Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

COP SSH Arm circles Helicopters Don Quixotes 10 minute AMRAP 1 1 Snatch each arm 1 high pull 1 curl each arm 1 goblet squat Increase rep by one each round 10 Minute AMRAP 2 1 leg raise 1heels to heaven 1 demon crusher 1 press 1 sit and press Increase reps by one each round 8 minute AMRAP 1 Lawn Mower each arm 1 European Lawn Mower each arm 1 goblet squat 1 Lunge each leg Increase reps by one each round 5 minutes of dynamic stretching Numberama Namearama Mr. Holland took us out NMS YHC thought that he…

Most of the BRR team met last night to discuss last minute details and talk about the race. Pre-run at Hillcrest with a little bit of rain along the way. Refreshements were had, beers were drunk, and routes were dispersed. One week out from launch. Almost Christmas boys. TYA OUT

14 Posted on the first day of Fall. The Thang. Mosey to blacktop. 20 x SSH, 20x Freddy Mercury, 20 x Imperial Walker, 30x American Hammer, 10x Don Quixote, 40x LBC. Mosey to Tennis court for four corners 10 Merkins, 20 copper head squats, 30 WWII’s and 40 monkey humpers. Mosey back to blacktop. Team of 3. Combination Dora and running. Merkins, WWII and SSH. Mosey to side of school at the tree line. At each tree, 10 merkins and 20 SSH. Alternate Bear crawl and crab walk. Mosey back to flag and do 10 Merkins OYO NMM. Awesome to…

8-9 solid dudes enjoyed a fall like morning to get a coupon beatdown. I write 8-9 because Gypsy came out in the beginning, went on a run somewhere and then was back. Maybe there was an early morning 2 kegger. The workout went like this: COP: DQ, DMH, FM, merkins, AC Mosey to loop. Partner 1 – 5 burpees, partner 2 – carries both coupons, Partner 1 catches up to Partner 2 and switch. We did two loops. Mosey to another part of the bus loop. Set of exercises written on the ground of the loop. 1. Bench press 2.…

And just like that, RVA’s sweaty mistress of humidity has departed, leaving a bedraggled summer PAX lapping up the sweet cool air of freedom. Here follows the tale of eight vets and one FNG, invigorated with the first taste of Autumn, digging deep to overcome the flesh: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey a couple parking lot loops with moving exercisesCircle up for F3 Welcome & DisclaimerVariable IC exercises to get blood pumping to all the necessary parts Donkey Kickoffs to close 5–>20 COP #2: Mosey another couple lots to end up down at the Tooth Fairy stairsLINDSEY:Dips at the bottom 30–>10Tooth…

18 F3 Grand Stranders and YHC started off the new month running against the wind on the beach in to our backs in the streets. Time flies when you’re having fun happy hump day. This how it went down COP Mosey down 6th street do the oceanfront. Stop just before access to the bed for sets of merkins and LBC’s Indian run in two different lines from 6th street to 11th street Head back onto the road stopping at several street corners more sets of merkins, SSH’s, LBC’s. Between corners we would either bear crawl or crab walk up to…

YHC came in hot with his clown car in tow. The PAX was primed and ready to go leaving the flag as soon as our headlights hit them. Caught up as PAX was performing COP. According to the trash man here is what went down. 20 each:SSH , LBC’s, 10 each: DQ’s, Imperial walkers, deadman hang, Jazzercise, Helicopters , Merkins, LBC, Flutter, Drydocks, Dollies, Rosalita’s. To the track for a Beast, Make that a Buckeye (in honor of our 8 national championships.). Just like a beast but 8 reps and 8 trips. Exercises were Merkins, WWII’s, Squats, Monkey humpers, Drydocks,…

10 bridge runners descended upon the over grown grassy fields of Byrd Park this morning. YHC was happy to see some strong numbers this morning. YHC kicked things off with F3’s official opening remarks and some light stretching. Then it was off, mosey on over to the Nickel bridge. At the bridge, every light post 2 burpees, run to the end then turn around, and every light post on the way back 4 WW2s. Wait for the 6, then modified Native American run to the Carillon field. Modified in the sense that the last person does 2x merkins then sprints…

7 PAX did IPC Week 0 : Vagabond, McGruff, Rosetta, Doozy, Snuff, Boberry, Florence 2 PAX were Runners : Don Draper, Tobit 6 PAX did Boot Camp : Nancy Lopez, Bullseye, Herme, Honeymoon, POG, Marmaduke THE THANG : IPC Week 0 – 100 Merkins, 800 meter run, 75 Merkins, 1200 meter run, 50 Merkins, 1600 meter run, 25 Merkins, 2000 meter run IPC Week 0 Modified Version – 50 push ups, incline push ups, or push ups on knees400 m run or walk40 push ups or incline push ups or push ups on knees600 m run or walk30 push ups…

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