Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: #IronPAXChallenge

3 Savages took on a workout that I came up with, that was inspired by Iron PAX workouts. The 11 Pull ups were added to it yesterday by State Farm’s request. Mudslide thought it would be a good addition for his Spartan preparation. I think it was Iron PAX worthy. Here it is. 11 Pull Ups 22 Thrusters 33 V Ups 44 Merkins After 3 sets of each run 1 mile Do as much as you can in 45 minutes 2 rounds would be optimistic in 45 minutes. Mudslide was the closest to accomplish that feat (Beast!), State Farm was…

Two PAX took the long journey to the land of Iron Bridge for this weeks iteration of Premature Acceleration. The workout of choice was IPC 2023 Wk 2 AKA The BDE Mile. 45 (or 43:30…) min AMRAP: 1 lap around track 5 BDE Burpees (burpee with two Bonnie Blair’s and a squat) 1 lap around track 5 hand release spider man merkins (3 merkins = 1 rep) rinse and repeat (emphasis on the rinse) TCLAPS to Big Rig for pushing YHC to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Also for giving up caffeine for Dry July! That workout…

PAX of 2 for Premature Acceleration this morning. Boberry and I got to Rockwood promptly at 5 only to discover that the gates were yet to be opened. This required a slight change to our plan for the morning, but we made the most of it. Boberry parked and we ran a couple laps around the park then went into “the pit” for 3 cindies. We alternated rifle carrying 1 cindy, and farmer’s carrying 2 back to the flag for our short Iron PAX workout for the week. 15 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Handrelease Merkins, 20 yds Broad jump(10…

Last week we did ironPAX. It was so terrible we decided to do another one. With Hardywood kicking ass and taking names, here is how it went down: Here’s the WOD for Premature Acceleration. No running to be found! Let’s go! Week 3 – Meter’s 435 Pull-ups10 Dips15 Burpee Coupon Jump Overs20 Coupon Curls25 Coupon Squat Thrusters30 Gas Pumps (reverse crunches) Rinse and repeat for 43 minutes Brutal. Thanks for the push fellas. Great work! Rumor has it the wheel of misfortune will be coming back soon 🤫

Big Rig: I just did a run, let’s do a workout on Saturday Boberry: Ok sure , as long it’s not the Cindy 500 ….. somehow this turned into a doing another ironPAX workout 🙃 … we tried to get other people to post but no one answered the call this time… more likely they were all smarter than us 😂 here’s the Thang Week 2 – Meatloaf’s Massacre 4 Rounds 10 Manmakers20 Overhead Presses30 KB Swings40 Goblet Squats50 Incline Block Merkins1600 meter run**rinse and repeat for rounds 2, 3, and 4 with the following modification. Decrease run 400 meters for each…

They both suck!!! Hardywood said that growth comes in the rough edges, not in the comfortable middle. There’s nothing comfortable about The Cindy 500. An Iron PAX challenge from last summer, YHC suggested we do one of those challenges from last year to State Farm and that was the first one he fired back. Holy smokes what a burn! Nothing like lifting a cinder block over your head a whopping 200 times! And that’s not even half the workout! And the grip strength training was not something that was anticipated either. Great to have Hardywood make the hike from Amelia,…

9 PAX posted and survived to tell the tale of week 4 of the 2023 ironPAX challenge. It was a greatest hits of the worst exercises they have come up with. Some were smart enough to stretch/warmup a bit before 530. Time hit and this is more or least what was done by the PAX: The Thang Set EMOM timer for 5-minutes. Perform 3 Kraken burpees every time the timer goes off during the workout. Kraken Burpee is 3 hand release merkins and then a burpee. Perform the burpee after the 3rd hand release merkin. Round 1 Murder Bunny 10yds to…

8 IronPAX enthusiasts gathered at Satan’s Hill this morning to take a turn at the Cindy 500. With a soundtrack from the 90s, this is how it went down: That emoji was appropriate as at least one PAX spilled a little merlot this morning. That was especially awful. TCLAPS to everyone who did the hard thing and showed up today. Prayers up for YeeHaw, Wildcat, and their families. Also prayers out to those struggling with mental health. Reach to someone today you haven’t heard from in awhile!

In a rare SOT/MOT crossover, 10 PAX met at the midlo middle school. IronPAX had come to the track! Time hit and we were off! The following was the routine: One lap around track 5 BDE burpees one lap around the track 5 BDE Merkins rinse and repeat for 45 minutes your score is how many meters you run. Most got about 3-4 miles in today!time called and we went back to the flag. numbers, names, announcements, YHC took us out. lots going on in F3RVA! Love for Liv on Sat! next week is 9yr convergence at the crucible and…

7 men knew the ironPAX was happening and posted anyway. 1 FNG unknowingly showed up to one of the tougher beat downs F3 has to offer. All men got better! Here’s the low down on what we did today: FORMAT 45min AMRAP (with E5MOM: 20 yards Mode of Transportation (MOT)) Coupon and EMOM timer is needed for this workout Set an EMOM timer for 5 minutes and when the timer starts, the workout starts. This out-and-back E5MOM MOT will happen 8-times during the WOD on the 5th , 10th , 15th , 20th , 25th , 30th , 35th &…

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