Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

30 Suck Embracers posted to embrace the suck. Here’s how: Mosey down to Food Truck Circle for COP: Lots of Arm Circles in honor of Flash Dance – who named me Vinny. Boat Holds in honor of our brother Swirly who is in South Carolina cheering on his daughter in a college softball contest. Go get ’em Reagan! Scorpion Kicks – Honeydo wasn’t with us today. He loves them. TYA wasn’t with us today. He hates them. Bermuda Triangle: At the bottom instructions were given. Two exercises (but 4 or 5, if you’re Wilson). PAX Bear Crawl and/or Crab Walk…

Those were the options given to YHC by Mudface and Rounders. YHC opted for beatdown, and accepted the guest Q. The THANG: Mosey to the playground for COP: SSH, Helicopters, IWs, DQs, Carolina Dry Docks, Freddie Mercuries, Scorpion Kicks IC. Mosey to the short track for some Jack Webbs: x Merkins and 4x Overhead Air Presses for x = 1,2,3,…,10. After x=3, 6, and 10, run a lap. More Jack Webbs: x WWIIs and 4x Reverse Crunches. After x=3 and x=9, Lunge through a turn. After x=6 and x=10, Bear Crawl the straightaway. Mosey to the other side of the…

4 early risers, 2 Regulars, and 4 overachievers posted this morning for a 70’s and sunny run. The Thang Take Grove to Malvern to Laburnam – go 22:30 and return. Mad Dog took us out Moleskin With no sign of Lockjaw before 0530, YHC made the call for the directions and time, Hardywood made the executive decision that he needed to run by his office for a security check; 3 others followed. They all posted about 6.5 miles. Healing prayers for Sippy and Swiper (in unrelated incidents) Bleeder out

Eleven eager PAX made their way to Twin Team to look for some snow. A thorough investigation of the AO yielded zero snow on the ground but we found a beatdown on the way: COP: SSH, 10 Burpees, Don Qs, Helicopters, Merkins, Flutterkicks. Down to track/stadium: DORA of 100 Merkins, 200 Jumpsquats, 300 LBCs. Stay on field – Bear Crawl width of field, 20 Burpees, Bernie Sanders across. Pickle pounders. Mosey to stadium entrace gazebo: 3 rounds of 30 Donkey Kicks & B2W. Head up to BWES playground – 4 Rounds of 8 Pull-ups & 10 WWIIs. Back to front…

4 men appeared for a beatdown on the eve of the first Richmond ‘blizzard’ of 2020. Mosey to basketball court for COP: SSH, arm circles, Imperial walkers, DQ, helicopters. Head over to the track for bear crawl catch-up. Partner up, start on opposite sides of the track, first partner bear crawls, second partner runs to catch them, then starts bear crawl, while first partner does 10 LBC’s, 20 SSH and 30 shoulder taps prior to running. Repeat until 2 circuits of the track have been completed. Mosey to hill at the back of school, stopping at each playground area to…

Wild Thing’s wife (Rhonda Dole) sadly passed away on Sunday 2/2 after a battle with brain cancer. She was always full of life and many described her as the “energizer bunny.” She will be deeply missed and this loss is a tragic turn for our F3 brother. A memorial service is being held this Saturday, 2/22 at The Bridge church in Mechanicsville (8026 Walnut Grove Rd, Mechanicsville, VA 23111). Visitation will take place in the sanctuary from 10 – 11am and then the memorial service will start at 11am. There will be a reception after the service. Please consider coming…

A two hour call with Verizon Fios last night led YHC to the realization that internet service providers have a backwards customer service model…. so our workout today was backwards. Here’s the thang… Ring of FireBernie Sanders to the bottom of Mt. Chaplin Mt. Chaplin suicides with an ab exercise at each level. Starting off with Crawl Bears up and down the first level. LBC’sWWII’sFreddie Mercury’s …Reverso Mt. Chaplin suicides with leg exercises on the way down. Starting off with Crawl Bears down & Bear Crawl up the first level. Ball DippersCopperHeadSquatsMonkey HumpersMini Box Jumps…Bernie Sanders to the ticket booth for a triple…

YHC’s arrival was met with the empty chill of a Timberwolf gloom devoid of life. (YHC’s first Timberwolf experience yielded two other summer tourists who had equal inexperience with the Twolf…so YHC’s expectations had been set low.)  But before loneliness had the chance to settle in, a veritable stream of headlights broke through the gloom, and a dozen hearty SOJ men brought out the 70-degree sunshine to warm the cockles of YHC’s heart. There were in fact so many more men than YHC expected, that the original plan of Cabers AND Bricks was spontaneously adjusted to a Caber-only workout. (YHC will…

9 hooligans gathered in the gloom for 45 minutes of Mary. Here’s how it happened: COP: SSH // DQs // Imperial Walkers // Copperhead Squats // Plank Jacks // Froggers // Carolina Dry Docks // LBCs // American Hammers Big Bang: Plank in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, with a headlamp at the center. On the YHC’s command, the pax EXPLOSIVELY jumps up from plank position, runs 10 paces, performs 10 burpees, then runs back to the circle to plank position // Next Round: 20 paces, 20 Jump Squats // Round 3: 30 paces, 30 merkins // Round 4: 40…


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