Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoExcuses

Showed up to “Lion Heart” in Topeka this morning. Waiting….yup…no one is showing up I really can’t push myself to bootcamp solo. Plus, I feel like you look like Tyler Durden fighting himself as portrayed in the movie Fight Club. Hats off to Big Rig who did that regularly at 430 am. Knowing it was Wednesday, I did my own MOT. .https://onthegomap.com/s/r022457m Let’s see how “Top City Owls” on Friday goes.

We met at 6am, we walked and rucked. We discussed the QSOURCE topic Preparedness as it relates to life and leadership. We learned from each other and hopefully got a little better, and a little more prepared for what life will throw at us. “Getting Ready For The Expected While Being Ready For The Unexpected”

YHC visited Manhattan last month to celebrate his 21 Wedding anniversary with his M who used to live in the upper East Side. Wanting to get an easy 4 mile run in before returning to Richmond and before it was getting hot (was a cool non humid 70 degrees at 6:15am) found that I was running a sub 8 minute average pace for the entire run. If anyone has been to Central Park, there are some hills and it is a BIG park as my route was about 1/2 of the park north and south(about 2 miles (30 street blocks(59th…

YHC headlocked a FNG to come to Dogpile. Texts flew back and forth for the past few days with the impending ice storm, sleet and freezing rain. YHC assured him that F3 workouts will happen rain or shine. In fact some of the best beatdowns have been in inclement weather. Dogpile is the best as it is usually the convergence of North and South of the river. A crazy blend of PAX for YHC to introduce to the FNG. So to prepare, YHC arrived 15 minutes early to recon the scene, and drove on the triangle route road-slushy and some…

Six showed up for a cool post rain dark evening workout and here is what went down: COP Mosey to the front of the school and line up under shelter for: 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 15 Arm Circles 10 smal and 5 big, Reverso, 10 Russian Soldiers, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20 LBC’s, 10 reverese scorpions, 10 scorpions, and 18 merkins. THANG Triple Check 1 – Partner 1(P1)- Runs from COP to corner (200 yards each way) as the timer. P2 10 Donkey Kicks(DK) then wall sits for a count of 10 OYO and repeato until P1 returns, P3 performs LBC’s.…