Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

Nine posted for Saturday’s GridIron with YHC as a substitute Q. More on this later. Warmup in the parking lot with 25 x SSHs, 20 x IWs, 15 x DQs, 15 x Russian Soldiers, 10 x Suzanne Sommers (one side), 2 x Superman (oldie – while singing the GAH theme song), 10 x Suzanne Sommers (other side), 30 x Arm Circles (little, forward), and 30 x Arm Circles (little, reverse). Mosey down the hill adjacent to the parking lot. Line up and get seated with heels facing uphill. Complete 10 WWII Sit Ups. Crab Walk a couple of steps uphill,…

27 of RVA’s finest came out on a warm Saturday morning in October for some mosey block fun. This how it went down Short declaimer since we had no FNG’s and YHC say: Let’s Mosey COP – While running a lap around the gravel trail (about a mile), YHC called circle up 7 time for the following exercises (ALL IC): SSH, DQ, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, Scorpion Kicks, Merkins, Arm Circles Picked up a couple of LIFO’s at the end of the COP then moseyed around dogpile to the small stage, each PAX grab a block, then mosey to the Carillon…

A six pack put in miles in search of another six pack. Got it done at a very healthy clip today. 4ish miles at a roughly an 8-8:30 pace. Rosie did a bit more because he’s excellent. Conversation was great and educational. Alpaca sh*t is full of nitrogen and makes a darn fine tea according to Mrs. Wood.

Four posted for this week’s Punisher. Warmup with some of the usual in the acorn-strewn grass in front of LHES. Return to the parking lot and spread out safely from one another within the parking spaces on the inner ring of the lot. Three Carolina Dry Docks in the first parking space then Lunge Walk to the next space. Wait for everyone, then complete three Squats. Repeat until we completed the full circle. Circle up on the sidewalk at the edge of the school and whip out two key Dungeons & Dragons dice – six sided and 20 sided. Roll…

Bunch of warriors came out and exercised. Early runners with Bone Thugs putting in just shy of 8, late runners getting some reverse Carillon with a twist start error by the Q but all worked out well, and the cyclists did some longs and shorts as well. Great job men! Got to run but getting in big data before I close the computer for the day. Thanks to Bodos for the title.

Five runners came out to Currahee to see what route YHC had in store. All opted for 5 with minor variations: Left on Pump, Left on Falconbridge and stay on all the way until Ridgefield then over to Deep Run park. Choose your own distance when to turnaround in the park. Head back same route. Announcements: Several pairs of shoes collected this week in West end. Nice work, keep those shoes coming! Prayers for Upchuck family especially his M and MIL. NMS: Beautiful morning for a run. Falconbridge has no traffic and wide roads so YHC wanted to spend some…

A company of three reported to Satan’s hill in this mornings gloom to get a little better. According to a few drive by’s here is how it went down. Mosey a bit to get warm. COP 25 SSH’s, 10 each: DQ’s, cherry pickers, deadman hangs, helicopters, Imperial walkers. Mosey up the hill. 4 stops on the way to pile of blocks. Each stop 25 each Merkins, WWII’s and squats. Arrive at pile of blocks. 4×25 each curls, overhead press, block copters, and bent rows. 4 rounds of this. Switch to 4×25 curls, press, lat raises and triceps. The lat raises…

Seven SOJ hard chargers decided to kick Friday morning’s ass, and here’s how it went: Warmarama: mosey to JRHS utility field for SSHs x 15, Helicopters x 10, DQs x 10, Freddy Mercuries x 20, merkins x 10. Mumblechatter was strong, The THANG: COP1 – Crazy 8s: mosey to JRHS parking lot. Bear crawl 7 spaces + 1 burpee; repeato with 6 spaces + 2 burpees, etc. This sucked.COP2 – Triple Nickel (OC heard “Nipple” and flashed back to the bar scene with Arnold in Total Recall): mosey to the base of Twin Team for hill repeats with sets of…

3rd F (Faith) TAP to PAX brother HighTower and his family.. HighTower was shot and killed while on duty this week. #SupportTheBlueBoBerry on Q for the RVA bible study on 10/13 at 8 PM.. See Slack 3rd F chan for meeting location Thank you Attila for taking us out this morning 2nd F (Fellowship) There is a 100 mile relay race coming up on the weekend of the 24th. See Slack 1st F chan for more details.Shoe drive still moving forward. SOJ crew has made it a personal mission to collect more than all other locations combinedHoneyDo is collecting for…

Warmarama : 10 F3 count SSH 10 F3 count Don Quixote’s 10 F3 count Imperial Walkers 10 F3 count Cherry Pickers The Thang : Mosey to track All PAX together as one group perform Shake n Bake aka Indian Run aka Indigenous Run around track for as many laps as possible (at the end of each lap, perform an exercise) Lap 1 exercise : 100 merkins Lap 2 exercise : 100 squats Lap 3 exercise : 100 WWII’s Lap 4 exercise : 50 Merkins Lap 5 exercise : 50 four count Mountain Climbers Lap 6 exercise : 50 four count plank jacks Lap 7…

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