happened: Opie runs 20 feet in front of the PAX to the left. Cross the PAX route. Drop the ball. Run 30 feet to the right. Pick up a stick. Run back and cross the PAX. Continuously attempt to herd the PAX. Petting encouraged. Repeato AYG. At halftime, attempt to trip YHC. Repeato OYO until muscle failure…

Twas the Gloom before Christmas when all through VilleNot a creature was stirring, even an Emoji was still;The shovel flag were planted in the ground with care,In hopes that The PAX soon would be there;The PAX of 10 were all snug in their winter gear;While visions of Burpees made things unclear;With most in their beanies, And Carpenter in his cap,The PAX mosey out for a long winter’s lap; The rest went something like this: COP (ALL IC x25) – Mtn Climbers, Dying Cockroach, Plank Up/Down’s, American Hammers, Gas Pumps Mosey around the school THANG Captain Thor – 1:4 ratio of Big…

A Naugty Nine hoped to earn their way onto the Nice list with some Christmas Eve work at HBR. The PAX were rewarded with an early Xmas gift from the kindhearted Q with: COP- Invisible Jumprope, Hairy Rocketts, Don Qs, Merkins, Arm Circles, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. Head to football field for proper warm-up: Sprint across field, jog back. Bear Crawl across then jog back. Backwards run across. Mosey to Benches: YHC called for 3 sets of Box Jumps & Derkins, but apparently some PAX are keen on that “smile without missing teeth” look and with Benches covered in ICE an…

A dirty dozen descended upon the U of R basin to take in a holiday light tour by way of the Mt Henrico. Distances ranged from 4, 5, and 6 miles…7 miles if you are equipped with Faceplant’s knowledge of RVA residential road signage. A hearty welcome to our FNG Mad Dog. Merry Christmas everyone. Saab abides…when able.

Twas the morning before Christmas with Draper in his sweatshirt and me in my shorts emerged from our cars for a 2 person beatdown. When what to our wondering eyes should appear but an SUV Clown car with 5 large men. No Q, hot potato. YHC started with COP and 11s. Draper took over with a twist on Dora and then the Quarter Pounder. Nancy pushed us back to the flag with some native American run merkins and WW2s. Wilson took us out with a extra prayer for Aisle 5, as he goes in for surgery Thursday. Merry Christmas guys.…

3 studs posted this morning for Batteau and here is how it went down. Warm up : SSH’s, Helicopters, windmills, IW’s merkins, flutter kicks, LBC’s Rock work (Swirly) ” 20 curls carry rock down the steps – 20 dips – 6 rounds different – exercises – include over head presses – incline merkins – WWII’s – decline merkins – burpee press – dips Curb crawl (Posh) – 1-10 – bear crawl – incline merkins Box jump – long mossy – Pull ups (Sippy Cup) 1-5 Wasn’t sure how we left it regarding writing the BB fella’s so went ahead. Short…

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