A Naugty Nine hoped to earn their way onto the Nice list with some Christmas Eve work at HBR. The PAX were rewarded with an early Xmas gift from the kindhearted Q with:
COP- Invisible Jumprope, Hairy Rocketts, Don Qs, Merkins, Arm Circles, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. Head to football field for proper warm-up:
Sprint across field, jog back. Bear Crawl across then jog back. Backwards run across.
Mosey to Benches: YHC called for 3 sets of Box Jumps & Derkins, but apparently some PAX are keen on that “smile without missing teeth” look and with Benches covered in ICE an audible was called. Off to Heartbreak Hill:
10 Merkins at botton, run up, 10 V-Ups up top. Repeato increasing reps to 15 then 20. Then off to big field: Wheelbarrow across alternating PAX.
Over to DK wall for Triple check: Donkey Kicks, WWIIs, & run blacktop. Head back down to Jerkin Gym – 4 Sets of 8. Back to football field for some minute burpees: 7 in a minute, increase by 1 up to 10 per minute. Back to flag for some Mary. YHC took us out.
NMS – 5:29 we had 4 PAX and then quickly swelled to 9 as we made our way to the COP. Seymour was able to find us despite the Qs efforts to hide us. The benches really were a sheet of ice and YHC was glad to call of Box Jumps, heck even Derkins on them could be dangerous.
Good to have some non-HBR regulars out this morning. Kubota is stamping his winter break hall pass and good to have Mr Holland back out in the west end. YHC called the Bear Crawl to slow down LinkedIn only to see him lap us on the bear crawl. Someone find out what his kryptonite exercise is quick.
Merry Christmas F3RVA!
1 Comment
Nice Q, Honeydo! I Enjoyed a rare HBR post. Need to come out here more often! Merry Christmas, all!