Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

YHC showed up this morning at 0520 with only 3 PAX members on scene and by 0530, 14 strong posted for an always entertaining Q by YHC. Let mosey… COP on blacktop….. x 10 Don Quixote, x 25 SSH, x 15 Imperial Walkers, x 15 Merkins, x 15 Flutter Kicks. Mumblechatter was light during COP so why not get going. Mosey over to corner of  Cary and Westmoreland…….Catch Me If You Can-triple up. Partner 1 performs x 14 Merkins and x 14, 2 count American Hammers. Partner 2 is carried by Partner 3. 2 and 3 begin to walk around…

We are going to change things up a little for RAMM this Friday.  There will be the usual 4, 5 and 6 mile routes.  The 4 mile route’s directions are listed below.  It is a slightly modified version of Lockjaw’s recent Snake River route.  If you plan on attending, please go ahead and familiarize yourself with the 4 mile route.  Everyone will be running this route.  The extra distances for the 5’s and 6’s will be announced at 5:25am by the Shovel Flag.  This RAMM will involve a type of competition and will be a good training run for those…

It was 70 and sunny for 5 SOJ regulars along with YHC’s 2.1 and 2.2 to hit the parking lots and fields of Timberwolf.  It was a last minute decision to Q so YHC could control the workout for my 2.0s since they have missed the 2 Puppy Piles so far this year. THANG COP with SSH, DQ, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Hand release merkins and flutter kicks varying counts with some in conversation while DK tried to have a conversation with the Q.  Follow that up with some parking lot tracers. Mosey to the freshly mowed field that was softer…

Ten stalwart men laughed at the late-June humidity, grabbed a kettlebell, and launched into fitness at Manndate this morning. Here is what happened. THANG   Mosey around parking lot (forward, backward, karaoke) KB Variety Ladder (All exercises 5 reps each side) One-handed swing High pulls Snatch Windmill Repeat, adding the following exercises before Windmill with each repetition: Clean & press Double lunge Squat & press Approximately one minute of elbow plank/rest between steps of the ladder. Mosey around parking lot again (forward, backward, side shuffles) KB/Bodyweight Timed Ladder (~30 sec for each…

6 SOT regulars (great to have a solid base of regulars at the new SOT AO) posted on this Hump Day morning.  Nobody signed up to Q but YHC secured the AO, so I kicked off the festivities and went to the bullpen to bring in Wild Thing (aka Rosco) to close it down.  This is how it went, more or less: Mosey down the hill to the football field (still of broken dreams to borrow McRib’s moniker for Old SOT’s football field) and circle up for COP, including: DQs Helicopters Arm Circles SSHs LBCs Flutter Kicks THANG: The Beast…

20 of the finest F3RVA men showed up at WDOG to better themselves and this is what happened: Circle up around Shovel Flag in plank.  Bear Crawl to middle for 5 merkins and Crawl Bear back out.  Helicopters, SSH, and DQs. Mosey to far side of Carillon field about 100 yards from the south side for The Michigan.  10 yd sprints, 8 80 yd sprints, 6 60 yd sprints, 4 40 yd sprints, 2 20 yd sprints, and 1 10 yd sprint. Mosey to amphitheater for Self Destruction.  1st step perform 1 squat, 1 merkin and 1 v-up.  2nd step=2…

A lucky-seven took over Daville this morning to challenge our bodies and even work-in a little community service. Here is what happened. Variety mosey (regular, karaoke, bear crawl) to football field for COP.   COP SSH IC x 20 Merkins IC x 10 Flutterkicks (Mark Spitz style) IC x 20 Dirty dogs IC x 10 Ball dippers IC x 10 THANG Mosey to playground for 11s. Monkey bar 11s Alternating leg lifts and pull-ups. Skip in between stations. Modifications, as needed, were knee raises and burpees. Playground ball retrieval Divide into two teams. Hop over the…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9myYc8Pn8o The allure of the HR Derby brought 23 willing participants to the ball field in the gloom this morning, including the man, the myth, the legend…Kevin (McRib) Bacon and 1 FNG. The PAX signed in (for BB purposes and for the batting order (but more on that later)) and formed up on in right field for COP to get loose, including: SSHs DQs Cotton Pickers Helicopters Imperial Walkers Poles – Sprint from the foul pole to the left field foul pole, do 10 merkins, sprint back and plank up for instructions. Instructions were simple – 3 swings – over…

9 Pax arrived and YHC called the infinity loop.  Off we went with Opus catching us a little later. Some did 4 loops, some dig 3 and some time around the lake, and others did 2 plus a cross campus excursion. Shakedown took us out in observance of his race this weekend. NMS Though we had done this route one time before, the speedy Pax was a little unaware of the course.  YHC said that they would all stick together for the first lap, but none the less a trio took off.  Let’s just say they missed the turn and…

Seven studs, many who double posted today, arrived for the second Lockjaw beat down of the day. COP – In the shade of a small tree. SSH Imperial Walkers, Don Quixote Helicopters On the side of the school, Triple Check! Two partners do Plerkins while the other runs to the lamp post on the road and back.  Cycle through the positions three times. Over to the picnic shelter for Lindsays: dips off the benches and box cutters. Mosey over to the playground which was occupied by little kids fully enjoying all it had to offer.  Partner up in the shade…

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