Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

Perfect weather for a run or ride this morning. After some mild confusion on the new RAMM flag location we were off. Windsor Farms big loop: South on Commonwealth, cross Cary to Berkshire and follow Berkshire in loop through Windsor Farms. Berkshire becomes Sulgrave briefly, then Canterbury. Canterbury to Cary, cross Cary and head north on Malvern. Malvern north across Grove and Patterson, almost to Monument. Left on Wythe Ave. 4’s – Wythe to a left on Chantilly then left on Grove and back to the flag 5’s – Wythe to a left on Willow Lawn Drive, left on Patterson,…

No fartsack this morning. Two showed up to Timberwolf.   Will there be a triple check? Nope, Hot Potato all day long.   Warmarama: Mosey to the side parking lot for SSH x 20, DQ x 10, Russian Soldiers x 10, Merkins x 10, Squats x 10, The THANG: Mosey to first lamp post. Find a partner. P1 run to the last lamp post. P2 Broad Jump Burpees, Switch off. Alternate exercises to get to the last lamp post Lunges, Bear Crawls, Broad Jumps. Find another Partner. Work our way back to the first lamp post. P1 Runs to the first pole and back. Switch off. Alternate exercises each switch. Bear…

DANCING IDIOT: The HIM who initiates a Movement by Influencing a First Follower. (Video)F3 the organization is set up using this principle. As a Men’s Fellowship organization with a mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership with 5 core principles: Free of ChargeNever a charge to workout, ever. Open to all MenNo matter the man, you are welcome here. Held OutdoorsRain or Shine, Heat or Chill, we are out there. Peer LedRotating fashion of men leading each other. Ends with COTAlways ends with a Circle of Trust.and a motto of:“Leave…

YHC pulled up to see a parked car that seemed like an FNG coming to a run workout. We had an easy 4 mile route, with Opus pulling in to park and Bulkhead running from home we gathered up made some introductions, fired up the headlamps and ran the following 4.25 mile route…typically called the Taylor farm loop. see route below: This was nice so we could show the FNG some other AO venues such as DaVille and where we typically form up to start. Mumblechatter was great, LabRat would have been proud as YHC filled the void of quiet…

A good showing for WDog this morning got rewarded with a tabata workout. Pullups/bar work, boat/canoe, planks, and jump ups were the exercises. Many comments about the naming of Tabata…and of course, Tabatha was a popular subject. The pax seems to be digging these, so expect more to come out of Lab Rat Q’s in the near future….especially with a smallish pax. Sorry to keep it short, but my laptop is on the fritz and had to use a loaner computer to get this out in the world, but like Flatline likes to say….”those that post know”. Lab Rat apologizes…

Eight SOJ stalwarts rolled up to the Forge locked and loaded, and here’s how it went down: Warmarama: Mosey to the front traffic loop for SSH x 20, DQ x 10, Russian Soldiers x 15, Freddy Mercuries x 20, APDs x 15, Hello Dollies x 20, Carolina Dry Docks x 10. The THANG: Mosey to amphitheater for 11s (1x Imperial Squat Walker, bear crawl across the grass to the steps, 10 x dips, lunge back, repeato)Mosey to the loading dock for a Triple Check (Pax 1: run to first light pole and back, PAX 2: donkey kicks, PAX 3: heels…

Eight KB warriors gathered in the gloom this morning to grow stronger (and laugh). Mumble-chatter was high, but the beat-down reigned. Here is how it went down: COPSSHIWPunitive burpeesDQHelicoptersArm circlesMerkinsLBCAPDKB Beast at the bus drop off laneFlutter presses with behind the back carryHigh pulls with right arm waiters carryCurls with left arm waiters carrySwings with death crawlsSumo squats with around the worldsTricep presses with lungesCOP with YHC taking us out A long and grueling KB beast today. Those death crawls are not to be trifled with. Solid work from the PAX and excited to see a solid turnout. Announcements -…

A cool six-pack showed up in a strange place for a strange brew of options. Temperatures were 70 and sunny outside, and between 38-55 degrees in the froth. According to the brewmaster, the following likely happened: Circle up. Mosey inside for a double-check. The PAX discussed 17 year cicadas and whether they were the name of the beer or present in the beer or both. YHC did 2-3 SSHs (for real) to both begin the COP and conclude the workout. Don’t say YHC didn’t exercise. Lockjaw, Dial-up, and YHC proceeded outside to initiate the longest COT of the year. Soon,…

11 men came to Midlothian Middle School in search of some truth. What they got instead was a Q who managed to butcher the FIRST exercise in the warm-up. Luckily we all made through alive. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure: Mosey to the lower parking for warm-ups:Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes, Russian Soldiers, Dean Man Hang, Cherry Pickers, Freddie Mercuries. Exercise One: The Big XStarting in the middle of the track run to each point of the X, which covered most of the school property, and complete the called exercise. Run back to the middle, do five…

Three moseyed around the Westham micro-region of the Tuckahoe nano-region with some exercises to boot. Mosey to Church patio COP (IC) DMHCopperhead SquatsIWsHelicoptersJazzercisesHRMsPlankoramaBox CuttersScorpion Kicks Mosey a mile down River and right on Highland to Westham Station Solo Dora (4 sets with mosey between up S. Ridge) 100 Merkins/ 200 Monkey Humpers/ 300 LBCs Mosey back to the parking lot and retrieve coupons Triple Check w/ alternating exercises P1 – Bench Presses, Curls, Overhead PressP2 – Dips, Swings, Lawnmower PullsP3 – Run to end of the parking lot and back Mary Freddie MercurysWilson’s Spaghetti PartyAmerican Hammers Ring of Fire x…

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