Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

7 of RVA’s most coolest cats attended a Q-less Hoedown and this is what transpired: Upchuck – kicked it off by a wrong-way mosey around the loop and moved into the COP Gomer Pyle – finished off the COP and moved to the Loop to Bear Crawl between arrows and 10 Merkins at each arrow for the first half, then Crabwalks with WWII’s for the second half Garbage Plate – Lungs across the Parking Lot a then another wrong-way run around the loop (thanks Upchuck) followed by a People’s Chair. Lastly a Crawl Bear up the ramp to the Door.…

Three strong Pax , with one out-of-towner, but a RVA holiday regular, gathered for some medicine ball fun. COP–Helicopters, DQs, Plank-o-rama, SSHs Mosey to picnic table. In incline position migrate clockwise, then counterclockwise around table. Mosey back to the circle for a medicine ball/burpee/running triple-check. One pax picks up and throws the medicine ball forward repeatedly progressing around the circle, one pax does burpees, and the third pax (the timer) runs around the circle, relieving the pax doing burpees who then catches up to and relieves the thrower. Round 1–Granny throws. Round 2–chest pass, Round 3–overhead, soccer pass, Round 4–right…

Six men of F3RVA took to the trails and roads this morning. YHC was joined by Faceplant, Helix, and our out of town former RVA resident Abacus. We ran the standard loop south to north. TYA ran that and then some. Saab ran an indeterminate amount but I’m sure it was a lot. Great conversation and fellowship in our four man crew. Good to see Abacus.

Santa and his 8 reindeer all posted at Gridiron this beautiful spring-like day. After a warm-up we moseyed over for our first exercise of Triple Check (Dips, Derkins, and a Mosey/Burpee). Then to the soccer field for a Quarter Pounder (25 Heels to Heaven, 50 WWIIs, 75 Flutters, and 100 ‘Merican Hammers). With Prancer (aka J’ville) injuring his calf again, an audible was almost called for an hour of Merkins…but he persevered. Well done J’ville. After a well deserved twenty count, it was off to 4 Corners (5 Merkins, 10 Mountain Climbers, 15 SSH, and 20 Carolina Dry Docks) with…

Twenty-five redwoods came out to the last dogpile of the year to work off some of the holiday cheer. A long mosey to the 2nd circle to get the workout off right. A real fan favorite with Wilson (#RunningSucks). A quick disclaimer and down to business for COP. Don QuixoteHelicoptersSSHScorpion KicksScorpions – right leg in the airScorpions – left leg in the air Triple Check! – Partner one runs down the road to the intersection with Rugby Road and back. Partners 2 and 3 perform flutter kicks and monkey humpers. Three times through. Off to the Nickel Stage for Touch…

A dozen by road and two by bike went into the dark and foggy gloom. Zero visibility was not a problem as this group stuck together for a parsec as we did the Kessel Run through Windsor Farms. Then we headed west down Grove and came back on Grove to the VSF. Swirly took us out. It was great to catch up with everyone and their holiday activities. I hope everyone is enjoying time with family and friends. Lockjaw

A pax of 3 found their way to the grounds of Pearson’s Corner Elementary School for YHC’s birthday. This is what occurred: COP SSH – 47 ICDon Quixotes – 12 ICArm Circles – 20 small, 7 big for a total of 27 – IC / reversoMerkins – 7 ICMountain Climbers – 2 IC The Thang Lat Hangs/Merkins For a 15 count, PAX could hang from the pull-up bar. The last 5 seconds, PAX members would lower themselves slowly. The PAX members would do 10 merkins IC. Each PAX member led the count twice which meant we did 6 sets of…

The Three Davillians converged the morning after Christmas for a beatdown at Mechanicsville Elementary that went something like this: COP SSH – 25 ICDon Quixotes – 10 ICArm Circles – 10 small, 5 big, reverso ICBackwards Lounges – 15 ICSide Lounges – 15 ICOne Leg Front Lounges then switch Leg – 12 ICMerkins – 10 ICAngled Knee Jumps – 10 ICHand to Foot Mountain Climbers – 10 ICLBCs – 20 ICOne Leg APDs / switch legs – 15 IC The Thang Triple Sprints One Person sprints to 2nd personAs 2nd person sprints back – the first person drops and does…

5 Warriors looking to unload some Christmas calories posted up at Mary Munford for the day after Christmas edition of 45MOM. 5:30am, lets mosey. Around the block North of the school and back to the corner of the schoolyard for: COP: Helicopters x 15 SSH’s x 20 DQ’s x 10 Copperhead Squats x 10 Merkins x 10 Scorpion Kicks x 10 Reverse Scorpion Kicks x 10 LBC’s x 20 mosey over to bus loop for: Curb Crawls: 1 Merkins, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with bear crawl/crawl bear in between Mosey over to the front steps…

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