A company of three reported to Satan’s hill in this mornings gloom to get a little better. According to a few drive by’s here is how it went down.
Mosey a bit to get warm. COP 25 SSH’s, 10 each: DQ’s, cherry pickers, deadman hangs, helicopters, Imperial walkers. Mosey up the hill. 4 stops on the way to pile of blocks. Each stop 25 each Merkins, WWII’s and squats. Arrive at pile of blocks. 4×25 each curls, overhead press, block copters, and bent rows. 4 rounds of this. Switch to 4×25 curls, press, lat raises and triceps. The lat raises were a bad call as they hurt something good. 4 corners the way back with 25 each Drydocks, LBC’s and IW’s at each stop. Hustle BTTF
Numberrama, Namearama. Announcements: SHoe drive: get to DTH. Prayer requests: To all. YHC took us out in COT. Thanks Roscoe and Florence for not letting me be solo. Roscoe good to see you continue to be out. Enjoy your time off next week. Florence strong posting, way to get better.
1 Comment
Great Q Nancy! Cindy was mean to me today!