A mighty 19 gathered at Mary Munford to welcome Lab Rat back from his hiatus of the AO. Mary Munford ES must have known that he was coming, because they kept the fields closed for another week. Lab Rat sadly put the frisbee back in the truck and came up with something different (not really, but it makes a better story, pulling emotion into it and all):
COP to include SSH (obviously), IW, DQ, arm circles, hand release merkins, and LBC’s
-Beast- On the tennis courts, do a standard beast. Excersises included merkins, WW2 situps, squats, diamond/wide merkins, Freddie Mercury’s, and burpees.
-Triple Check- partners of 3 perform 3 rounds of run to fence and back, plank, and balls to the wall.
-Lindsay- Standard Lindsay around the playground. Extra credit for those that don’t listen good. Merkins and choose your own adventure WW2 situps or 2 count LBC’s.
Mary- Hip thrusters each side.
Lab Rat got busted this morning rolling around the school to see if the fields were open. It always adds a bit of mystery when the Q inspects AO before parking. Are there coupons? Props? Hmmmm….what’s he up to? Unfortunately this morning, the Q just needed to see what was available. No frills this morning, just the standard stuff. LOTS of arm work. Bleeder killed it on the Beast this morning, YHC figures it has to do with putting him in his comfort zone, the tennis court. Swirly did all kinds of extra credit on the Lindsay. Shakedown kept Lab Rat entertained with the chatter on the Beast.
It was so awesome to see some of the faces YHC has been missing lately, as running has pushed the boot camps into the back seat. Also, good to meet a couple of you for the first time.
the title of this backblast is Spanish for “The fields are closed”, which came directly from spanishdirect.com. Lab Rat totally whiffed on his iteration of the translation this morning, thus necessitating having to google that **it. So much for a college education…
Announcements: *crickets*
Apology of the week goes out to Last Call. Sorry about that step down, we will have that removed….or at least painted a more visible color. Hope the ankle gets better quick.
Lab Rat apologizes.
Good Q Labrat !
Way to push guys. Beautiful morning for a beatdown…
See y’all in the gloom..
36 burpees always brings out the smiles. Good times Lab Rat, thanks. Good work men.
You really hooked me with the lead-in LR. Sounds like a smokefest. Well done guys.
I still need 2 folks (or more) for Breaking Bread on Sunday – 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Let me know if you can make it. I’ll take care of the food – just need some helpful servers and folks to visit with the patients.
Not certain which I liked less, Circle K’s mini-beast over a longer distance, or Lab Rats full beast across a shorter distance…I guess they both sucked evenly.
Dios Mio Man!
Come on men! Step up and help out Gumbo!
Gumbo, if nobody steps up, I’ll come. I would rather some other guys get on board with this than the usual suspects though.
Me thinks both Circle K and I will both take that as a complement.
Wish I could. Next time.