Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Giants Running at Me


Eight men of the darkness assembled in the after work/school Gloom to pound out this week’s version of The Punisher. Temperatures were precisely 70 and sunny, even after dark. According to the toddler running on the basketball court, this is more or less what happened.


Total bizarre form of SSHs.
Bunch of other stuff.

Mosey to the Building Wall

Do a bunch of stuff, some of it in a circle.

Mosey to the Bus Loop.

Do some toe-tapping on the curbs and a few other things.

Mosey to the Soccer Fields.

Partner up for Dora, albeit an unconventional one. 50 burpees. 50 merchant. 200 squats. 300 flutter kicks. Pass around any extras for the Pax. On the last two rounds do some runs and then suicides through the basketball court, watching out in the dark for the little man who must have thought eight giants had invaded.

Mosey back to the bus loop for a medley of lunges, crawls, and the like.

Mosey back to the brick wall for some partner exercises. 100 donkey kicks and some BTTW for one man. Run + 3 burpees at the turn-around for the other.

Mosey back to the Parking Lot. Number-am-a, Name-a-ram-a, Johnsonville took us out.


Solid group for a Monday night. 47 year age gap between oldest and youngest. Solid effort all around.


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