Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

First Time Leading the Circus


8-9 solid dudes enjoyed a fall like morning to get a coupon beatdown. I write 8-9 because Gypsy came out in the beginning, went on a run somewhere and then was back. Maybe there was an early morning 2 kegger. The workout went like this:

COP: DQ, DMH, FM, merkins, AC

Mosey to loop. Partner 1 – 5 burpees, partner 2 – carries both coupons, Partner 1 catches up to Partner 2 and switch. We did two loops. Mosey to another part of the bus loop.

Set of exercises written on the ground of the loop. 1. Bench press 2. Curls, 3. Flutters, 4. Coupon squats, 5. Sit up press, 6. Swings, 7. Triceps while laying on the ground (forgot the F3 name) and run around the loop get coupon and get to back of line.

We did these twice. In between we took a field trip and did 10 merkins and 10 heels to heaven w/ coupon when getting to an outdoor light. We were treated to a visitor playing a little Black Sheep. Who doesn’t get pumped up by some old school rap? At the last lights we did 20 merkins and 20 heels.

There was some mumble chatter at times and a couple of brown clouds but otherwise great morning with a little less sweat than we are used to for the summer. It was a challenge for me to lead when I forget the names of half the kettle bell exercises but you have to start somewhere.

Announcements: 9/18 – Field Day, 9/25 – Amelia sit and sip – Cornhole participants wanted, Iron PAX – da&n hard but there is a modify version so anyone can participate.

Prayers for those with and recovering COVID, in Afghanistan and recovering from health maladies. Good to see Gypsy back!

Do great things men!

Fireman Ed


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