Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

The answer is “yes,” and it sounds something like a groan mixed with a strangled fart. Because that’s what it was. YHC posted to a Bettie Weaver ES parking lot populated only by icicles and slushy rain puddles, notwithstanding the forecast of 70ish and sunny-ish. At the appointed time, YHC shed the comfy confines of his car-sack to get going, having learned from previous experience that lingering around an elementary school parking lot dressed in head-to-toe black can sometimes be … misconstrued. According to the Riverton Neighborhood Watch report, here’s how it went: Warmarama: Mosey to the BWES covered entrance…

6 Warriors posted on a Thursday morning. Weather was sunny and 70. As I had the Q today, I decided to fulfill Bodo’s goal of a couple of weeks ago by doing the entire workout in the Gazebo. We did an initial run around the school, then headed to the Gazebo. COP followed by a set of lindsey’s with pole smokers and WWiI situps with bear crawls in between. Next up was jumping rope and lunges in teams. Last set of lindsey’s was merkins and SSH. Short version of Mary and then out. We finished the workout and COT under…

3rd F: (Faith)Virtual 3rd F every other Tuesday. Next up is 3/2 with Honey Do on Q covering ForgivenessGuys… don’t miss out on this great event as we discuss Faith in a safe environment to express your thoughts. See 3rd F Channel in Slack or contact Offshore for the Zoom Link. Please reach out to someone you have not talked to in a while.. Your call today may be exactly what that person needed. 2nd F: (Fellowship) See Nancy Lopez post in Slack regarding the 5k on the 28th for The GLOW Galactosemia 2021T-Claps for Greenbow on his 10 yrs…

A lone wolf headed out for run on this icy morning for a short run. YHC got a text from Corned Beef at 5:20 that he wouldn’t be able to make it and if he could take the Q. YHC was already on the way and was happy to fill in. Turns out it ended up being a solo day. Route was two loops around Bojangles and added two loops around the parking lot of the library and shopping center. Total distance just over a 5k. Hopefully some better weather will get the rest of PAX out again soon! SPIT…

A dynamic duo didn’t succumb to the weatherman’s lies, and posted to the Forge to snuff out the flame of sloth and embrace the suck of self-discipline. Here’s what spontaneity produced: The THANG: THE DESCENT: x10 Lunges ea light pole down to the culdesac CULDESAC MINI COP: SSH, DQ’s, SquatWalkers THE ASCENT: x3 Burpees ea light pole going back up, alternating Run, Bernie, Caraoke, or Bear crawl between poles ELEVENS: Between bus loop curbs2-Count Am Hams Lt DansLunge or Bearcrawl between sides MARY’s BOUDOIR: Under the dry awning of the Middle SchoolDORA:x100 WWIIx200 Pole Smokersx300 Mtn ClimbersMoving partner uses the picnic…

Into the frozen gloom, 5 met up to burn off the fat. All were happy to see Gypsy back in the Pax for the start of the clawing back to machine condition. The Thang, Mosey west down Three Chopt, North on John Rolfe to the cut through to the Park. Circle up for a quick COP 10 SSH, 11 Don Qu’s, 10 LBC’s, 10 Merkins lets roll zig zag over to the Lake at Wellesley circle up for a custom Ring of Fire: first person starts with 20 Merkins rest of pax does LBC’s, moves to next until all 5…

It was good to see these guys on a 27 degree morning. Started promptly at 5:30 with warmup of: side straddle hops, LBC’s, Merkins and Arm Circles. We didn’t go far because this morning was a tabata. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. We did various exercises going from arms to core to legs. Exercises included: Clean and Press, sit up press, squats, halos’, boat-canoe’s, calf raises, demon crushers, lunges and some I can’t recall. As usual it was a pleasure to lead these guys. Every day is better when I start it with an F3 workout. Numberama, Namearama, a…

Ten of Tuckahoe’s finest huddled around the pine cone parking lot for a little banter prior to today’s excursion. Some even hurled pine cones. Better than hurling other projectiles. Regardless, this is what we did, for the most part: The ThangShort mosey to the front of the church for disclaimer and light warm up COP: 15x Invisible Jump Ropes15x Imperial Walkers10x Knee Pulls (with ample form description)10x Donald Quixotes21x SSH, 5 in cadence, 16 in silence5x Burpees b/c Honeydo chose not to count Barely a shimmy to the north parking lot for COP 2 Bolt 45s15x Leg ThrustsRepeat one more…

6 strong posted for WDOG this morning and here is how it went down. Mossy to the former police statue for warm up exercises ! Mossy to the steps on the hill to the water plant – one guy runs up and back twice on the steps while others do exercises which are – LT. Dans – American hammers, LBC’s, Crabcakes. Each pax runs the steps twice . Mossy across the street to the field for some four corners. 10 20 30 40 merkins – lunges and karaoke in between 5 10 15 20 burpees – Russian solder – Bernie…

One PAX sallied forth on an Off the Books, Down Range run. Temps were sunny and 70. Really. Except the sunny part. Route: 1 mile north on boardwalk, reverse, past the starting point, 1.5 miles south, reverse, BTTVSF. 5 total. NMS: Vinny sent this. Golf season is around the corner. Get your wardrobe advice now. https://app.radio.com/G0blVfv4Vdb

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