Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

9 SOJers embraced the soggy conditions at Huguenot Park and prepared for another epic No Toll beatdown. As always, jorts were optional; but having a good time was not. Here is how it all went down. Mosey to the back parking lot for COP: Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Dead Man Hang, LBC’s – added on a few to accomodate a dry Fresh Prince. Line up for walking Russian Soldiers x2. Exercise 1: 3 stations: back parking lot, chain, F3 flag On the way out: Stop 1 -25 merkins, Stop -2, 25 WWII sit ups, Stop 3- 25 hand release…

It had been awhile since I have Qed and I wondered if any would show? As I wait I saw Duke heading down the hill. We hit Satins hill and ran trough the neighborhood to get 3 miles and some exercises along the way.

Fifteen fearless facing wet darkness slogged through Tuckahoe. Here’s where they went: All Out the Batcave across the shopping center onto Westham StationUp South RidgeBear right onto Westham 4s Right on BaldwinThrough Fraternity Row (Audible – Backtrack to Wood and Left on Lakewood)Back to Flag 5s/6s Right on DevonRight on HorsepenAudible and continue on HampshireLeft on WoodLeft on LakewoodLeft on CollegeBack to Flag 6s Add Old Bridge to Highland and backdown while on Westham Station Numberama, Nameorama, COT MOLESKIN Apologies to all for YHC’s failure to anticipate Fraternity Row being impassable.  Rumor has it, all but Saabski took the alternate…

It started with 5 penalty burpees when YHC welcomed 9 strong PAX to Hoedown, when we were in fact posted at Heartbreak Ridge. Perhaps inaccurate weather apps or a long absence from the Ridge prompted the slip-up. Either way, here’s how it went: COP – 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 Crabcakes, 10 Reverse Crabcakes*, 10 Merkins. Mosey to the back of the truck to grab coupons; Ronnie and GP got the special ones. Mosey to the back bus loop. Coupon Dora: 100 deep Merkins, 150 crusher curls (squeeze ends instead of normal coupon grip), 200 coupon squats; timer runs around…

The Q was a couple of minutes late. There was most snow on the car than expected. Luckily Corned Beef was there ahead of time scouting things out. We took a lap around the school and settled in under the covered area outside the cafeteria. After a few of the regular warm up exercises (merkins, LBC’s, etc….) we started the Tabata. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. We started with the upper body, moved to core and down to lower body. We did this for about 40 minutes. When we go tired, we did a few Alabama Prom Dates. As…

Eleven strong dodged downed tree limbs for a quiet morning at Hoedown without some of the regulars. Here’s what transpired. Mosey to Spottswood Rd and up Silverspring Dr stopping for a Burpee at each SUV along the way until reaching Third Church back parking lot. COP (IC) Imaginary Jump RopeDon QuixotesRussian SoldiersCopperhead SquatsHRMsFlutter Kicks Mosey to the corner Dora Selfy 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 LBCs (run a lap after each 25/50/75 of the exercises– 12 laps total) Mosey to TES parking lot 11s – Imperial Squats/ Carolina Dry Docks with a mosey from side to side of lot…

Four score and four brave men weathered the cold 72 degrees to take on Satan’s Hill. YHC found himself alone at arrival to SH with only the white Tesla steaming down the hill at the bottom of the hour. Luckily 3 more warriors arrived as the starter gun cracked. COP- 25 SSH’s, 10 each: DQ’s, deadman hang x4 ways, Helicopters, Imperial walkers, Russian soldiers. Mosey to top of Satan’s hill. 10 corners/Cul-de-sac’s. Run to intersection perform excercise, wait for six. Run to next intersection or curl-de-sac perform 1st and next exercise as called by YHC. You get the picture by…

3 PAX and one pooch assembled for an Off The Books run, Sunday style. Temps were sunny and 70. According to the utility workers in Westham, this is more or less what happened. 12:10 hours: YHC makes his lunch. Passing on the opportunity for jalapeño hot dogs, YHC opts for salad and left-over, homemade moo-shoo pork. 12:30 hours: Lockjaw makes his lunch, including a (glazed?) doughnut. 14:00 hours: YHC leaves his house, jogs 1 mile to Chez Lockjaw. 14:09:15 hours: YHC meets Lockjaw, da Vinci, and Lark. 14:09:30 group starts running. 3.2 miles. At some point, Lockjaw mentions inadvisability of…

Eight men of the darkness assembled in the after work/school Gloom to pound out this week’s version of The Punisher. Temperatures were precisely 70 and sunny, even after dark. According to the toddler running on the basketball court, this is more or less what happened. COP: Total bizarre form of SSHs.Bunch of other stuff. Mosey to the Building Wall Do a bunch of stuff, some of it in a circle. Mosey to the Bus Loop. Do some toe-tapping on the curbs and a few other things. Mosey to the Soccer Fields. Partner up for Dora, albeit an unconventional one. 50…

YHC headlocked a FNG to come to Dogpile. Texts flew back and forth for the past few days with the impending ice storm, sleet and freezing rain. YHC assured him that F3 workouts will happen rain or shine. In fact some of the best beatdowns have been in inclement weather. Dogpile is the best as it is usually the convergence of North and South of the river. A crazy blend of PAX for YHC to introduce to the FNG. So to prepare, YHC arrived 15 minutes early to recon the scene, and drove on the triangle route road-slushy and some…

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