Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Good Old Fashioned Beatdown


17 men got off to a great start with a beatdown that went something like this:

Slaughter Starter – 24 burpees for the 2 BRR teams that are in the 24th hour of the race in two weeks.

Mosey to road by the Pump House parking lot stopping a couple of times for 5 merkins OYO.

COP – Invisible jumpropes x 20 IC, bear crawl across road, 5 merkins IC, Crawl bear back across road.

Arm Circles x 10 IC, bear crawl across street, 5 merkins IC, crawl bear back.

DQ x 10 IC.

Mosey to the Nickel Bridge toll booth for the Burpee Bridge.  Stop at every light post and perform 2 burpees all the way to the entrance to Buttermilk Trail.  When the first person meets the PAX member on his return, you perform 2 burpees and run back to the toll booth.

Mosey back to the road across from the Pump House parking lot for Any Way You Can Climb This Damn Hill.  YHC calls out a way to traverse hill all the way to the brick building.  Bear Crawl, Run, Lunge, Run backwards, Carb walk.  Finally reach the house for BTTW.  15 count from Helix and Gumbo.

Mosey to the amphitheater stopping a couple of times for 5 merkins OYO.

At amphitheater, start at top step and perform 5 dips at each step all the way to bottom.  Run around amphitheater and perform 5 incline merkins at each step to top.

Mosey to field (YHC forgot the next planned routine and was improvising with the Michigan).  Gumbo indicated we had not done Touch a Tree and YHCs memory was refreshed.

Mosey to Carillon building for Touch a Tree.  Partner up.  One partner BTTW while other partner touches 3 trees.  Switch.  Repeato x6, x9 trees.

Mosey to second circle for Up, Downs and 5 MOM.

Mosey back to VSF.Numberama, Namearama, YHC took us out with a prayer.

Announcements – Gumbo has Q for Breaking Bed tomorrow.  See him for details.

9-16  Reesestrong and Crabfest at Circle Ks.  Another Preblast coming out this week.

NMS – YHC was excited to be back on the Q sheet for Dogpile and the Q adrenaline was seriously flowing.  The PAX covered a lot of ground this morning.  (about 3.5 miles according to someone’s fancy watch)  The Slaughter Starter definetly got everyone’s attention, with Hardywood arriving just as the PAX started and he was telling someone to get back in their car, they did not see us yet.  Other mumble chatter centered around watch checks and Pixie Dust of some kind.  Through YHCs heavy breathing while trying to catch my breath, that is about all I heard.  The PAX pushed through a Good Old Fashioned Beatdown this morning.  YHC could not make ETs this morning, but YHC is sure it was a blast.

Great work this morning men.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead this am.

Circle K



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  1. Today was a veritable smorgasbord of beatdowns CK.

    Funny (not really) how each of the workouts listed above is preceded by the word “Mosey”.

    Got a lot of time to study Claven’s Iron-Man tattoo today…in fact I will see it when I close my eyes tonight.

  2. You fellas looked wrapped out this morning! Great job Circle K! Glad to join you guys at ET’s!!

  3. Thanks for the Q, CK! Solid beatdown. i enjoyed the mobility. Thanks gents for the 2d F. Coco Hulk for the w1n.

  4. It was a variety show beatdown CK – way to step on the gas from the opening bell and keep it on the floor the whole time. I was wiped but had a blast.

    EF Hutton, Hardywood and I have Breaking Bread tomorrow. If anyone wants to join please do. The more the merrier, but I heard Hardywood plans to clean house at BINGO…Beware!

  5. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Loved the tempo and variety Circle K – great job dude. Well done fella’s way to push..