Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

8 Davillians and a visitor for the summer challenge rolled into the Atlee high school parking lot for a humid party that went something like this… Mosey to the basketball court on the other side of the school COP All IC – 25 SSHs, 10 merkins, 25 freddy mercuries, 10 merkins, 25 LBCs, 10 merkins, 10 don quixotes, 10 helicopters, 5 merkins, arm circles, 5 merkins Mosey to the bus loop 11s 1 merkin, run halfway around the bus loop, 10 two count mountain climbers, continue until finished. Mosey to the side of the bus loop Bear-ly Make It Partner…

11 congregated around the U of R lake, showing varying degrees of interest regarding which route they would take; As YHC spouted instructions with a map in tow, many expressed uncertainty on which direction to go; Lab Rat took off on his own direction, with Fudd as a companion upon later inspection; Sippy, Splinter, and Hardywood in front as one could plainly see, yet Hardywood dropped off near the end – supposedly having to pee; In hitting the steepest hills Pucker showed just what to do, while Two Can was not far behind sporting his new Scorpion tattoo; Bootleg was…

Six strong, including a FNG, made it out to HBR to see if the fields are in better shape. We did: Mosey to top field, botched disclaimer then COP of SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks Scorpion Kicks, and Imperial Walkers . Head over to DK wall for Dora 123. 100 Donkey Kicks, 200 Jump Squats, 300 LBCs. Head down to Jerkin Gym. 4 sets of 8 Jerkins. Then over to benches for 3 sets of Benchkicks and Derkins. First set: 40&10, then 35&15, 30&20. Head back to Heartbreak Hill – Up, 15 WWII situps, then down. 2 more times up,…

10 strong attacked No Toll this morning in the 81 degree warmth with no air movement.  The only breeze created was when the PAX was moving around.  Here is what went down: Mosey to the far field for: COP: Invisible Jump Rope x 15 Helicopters x 15 Don Quixote x 10 Hillbillies x 15 Merkins x 10 Scorpion Kicks x 10 Crab Cakes x 10 Doracides (w/Big Cones) Partner up.  One partner runs to first cone and performs one Burpee then runs back and touches partner.  Run to second cone and perform two Burpees then run back and…

ONE PAX posted for a distinctly non-gloomy run in the Gloom. 5:45 a.m. came, temps were sunny and 70, no LIFO’s appeared, and YHC was off. Route: Sudurhild to Bustadavegur to Langahild (becomes Noatun).  4 milers turn around (no takers), 5 milers left on Laugavegur to Snorrabraut.  Slight right onto Hverfistaga.  5 milers turn around at Frakkastigur.  Reverso.  Back to the VSF. YHC apologies to LabRat for mis-spelling precisely all of the street names. Number-am-a, Name-a-rama, YHC took himself out. Announcements: July 4, Convergence.  7:00 a.m. Tredegar. NMS: YHC rose for a sub-Arctic, Reykyavik summer morning.  Temps were actually sunny…

2 strong braved the heat for a steamy Punisher.  EF planted the Flag.  Here’s how it went down. Long Mosey around AO and back to front field COP (IC) SSHs Russian Soldiers Imperial Walkers Rib Spreaders Arm Circles LBCs Merkins Mosey to front of building Partner 1 Exercise/ Partner 2 Run to Street and Back Wall Plank Donkey Kicks Flutter Kicks People’s Chair Repeato Mosey to Bus Loop Ark Loader Bear Crawl Duck Walk Crab Walk Bunny Hop Polar Bear Crawl Bear Mosey to Blacktop Partner Conveyor Belt (P1 Exercise/ P2 Make a Free Throw) Sledgehammer Tire Slams Jump Rope…

Four PAX braved the muggy weather to put in some miles at River Run this morning – all four thinking they may be solo with the regulars (Gumbo and Rosie) on hiatus. All four chose the 4 mile route – through Tarrington, across Robious, down Twin Team hill, around the school loop. Rosco, Sugar Sock, and YHC ran as a group and discussed the finer points of fashion and housing in the late 80’s and early 90’s – the consensus (by at least two) was to keep the cargo shorts and ditch the Colonials. Great running with you all this…

2 regular Batteau rock haulers, one occasional visitory and 2 uninitiated Pax  showed up on a very hot Monday morning.    Hot Potato Q was called. Mosey over to the sledding hill. Honeydo leading COP– SSH, Helicopters, Merkins, DQs, Freddie Mercuries.  Then zip-line back and forth. 15x Merkins at one tree and 15x WW2s at the other.  Work way down hill in a zig-zag fashion. Sippy Cup leading.   Choose a rock and head down to the lake for a large loop.  Leg 1.  Carry rock up the long hill to the FH parking lot, then 10x crossover merkins.  Mosey to…

3 Davillians and 1 PAX on their summer tour, ventured out on this humid Monday morning. ROUTES Singer and YHC headed to the Cross Country trails and through the Honey Meadow trails then back through the estates, then one lap around the gravel track before heading back to the parking lot for 4ish miles Mudface (with his 30lb Ruck sack) and No Idea loop around Honey Meadows and back for 3ish miles MOLESKIN Great to have Wedding Singer up in DaVille this morning. Mumble chatter was mainly about the fact both us dealing with a new born and a toddler…

Five pax stood in the parking lot looking at each other wondering where all the regulars were and who was going to Q.  When asked who wants it, all pax but Lab Rat took one step back.  OK then, let’s do some experimenting! Original plan came to a screeching halt when we went to do a lap around the school only to be met by a formidable fence.    We straightened back out and got some COP done in front of the school.  Nothing fancy here, but get the muscles warmed up and stretched out. We then moseyed back to…

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