Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

Today was a challenge at Gridiron as this AO’s faithful have been ravaged by injuries (more to come).  For those that are still standing, here is how it went down: COP 25 SSH 25 Russian Soldiers 10 merkins 20 Freddy Mercuries 20 Crab Cakes 20 DQ Arm Circles – 10 small/5 big – both forwards and backwards Bear crawl around parking lot island Mosey to playground for 24/7’s – 7 jerkins and 24 PLTs x3 (some guys got in an extra set of jerkins while waiting for the group to finish Mosey to the football field for a Lindsay with…

17 men got off to a great start with a beatdown that went something like this: Slaughter Starter – 24 burpees for the 2 BRR teams that are in the 24th hour of the race in two weeks. Mosey to road by the Pump House parking lot stopping a couple of times for 5 merkins OYO. COP – Invisible jumpropes x 20 IC, bear crawl across road, 5 merkins IC, Crawl bear back across road. Arm Circles x 10 IC, bear crawl across street, 5 merkins IC, crawl bear back. DQ x 10 IC. Mosey to the Nickel Bridge toll…

Four consistent cyclists showed up this morning for RAMM Gears, but a record 19 runners pulled into the Mary Munford parking lot for RAMM. At our 5:30 departure time we were exactly two weeks, or 336 hours, away from the start of the Blue Ridge Relay. By the time you read this, several of those hours will have disappeared. This looming deadline appears to have motivated many of the pax to pack in additional miles this week. The Route: Reverse Carillion. An old standard used at the AO several times this year. Always an energizing run as all participants end up…

12 from DaVille posted on a cool August Friday morning for a beat down. This is how we did it Scout Run around the church to pick up the LIFO’s\ COP Two sets of 10 second toe toches 20 Side Straddle Hops 10 Four Count Merkins 20 Invisible Jump Rope 10 Smurf Jacks THANG 11’s Merkins and Goblet Squats – Bear Crawl across the parking lot.  Start with 10 merkins, run back for 1 goblet squats.  Continue until 1 merkin and 10 goblet squat 4 Corners of The Church  Run to first corner – 10 Bobby Hurley’s Karaoke to 2nd corner – 20 Merkins…

5 soldiers assembled at Twin Team for an SOJ beatdown. Nobody had taken Q, so EF Hutton and YHC called a Hot Potato audible…and it went something like this: THANG Mosey around bus loop while Flipper secured AO’s port-o-loo COP: SSHs, Merkins (deer snorting in woods), Box Cutters, Crab Cakes (Flipper exits, then re-enters), Russian Soldiers, DQs Flipper joins PAX for mosey to bus loop in front of school for Zig Zag Bear Crawls: 10 curb side crawls to the right, bear crawl across bus loop, 10 curb side crawls to the left, bear crawl across bus loop – repeat…

4 Warriors came out for a little change of pace at Green Acres. The SF was planted around 5:26, Phonic pulled up at 5:29, then the PAX headed out for a little run. THANG 10 minutes of warm up pace then start interval running for 30 minutes. Complete 3 minutes at around 5k pace (7:30/mile average pace), then 2 minutes at slow down pace (9:30/mile average pace). Rinse and Repeat. Halfway through hit the trails/hills. Wrap up with 3 laps around the bus loop at 50%, 75%, and finally 100% pace. Total miles: 4.75 (Phonic was over 5 miles) MOLESKIN…

Route – From Pump House parking lot, cross bridge and climb hill to top. Cross road to Riverside Drive and run Riverside Drive to Reedy Creek.  Return to Pump House parking lot. Total mileage – 4.5 to 7.5 Per normal operating instructions, the PAX did whatever they wanted too.  Just get the miles and hills in was the motto for the workout.  Bleeder and Theta showed up early to get a 4.5 miles.  TYA ran past Reedy creek to stretch the run to 5 miles.  Swirly, Circle K and Swiper added some distance to the end of the run.  Gomer…

WU – SSH x 20, DQ x10. Russian Soldiers x10, Dynamic Lunges x 2, Plank transitions x 2 Grab a Brute Force Sandbags and mosey to track. 4x Four corner sprints to tire to get the blood pumping 100 meters of tractor tire flips, jog to start/finish line Used the Sandbags for 400 meter  relay around track followed up by compound movement, then breaking down the components. 10 Burpee Long Jumps with high knees back to start, 10 Merkins, 10 Jump Squats, 10 High knees. Right into Sandbag relays 3X – SB clean and press to Burpee, carry around cone 10…

A mighty 19 gathered at Mary Munford to welcome Lab Rat back from his hiatus of the AO.  Mary Munford ES must have known that he was coming, because they kept the fields closed for another week.  Lab Rat sadly put the frisbee back in the truck and came up with something different (not really, but it makes a better story, pulling emotion into it and all): COP to include SSH (obviously), IW, DQ, arm circles, hand release merkins, and LBC’s THANG(S) -Beast- On the tennis courts, do a standard beast.  Excersises included merkins, WW2 situps, squats, diamond/wide merkins, Freddie…

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