Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Off The Books

Urban Farmhouse Midlothian

It was great to have Yukon Cornelius back in the line up from his travels to Indiana over the past week! He joined up with YHC and Choo Choo this gloom for a little beat down time. Warmarma – Mosey to the snack building Cherry Pickers SSH Imperial Walkers Merkins Wilson’s Wife Fudd’s Wife American Hammers Star Crunch The Thang! Walls of Jericho – PAX calls a workout for the other PAX to do while he runs a lap around the building. 7 rounds. Mosey to the playground PAX curb crawls around the playground while individual PAX takes a turn…

What a morning for some extra credit! Look out Handshake, 3 hunks showed up for a ruck so cold, their nipples could cut glass! The ruck was cut short at 2.5 miles when an unrecognizable vehicle pulled into the lot. Our curiosity got the best of us, so we went to greet this 1 New Jersey down ranger and his EH’d soon to be brother in law. It was nice having these guys join us this morning, Bangkok mentioned the workout had an IPC difficulty level, we’ll take that as a complement all day!

Before the “Face News” workout of Thanksgiving history, 2 runners got in there miles Run was simple a out and back to end Grove road while stopping every 5 minutes for 25 Merkins. Great catching up with Boberry and catching up on some Merkins Spit On That!!

Six Black Friday Stallions emerged with the sunrise, eager to take part in The State Farm Decathlon. 1 being a new comer, picked one heck of a beatdown to be his first! PoolBoy surprised us all with his unexpected arrival! And Big Rig was first on site this morning running the parking lot when YHC showed up for set up. Thanks guys for coming out and supporting the New Kent crew! Warmarama DQ’s, Arm Circles, Reverse Scorpions, Knee Knockers, Run the 1 mile course for an overview. The Thang! 2 Laps – 20 reps per station, Station 9 is 5…

Change began yesterday morning for YHC, as I embarked on the most uncomfortable Ruck to date. No, it didn’t have anything to do with the weight on my back, it was due to a lack of the pre workout deuce I’m accustomed to, how many of can relate?! “Just the two of us!” I sang as Choo Choo and I rucked the gloom of PFP. Trying to keep it light and my mind off of what was the b-hole sweats, or aka mud butt. We had plenty of good discussion and may have got our mugs caught on the parks…

3 Pull Up Enthusiasts came together at Goyne Park for the latest version of Pull Up Training. It was a warm 70 and sunny for a late November morning, so the Pull Up bars weren’t frosty which will be the case before too long. Started with some arm circles and other neck, chest, and arm stretches. Then we got into it. 10 Hollow Rocks x3 sets Corn Cob Pull Up Pyramids  (this was Pool Boy’s first time) Followed by Dip Pyramid starting at 5 reps and rotating between Corn Cob Jerkins Finish up with 3 sets of Chest to bar…

Had to break out the insulated gloves out on this frosty morning. YHC made sure to show them off to Beaver. We knocked out a short but sweet work out this morning. This is how it all went down….. Warmarama Mosey to pickleball courts Reverse scorpion Knee knockers SSH Copper head squats Wall sits Hoe downs Toe touches Thang 11’s with Merkins and Firecrackers with a 100 yard run between. Ended up being almost 2 miles when we were done. Pick your partner workout Merkins, balls on the walls, flutters, outlaws, squats, step ups and BURPEES. I’m sure I’m leaving…

2 Early birds made it out for another edition of Premature Acceleration. Just under 8 miles logged, at an easy 10 minute pace. The first 6 were run down Courthouse in the Providence neighborhood, with the last 2 in the trails of Rockwood Park. Always great to get some miles in with Boberry. We should have plenty more to come, as Bo’s training for a 30K in January, and I’ll start a training regimen next month to run the Blue Ridge Marathon in April.

Big Papa Beaver reluctantly slipped out of the fartsack fully knowing the high probability this mornings beatdown would be for a party of 1. Not showing up is harder on my body and mind than showing up is, so here I am! Warmarama Cherry Pickers helicopters Arm Circles SSHs Wilson’s Wife State Farm style Decathlon-each station separated by .10 miles of running for 1 mile 20 Merkins 20 KB Swings 20 Coupon Curls 20 Dips 20 Burpees 20 LBC’s 20 Pull ups 20 Pole Smokers 20 Step Ups 20 American Hammers Back to the Shovel Flag for some F3 Deck…

”Perverts at the Park?” These 2 New Kent weirdos met up for what looked like a workout for their invisible wives. Grabbing the backs of their ankles in a teabag motion, running, and laying on their backs and thrusting their pelvic bones to the moon and stars! Warmarama  DQ’s, Imperial Walkers, SSH’s, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Freddie Mercury’s, Reverse Scorpions, Knee Knockers COP1 11’s • Monkey Humpers – Alabama Prom Dates COP2 4 Square Progressive •10 Merkins •20 Squats  •30 LBCs •40 SSHs Revers-O Mosey to Snack Attack •Donkey Kicks IC 10 •Balls to the wall each PAX cts 10 •Hoedown…

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